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Terraform AWS Network

This module can create the following components for the management of your AWS Network:

  • aws_vpc
  • aws_subnet
  • aws_internet_gateway
  • aws_default_network_acl
  • aws_nat_gateway
  • aws_eip

Provisional Instructions


module "nwk" {
  source            = "playgroundtech/nwk/aws"
  version           = "1.0.0"
  name              = "test"
  vpc_cidr          = ""
  subnets_byname    = ["test", "test1", "test2"]
  availability_zone = ["eu-north-1a"]

High Availability

module "nwk" {
  source            = "playgroundtech/nwk/aws"
  version           = "2.0.0"
  name              = "test"
  vpc_cidr          = ""
  subnets_byname    = ["test", "test1", "test2"]
  availability_zone = ["eu-north-1a","eu-north-1b","eu-north-1c"]

2-tier Public / Private with High Availability

module "nwk" {
  source            = "playgroundtech/nwk/aws"
  version           = "2.0.0"
  name              = "test"
  vpc_cidr          = ""
  subnets_byname    = ["Front-1", "Front-2", "Front-3", "Back-1", "Back-2", "Back-3"]
  public_subnets    = ["Front-1", "Front-2", "Front-3"]
  availability_zone = ["eu-north-1a","eu-north-1b","eu-north-1c"]

3-tier Public / Private with High Availability

module "nwk" {
  source            = "playgroundtech/nwk/aws"
  version           = "2.0.0"
  name              = "test"
  vpc_cidr          = ""
  subnets_byname    = ["Front-1", "Front-2", "Front-3", "Back-1", "Back-2", "Back-3", "DB-1", "DB-2", "DB-3"]
  public_subnets    = ["Front-1", "Front-2", "Front-3"]
  availability_zone = ["eu-north-1a","eu-north-1b","eu-north-1c"]

Subnet By Bits Read More Here: subnet sizing

module "nwk" {
  source            = "playgroundtech/nwk/aws"
  version           = "2.0.0"
  name              = "test"
  vpc_cidr          = ""
  subnets_bybits    = [
    { name = "App", bits = 1, net = 1 },
    { name = "Front", bits = 2, net = 1 },
    { name = "DB", bits = 3, net = 1 },
    { name = "Admin", bits = 3, net = 0 }
  availability_zone = ["eu-north-1a", "eu-north-1b", "eu-north-1c"]

Subnet By Cidr Read More Here: subnet sizing

module "nwk" {
  source            = "playgroundtech/nwk/aws"
  version           = "2.0.0"
  name              = "test"
  vpc_cidr          = ""
  subnets_bycidr    = [
    { name = "App", cidr = "" },
    { name = "Front", cidr = "" },
    { name = "DB", cidr = "" },
    { name = "Admin", cidr = "" }
  availability_zone = ["eu-north-1a", "eu-north-1b", "eu-north-1c"]


  • name | (Required) - String
    Name to be used on all the resources as identifier

VPC Variables:

  • vpc_cidr | (Required) - String
    The CIDR block for the VPC.

  • instance_tenancy | (Optional) - String
    A tenancy option for instances launched into the VPC.
    Each instance that you launch into a VPC has a tenancy attribute. This attribute has the following values:
    default - Your instance runs on shared hardware.
    dedicated - Your instance runs on single-tenant hardware.
    host - Your instance runs on a Dedicated Host, which is an isolated server with configurations that you can control.
    After you launch an instance, there are some limitations to changing its tenancy.
    You cannot change the tenancy of an instance from default to dedicated or host after you've launched it.
    You cannot change the tenancy of an instance from dedicated or host to default after you've launched it.
    Default: "default"

  • vpc_tags (Optional) - Map(string)
    Additional tags for the VPC
    Default: {}

  • enable_dns_support (Optional) - Bool
    A boolean flag to enable/disable DNS support in the VPC.
    Default: true

  • enable_dns_hostnames (Optional) - Bool
    A boolean flag to enable/disable DNS hostnames in the VPC.
    Default: true

Subnet Variables
You can read up on different subnet sizing under subnet sizing.

  • availability_zone | (Required) - List(string)
    The AZ for the subnet

  • subnet_bits | (Optional) - Number
    Default: -1

One of subnets_byname, subnets_bybits or subnets_bycidr must be used:

  • subnets_byname | (Required/Optional) - List(string)
    The name of the subnets you want to create. Each name will create a new subnet. The subnets will be divided into 8 equally-sized if subnet_bits isn't changed.
    Please read more under subnet sizing.
    Default: []

  • subnets_bybits | (Required/Optional) - List(object({name=string,bits=number,net=number}))
    List of object to create your subnet. This will create subnet based on bits and net set by the user.
    Please read more under subnet sizing.
    Default: []

  • subnets_bycidr | (Required/Optional) - List(object({name=string,cidr=string}))
    List of object to create your subnet. This will create subnets based cidr set by the user.
    Please read more under subnet sizing.
    Default: []

  • public_subnets | (Optional) - List(string)
    The names of which subnets you want to set as public subnets.
    Default: []

Internet Gateway

  • internet_gateway_tags | (Optional) - Map(string)
    Additional tags for the Internet Gateway.
    Default: {}

  • route_table_public_tags | (Optional) - Map(string)
    Additional tags for the Public Route Table.
    Default: {}

Network ACL
This module can manage network ACL and rules.
Once a VPC is created, AWS creates the default network ACL,
so we copied that behaviour and made it possible to manage those rules.
Which wouldn't be possible otherwise.

  • default_network_acl_ingress | (Optional) - List(Map(String))
    List of maps of ingress rules to set on the Default Network ACL.

The default_network_acl_ingress List of Maps accepts the following arguments:

  • rule_no | (Required/Optional) - String
    The rule number. Used for ordering.
    Default: "100" & "101"
  • protocol | (Required/Optional) - String
    The protocol to match. If using the -1 'all' protocol, you must specify a from and to port of 0.
    Default: "-1"
  • action | (Required/Optional) - String
    The action to take.
    Default: "Allow"
  • from_port | (Required/Optional) - String
    The from port to match.
    Default: "0"
  • to_port | (Required/Optional) - String
    The to port to match.
    Default: "0"
  • cidr_block | (Optional) - String
    The CIDR block to match. This must be a valid network mask. Default: null
  • ipv6_cidr_block | (Optional) - String
    Default: null
  • icmp_code | (Optional) - String
    The ICMP type code to be used.
    Default: null
  • icmp_type | (Optional) - String
    The ICMP type to be used.
    Default: null

  • default_network_acl_egress | (Optional) - List(Map(String))
    List of maps of egress rules to set on the Default Network ACL.

The default_network_acl_egress List of Maps accepts the following arguments:

  • rule_no | (Required/Optional) - String
    The rule number. Used for ordering.
    Default: "100" & "101"
  • protocol | (Required/Optional) - String
    The protocol to match. If using the -1 'all' protocol, you must specify a from and to port of 0.
    Default: "-1"
  • action | (Required/Optional) - String
    The action to take.
    Default: "Allow"
  • from_port | (Required/Optional) - String
    The from port to match.
    Default: "0"
  • to_port | (Required/Optional) - String
    The to port to match.
    Default: "0"
  • cidr_block | (Optional) - String
    The CIDR block to match. This must be a valid network mask.
    Default: null
  • ipv6_cidr_block | (Optional) - String
    Default: null
  • icmp_code | (Optional) - String
    The ICMP type code to be used.
    Default: null
  • icmp_type | (Optional) - String
    The ICMP type to be used.
    Default: null

NAT Gateway

  • enable_nat_gateway | (Optional) - Bool
    Should be true if you want to provision NAT Gateways for each of your chosen availability zones. Default: false

  • nat_route_table | (Optional) - Bool
    Should be true if you want to provision route table for NAT Gateways for each of your chosen availability zones.
    Default: true

Subnet Sizing

You can decide your subnet size in three different ways or in a combination of them all.

  • subnets_byname - a simple list
  • subnets_bybits - a list of maps with names, network numbers and bits
  • subnets_bycidr - specifying the exact CIDR.

subnets_byname & subnets_bybits creates the subnets sizes in relation to the CIDR range of the VPC, regarding both the size and ip-segment.
With subnets_bycidr, you are in full control of everything regarding your subnets sizes.


This will create subnets that will be divided into eight equally-sized parts and subnet CIDRs.
To change the size of the subnets you can use subnet_bits, the default is three which gives 2^3 = 8 equally-sized parts and subnet CIDRs.
If you set subnet_bits = 4, it will generate 2^4 = 16 equally-sized parts and subnet CIDRs.


This option gives you as a user more flexibility, but you as a user have to do some puzzle to get your size right.
The subnets here doesn't have to be the same size with this option.
To give an example:

  • 50% of the CIDR range for your servers.
  • 25% of the CIDR range for your frontend.
  • Split the rest between admin & database.
subnets_bybits = [
  {name = "Servers", bits=1, net=1},
  {name = "Front", bits=2, net=1},
  {name = "DB", bits=3, net=1},
  {name = "Admin", bits=3, net=0}

To give more visibility we will try to illustrate this in the following picture with 2^3 = 8 equally-sized parts:


Here you specify the exact CIDR you want for each subnet, but you now need to do this specifically for each environment as they have different VPC CIDR's. Using the same layout as above, this could be.

subnets_bycidr = [
  {name = "Servers", cidr=""},
  {name = "Front", cidr=""},
  {name = "DB", cidr=""},
  {name = "Admin", cidr=""}


So the logic works like following: Maps are created to the subnet to the subnets and their CIDR range.
The maps are then merged to provide the actual map, which is used to generate the subnets.
This means that you can combine the three methods if you want to.
If you use the same names, then subnets_byname will be overwritten by the two other methods.
subnets_bybits will be overwritten by subnets_bycidr.


  • vpc
  • vpc_id
  • subnets
  • subnet_ids
  • public_route_table_id
  • private_route_table_id
  • internet_gateway_id
  • nat_gateway
  • nat_gateway_ids