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Closed Feb 25, 2022 100% complete

Migration steps

  • Update dotnet-cake to 2.1 in .config/dotnet-tools.json
  • Fix tokens for release notes:
    1. Create a custom token with the repo permissions.
    2. Add the token to the secrets repository/organization variables
    3. Replace secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN with secrets.<VAR_NAME> in .github/workflows/build-and-release.yml

Migration steps

  • Update dotnet-cake to 2.1 in .config/dotnet-tools.json
  • Fix tokens for release notes:
    1. Create a custom token with the repo permissions.
    2. Add the token to the secrets repository/organization variables
    3. Replace secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN with secrets.<VAR_NAME> in .github/workflows/build-and-release.yml