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PlebDevs Backend Course

Welcome to the Pleb Devs Backend Course repository! This repository contains materials and resources for our backend web development course.

The PlebDevs backend development course is designed to teach you the fundamentals of backend development with a focus on building a fullstack Lightning wallet.


Getting Started

To go through the course material, simply follow the README files or slideshow PDF's lesson by lesson.

Completed code

The fully completed project from the course can be found here:

Lesson 0: Introduction to the course

Lesson 1: Introduction to Node.js

In the first lesson, you'll learn the basics of Node.js, working with NodeJs modules, and we'll talk about the differences between building in a web environment vs the server environment.

Lesson 2: Learn Express

Lesson 2 will introduce you to Express.js, a popular Node.js framework. You'll learn about creating routes, handling requests, and sending responses.

Lesson 3: Learn Express Router

Lesson 3 will introduce you to more advanced API routing in Express.js

Lesson 4: Learn Express Middleware

This lesson dives into the Express Router and how to use middleware for code organization and reusability in your web applications.

Lesson 5: Authentication with Express

In Lesson 5, you'll learn about implementing authentication in your Express applications, covering both session-based and token-based authentication methods.

Lesson 6: Introduction to the Lightning Network

This lesson introduces the Lightning Network, explaining how it works and how you can build applications on top of it.

Lesson 7: Building on LND

Lesson 7 focuses on building on top of LND (Lightning Network Daemon), including setting up and interacting with an LND node.

Lesson 8: Introduction to Databases

In Lesson 8, you'll be introduced to databases, with a focus on the types of databases and how they integrate with backend applications.

Lesson 9: Introduction to SQL

Lesson 9 covers the basics of SQL, the language used to interact with relational databases, and how to perform common database operations.

Lesson 10: Database Development with Knex.js

This lesson teaches you how to use Knex.js, a SQL query builder for Node.js, which helps with building database queries in a more readable and maintainable way.

Lesson 11: Connecting the API to the Database

In Lesson 11, you'll learn how to connect your API endpoints to the database to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.

Lesson 12: Connecting to the Frontend App

Lesson 12 focuses on connecting the backend server to a frontend application, covering topics such as CORS, JSON handling, and API design.

Lesson 13: Deploying the Production Database and Lightning Node

In the final lesson, you'll learn about deploying your production-ready database and setting up a Lightning node to work with your application.


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