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First Alpine Linux Containers

In this lab you will run a popular, free, lightweight container and explore the basics of how containers work, how the Docker Engine executes and isolates containers from each other. If you already have experience running containers and basic Docker commands you can probably skip this intro exercise.

Concepts in this exercise:

  • Docker engine
  • Containers & images
  • Image registries and Docker Hub
  • Container isolation


Code snippets are shown in one of three ways throughout this environment:

  1. Code that looks like this is sample code snippets that is usually part of an explanation.
  2. Code that appears in box like the one below can be clicked on and it will automatically be typed in to the appropriate terminal window:
uname -a
  1. Code appearing in windows like the one below is code that you should type in yourself. Usually there will be a unique ID or other bit your need to enter which we cannot supply. Items appearing in <> are the pieces you should substitute based on the instructions.
docker container start <container ID>

1.0 Running your first container

It's time to get your hands dirty! As with all things technical, a "hello world" app is good place to start. Type or click the code below to run your first Docker container:

docker container run hello-world

That's it: your first container. The hello-world container output tells you a bit about what just happened. Essentially, the Docker engine running in your terminal tried to find an image named hello-world. Since you just got started there are no images stored locally (Unable to find image...) so Docker engine goes to its default Docker registry, which is Docker Hub, to look for an image named "hello-world". It finds the image there, pulls it down, and then runs it in a container. And hello-world's only function is to output the text you see in your terminal, after which the container exits.

Hello world explainer

If you are familiar with VMs, you may be thinking this is pretty much just like running a virtual machine, except with a central repository of VM images. And in this simple example, that is basically true. But as you go through these exercises you will start to see important ways that Docker and containers differ from VMs. For now, the simple explanation is this:

  • The VM is a hardware abstraction: it takes physical CPUs and RAM from a host, and divides and shares it across several smaller virtual machines. There is an OS and application running inside the VM, but the virtualization software usually has no real knowledge of that.
  • A container is an application abstraction: the focus is really on the OS and the application, and not so much the hardware abstraction. Many customers actually use both VMs and containers today in their environments and, in fact, may run containers inside of VMs.

1.1 Docker Images

In this rest of this lab, you are going to run an Alpine Linux container. Alpine is a lightweight Linux distribution so it is quick to pull down and run, making it a popular starting point for many other images.

To get started, let's run the following in our terminal:

docker image pull alpine

The pull command fetches the alpine image from the Docker registry and saves it in our system. In this case the registry is Docker Hub. You can change the registry, but that's a different lab.

You can use the docker image command to see a list of all images on your system.

docker image ls
REPOSITORY              TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
alpine                 latest              c51f86c28340        4 weeks ago         1.109 MB
hello-world             latest              690ed74de00f        5 months ago        960 B

1.1 Docker Container Run

Great! Let's now run a Docker container based on this image. To do that you are going to use the docker container run command.

docker container run alpine ls -l
total 48
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 Mar  2 16:20 bin
drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root           360 Mar 18 09:47 dev
drwxr-xr-x   13 root     root          4096 Mar 18 09:47 etc
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 Mar  2 16:20 home
drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root          4096 Mar  2 16:20 lib

While the output of the ls command may not be all that exciting, behind the scenes quite a few things just took place. When you call run, the Docker client finds the image (alpine in this case), creates the container and then runs a command in that container. When you run docker container run alpine, you provided a command (ls -l), so Docker executed this command inside the container for which you saw the directory listing. After the ls command finished, the container shut down.

docker run explainer

The fact that the container exited after running our command is important, as you will start to see. Let's try something more exciting. Type in the following:

docker container run alpine echo "hello from alpine"

And you should get the following output:

hello from alpine

In this case, the Docker client dutifully ran the echo command inside our alpine container and then exited. If you noticed, all of that happened pretty quickly and again our container exited. As you will see in a few more steps, the echo command ran in a separate container instance. Imagine booting up a virtual machine (VM), running a command and then killing it; it would take a minute or two just to boot the VM before running the command. A VM has to emulate a full hardware stack, boot an operating system, and then launch your app - it's a virtualized hardware environment. Docker containers function at the application layer so they skip most of the steps VMs require and just run what is required for the app. Now you know why they say containers are fast!

Try another command.

docker container run alpine /bin/sh

Wait, nothing happened! Is that a bug? No! In fact, something did happen. You started a 3rd instance of the alpine container and it ran the command /bin/sh and then exited. You did not supply any additional commands to /bin/sh so it just launched the shell, exited the shell, and then stopped the container. What you might have expected was an interactive shell where you could type some commands. Docker has a facility for that by adding a flag to run the container in an interactive terminal. For this example, type the following:

 docker container run -it alpine /bin/sh

You are now inside the container running a Linux shell and you can try out a few commands like ls -l, uname -a and others. Note that Alpine is a small Linux OS so several commands might be missing. Exit out of the shell and container by typing the exit command.

Ok, we said that we had run each of our commands above in a separate container instance. We can see these instances using the docker container ls command. The docker container ls command by itself shows you all containers that are currently running:

docker container ls
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES

Since no containers are running, you see a blank line. Let's try a more useful variant: docker container ls -a

docker container ls -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
36171a5da744        alpine              "/bin/sh"                5 minutes ago       Exited (0) 2 minutes ago                        fervent_newton
a6a9d46d0b2f        alpine             "echo 'hello from alp"    6 minutes ago       Exited (0) 6 minutes ago                        lonely_kilby
ff0a5c3750b9        alpine             "ls -l"                   8 minutes ago       Exited (0) 8 minutes ago                        elated_ramanujan
c317d0a9e3d2        hello-world         "/hello"                 34 seconds ago      Exited (0) 12 minutes ago                       stupefied_mcclintock

What you see now is a list of all containers that you ran. Notice that the STATUS column shows that these containers exited some time ago.

Here is the same output of the docker container ls -a command, shown diagrammatically (note that your container IDs and names will be different):

Docker container instances

It makes sense to spend some time getting comfortable with the docker run commands. To find out more about run, use docker container run --help to see a list of all flags it supports. As you proceed further, we'll see a few more variants of docker container run but feel free to experiment here before proceeding.

1.2 Container Isolation

In the steps above we ran several commands via container instances with the help of docker container run. The docker container ls -a command showed us that there were several containers listed. Why are there so many containers listed if they are all from the alpine image?

This is a critical security concept in the world of Docker containers! Even though each docker container run command used the same alpine image, each execution was a separate, isolated container. Each container has a separate filesystem and runs in a different namespace; by default a container has no way of interacting with other containers, even those from the same image. Let's try another exercise to learn more about isolation.

docker container run -it alpine /bin/ash

The /bin/ash is another type of shell available in the alpine image. Once the container launches and you are at the container's command prompt type the following commands:

 echo "hello world" > hello.txt


The first echo command creates a file called "hello.txt" with the words "hello world" inside it. The second command gives you a directory listing of the files and should show your newly created "hello.txt" file. Now type exit to leave this container.

To show how isolation works, run the following:

docker container run alpine ls

It is the same ls command we used inside the container's interactive ash shell, but this time, did you notice that your "hello.txt" file is missing? That's isolation! Your command ran in a new and separate instance, even though it is based on the same image. The 2nd instance has no way of interacting with the 1st instance because the Docker Engine keeps them separated and we have not setup any extra parameters that would enable these two instances to interact.

In every day work, Docker users take advantage of this feature not only for security, but to test the effects of making application changes. Isolation allows users to quickly create separate, isolated test copies of an application or service and have them run side-by-side without interfering with one another. In fact, there is a whole lifecycle where users take their changes and move them up to production using this basic concept and the built-in capabilities of Docker Enteprise. We will explore more of that in later exercises.

Right now, the obvious question is "how do I get back to the container that has my 'hello.txt' file?"

Once again run the

docker container ls -a

command again and you should see output similar to the following:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
36171a5da744        alpine              "ls"                     2 minutes ago       Exited (0) 2 minutes ago                        distracted_bhaskara
3030c9c91e12        alpine              "/bin/ash"               5 minutes ago       Exited (0) 2 minutes ago                        fervent_newton
a6a9d46d0b2f        alpine             "echo 'hello from alp"    6 minutes ago       Exited (0) 6 minutes ago                        lonely_kilby
ff0a5c3750b9        alpine             "ls -l"                   8 minutes ago       Exited (0) 8 minutes ago                        elated_ramanujan
c317d0a9e3d2        hello-world         "/hello"                 34 seconds ago      Exited (0) 12 minutes ago                       stupefied_mcclintock

Graphically this is what happened on our Docker Engine: Docker container isolation

The container in which we created the "hello.txt" file is the same one where we used the /bin/ash shell, which we can see listed in the "COMMAND" column. The Container ID number from the first column uniquely identifies that particular container instance. In the sample output above the container ID is 3030c9c91e12. We can use a slightly different command to tell Docker to run this specific container instance. Try typing:

docker container start <container ID>
  • Pro tip: Instead of using the full container ID you can use just the first few characters, as long as they are enough to uniquely ID a container. So we could simply use "3030" to identify the container instance in the example above, since no other containers in this list start with these characters.

Now use the docker container ls command again to list the running containers.

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
3030c9c91e12        alpine              "/bin/ash"                2 minutes ago       Up 14 seconds                        distracted_bhaskara

Notice this time that our container instance is still running. We used the ash shell this time so the rather than simply exiting the way /bin/sh did earlier, ash waits for a command. We can send a command in to the container to run by using the exec command, as follows:

docker container exec <container ID> ls

This time we get a directory listing and it shows our "hello.txt" file because we used the container instance where we created that file.

Docker container exec command

Now you are starting to see some of the important concepts of containers. In the next exercise we will start to see how you can create your own Docker images and how to use a Dockerfile to standardize images such that you can create larger, more complex images in a simple, automated manner.

1.3 Terminology

In the last section, you saw a lot of Docker-specific jargon which might be confusing to some. So before you go further, let's clarify some terminology that is used frequently in the Docker ecosystem.

  • Images - The file system and configuration of our application which are used to create containers. To find out more about a Docker image, run docker image inspect alpine. In the demo above, you used the docker image pull command to download the alpine image. When you executed the command docker container run hello-world, it also did a docker image pull behind the scenes to download the hello-world image.
  • Containers - Running instances of Docker images — containers run the actual applications. A container includes an application and all of its dependencies. It shares the kernel with other containers, and runs as an isolated process in user space on the host OS. You created a container using docker run which you did using the alpine image that you downloaded. A list of running containers can be seen using the docker container ls command.
  • Docker daemon - The background service running on the host that manages building, running and distributing Docker containers.
  • Docker client - The command line tool that allows the user to interact with the Docker daemon.
  • Docker Hub - Store is, among other things, a registry of Docker images. You can think of the registry as a directory of all available Docker images. You'll be using this later in this tutorial.

{:.quiz} Where do images get pulled from by default when not found locally?

  • ( ) Docker Trusted Registry
  • (x) Docker Hub
  • ( ) There is no default
  • ( ) Docker Store

{:.quiz} Which command lists your Docker images?

  • (x) docker image ls
  • ( ) docker run
  • ( ) docker container ls