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[FIX] pc.Quat#slerp now handles identical input quaterions correctly
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willeastcott committed Sep 16, 2014
1 parent 1670953 commit 2e084ed
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Showing 2 changed files with 70 additions and 37 deletions.
77 changes: 40 additions & 37 deletions src/math/math_quat.js
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Expand Up @@ -541,47 +541,50 @@ pc.extend(pc, (function () {
* result = new pc.Quat().slerp(q1, q2, 1); // Return q2
slerp: function (lhs, rhs, alpha) {
var q1x, q1y, q1z, q1w, q2x, q2y, q2z, q2w,
omega, cosOmega, invSinOmega, flip, beta;

q1x = lhs.x;
q1y = lhs.y;
q1z = lhs.z;
q1w = lhs.w;

q2x = rhs.x;
q2y = rhs.y;
q2z = rhs.z;
q2w = rhs.w;

cosOmega = q1x * q2x + q1y * q2y + q1z * q2z + q1w * q2w;

// If B is on opposite hemisphere from A, use -B instead
flip = cosOmega < 0;
if (flip) {
cosOmega *= -1;
// Algorithm sourced from:
var lx, ly, lz, lw, rx, ry, rz, rw;
lx = lhs.x;
ly = lhs.y;
lz = lhs.z;
lw = lhs.w;
rx = rhs.x;
ry = rhs.y;
rz = rhs.z;
rw = rhs.w;

// Calculate angle between them.
var cosHalfTheta = lw * rw + lx * rx + ly * ry + lz * rz;
// If lhs == rhs or lhs == -rhs then theta == 0 and we can return lhs
if (Math.abs(cosHalfTheta) >= 1){
this.w = lw;
this.x = lx;
this.y = ly;
this.z = lz;
return this;

// Complementary interpolation parameter
beta = 1 - alpha;

if (cosOmega < 1) {
omega = Math.acos(cosOmega);
invSinOmega = 1 / Math.sin(omega);

beta = Math.sin(omega * beta) * invSinOmega;
alpha = Math.sin(omega * alpha) * invSinOmega;

if (flip) {
alpha = -alpha;
// Calculate temporary values.
var halfTheta = Math.acos(cosHalfTheta);
var sinHalfTheta = Math.sqrt(1 - cosHalfTheta * cosHalfTheta);

// If theta = 180 degrees then result is not fully defined
// we could rotate around any axis normal to qa or qb
if (Math.abs(sinHalfTheta) < 0.001) {
this.w = (lw * 0.5 + rw * 0.5);
this.x = (lx * 0.5 + rx * 0.5);
this.y = (ly * 0.5 + ry * 0.5);
this.z = (lz * 0.5 + rz * 0.5);
return this;

this.x = beta * q1x + alpha * q2x;
this.y = beta * q1y + alpha * q2y;
this.z = beta * q1z + alpha * q2z;
this.w = beta * q1w + alpha * q2w;
var ratioA = Math.sin((1 - alpha) * halfTheta) / sinHalfTheta;
var ratioB = Math.sin(alpha * halfTheta) / sinHalfTheta;

// Calculate Quaternion.
this.w = (lw * ratioA + rw * ratioB);
this.x = (lx * ratioA + rx * ratioB);
this.y = (ly * ratioA + ry * ratioB);
this.z = (lz * ratioA + rz * ratioB);
return this;

Expand Down
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions tests/math/test_quat.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -338,3 +338,33 @@ test("getEulerAngles", function () {
QUnit.equal(e.y, 0);
QUnit.equal(e.z, -90);

test("slerp: identical input quaternions", function () {
qr = new pc.Quat();
q1 = new pc.Quat();
q2 = new pc.Quat();

qr.slerp(q1, q2, 0);
QUnit.equal(qr.x, q1.x);
QUnit.equal(qr.y, q1.y);
QUnit.equal(qr.z, q1.z);
QUnit.equal(qr.w, q1.w);

test("slerp: different input quaternions", function () {
qr = new pc.Quat();
q1 = new pc.Quat().setFromEulerAngles(10, 20, 30);
q2 = new pc.Quat().setFromEulerAngles(40, 50, 60);

qr.slerp(q1, q2, 0);
QUnit.close(qr.x, q1.x, 0.0001);
QUnit.close(qr.y, q1.y, 0.0001);
QUnit.close(qr.z, q1.z, 0.0001);
QUnit.close(qr.w, q1.w, 0.0001);

qr.slerp(q1, q2, 1);
QUnit.close(qr.x, q2.x, 0.0001);
QUnit.close(qr.y, q2.y, 0.0001);
QUnit.close(qr.z, q2.z, 0.0001);
QUnit.close(qr.w, q2.w, 0.0001);

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