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Game Closure DevKit Module: SponsorPay / Fyber

This module allows you to display video ads from the Fyber/SponsorPay mediation service.

Both iOS and Android targets are supported.

NOTE: requires devkit-core v2.4.0 or later


Install the module into your application using the standard devkit install process.

devkit install


Before you can use SponsorPay/Fyber you must specify your game's Fyber App ID and Security Token from the Fyber dashboard. Edit the manifest.json "android" and "ios" sections to include sponsorPayAppID and sponsorPaySecurityToken as shown below. You will likely need other changes for each additional provider you select - see the Pre-Integrated Providers section below for details.


  "android": {
    "sponsorPayAppID": "15085",
    "sponsorPaySecurityToken": "3bd0293059760d7da1e957ea29e61211"
  "ios": {
    "sponsorPayAppID": "15085",
    "sponsorPaySecurityToken": "3bd0293059760d7da1e957ea29e61211"

You must add all of the providers you wish to bundle with your application to the addons.sponsorpay.<PLATFORM>.providers lists or they will not be included in the build and you will not be able to use them in your game.

"addons": {
    "sponsorpay": {
        "android": {
            "providers": [
        "ios": {
            "providers": [

See the Pre-Integrated Providers section below for a list of working providers you can add to these list.

Note that the manifest keys are case-sensitive.


Sponsorpay/Fyber uses a local config file (adapters.config) to set up additional providers on android. You will need to download the default adapters.config file for Fyber/SponsorPay version 7.1.0 and enter your credentials for all of the providers you may wish to use. Put this file in your application's src folder.

Unlike a standard Fyber integration, this plugin will automatically choose the correct parts of the adapter files and only use those you specify in your manifest, so you can include all of your accounts and not worry about it breaking your build if you add/remove a key in your config.


To start using SponsorPay/Fyber in your game, first import the sponsorPay object:

import sponsorpay;

You should initialize the module before any other functions.


If you want fyber/sponsorpay to track users, you can initialize sponsorpay with an object with userId as a property:

  userId: 'xyz'

After initialization, sponsorpay will emit an Initialized event. Any time after initialization you can tell Sponsorpay/Fyber to cache a video from one of the ad providers by calling sponsorpay.cacheVideo(). Listen for the VideoAvailable event to be notified when a video ad is available, at which point call sponsorpay.showVideo() to display it.

This is an overly simple example. Check out the demo application for a full implementation.

// if a video is available, show it immediately
sponsorpay.on('VideoAvailable', function () {

// try to cache a video

Note: fyber suggests caching videos close to where you are going to display it to the user in order to give the ad providers enough time to fully initialize.


  • sponsorpay.initializeSponsorPay
  • sponsorpay.cacheVideo
  • sponsorpay.showVideo


  • Initialized
  • VideoAvailable
  • VideoNotAvailable
  • VideoError
  • VideoCompleted

Pre-Integrated Providers

The Fyber/SponsorPay plugin comes with several ad providers already available in order to make using the plugin as easy as possible.

Adding one of the included providers is usually as easy as adding the provider name to the manifest addons.sponsorpay.[platform].providers list and adding any necessary SDK keys. The SponsorPay module will use the providers list to automatically create all of your configuration

For android builds, ensure you have properly included and filled out the adapters.config file in your application's src folder (see the setup section above for more details).


  1. Add unityads to the manifest.addons.sponsorpay.<PLATFORM>.providers lists in your manifest.
  2. Enter your UnityAds credentials in adapters.config.


  1. Add applovin to the manifest.addons.sponsorpay.<PLATFORM>.providers lists in your manifest.
  2. Add the android.appLovinSdkID fields to your manifest with the AppLovin SDK ID from the applovin dashboard.


  1. Add adcolony to the manifest.addons.sponsorpay.<PLATFORM>.providers lists in your manifest.
  2. Enter your AdColony credentials in adapters.config.

Integrating Additional Providers

If your desired provider has not been added to the plugin, you'll need to manually add all of the files and configuration to the correct locations in the build/providers/<provider_name> folder.

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT - the auto-configuration being done for providers means the standard android and ios folders are deleted before build every time and created as necessary. DO NOT PUT FILES YOU NEED IN THESE FOLDERS (or check out a previous version of the plugin).

You will likely need a combination of config.json, manifest.xml, manifest.xsl, adapters.config,, and various file changes to create a working integration. Follow the existing integrations as a guide and consider contributing your successful integrations back to the project so others can use that provider without additional work.

Important Notes

The iOS fyber/sponsorpay sdk requires the -ObjC linker flag added to your xcode project. This is done automatically by the module, but be aware of how it may change your application. Read more.

This requires the latest devkit-core (v2.4.0 or later) to correctly set linker flags and move files into the correct places. If you cannot update your devkit-core, you can manually add the -ObjC flag and move files into your android build folder and xcode project, but be aware of the build process overwriting your changes on new builds.

Creating Integration Documentation for Manual Integrations

Integrating each network provider can be a little hairy (adding Unity to iOS involved a few more steps than the Fyber or Unity docs included), so detailed start-to-finish integration docs for each network would be fantastic.

Demo Application

Check out the demo application for a full implementation.