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Anime Spotlight: A web app for exploring and managing anime series, built with React, TypeScript, and Next.


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Anime Spotlight


Anime Spotlight is a responsive web application designed for anime fans to explore, manage, and contribute to a curated anime series list. Developed with React.js and Next.js, it offers detailed series information, editing capabilities, and new entry addition, enhanced by server-side rendering for better performance. It integrates with anime-spotlight-api for robust backend data handling.

App Preview

Home Page


Detailed Anime View


Add Anime Page


Detailed & Edit Anime Views (Mobile)



  • Anime Listing: Displays a list of anime with essential details like title, episode count, and user ratings.
  • Detailed Insights: Offers a dedicated page for each anime series, providing comprehensive information and visual media.
  • Editing Mode: Allows users to update anime information through a detailed form with robust field validation.
  • New Anime Addition: Users can contribute new anime series to the list, enriching the community's experience.
  • Responsive Design: Optimized for various screen sizes, ensuring a seamless experience across devices.
  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Enhances performance and SEO by pre-rendering pages on the server, ensuring faster load times and improved visibility on search engines.


  • Reusable Components: Leverages reusable components to streamline development and maintain consistency across the application.
  • State Management: Employs React Context and Reducer for global state management, enhancing data consistency and component interaction for a cohesive UI.

Getting Started

Before you begin, ensure you have Node.js and npm (comes with Node.js) installed on your system.

Clone the repository and install dependencies:

git clone
cd anime-spotlight-ui
npm install

Running the Server

To get the development server running:

npm run dev

This command will start a local development server at http://localhost:3000. The app will automatically reload if you make changes to the code.

For a production build:

npm run build
npm run start

After building the project, npm run start will run the application in production mode.


Home Page (index.tsx)

  • Acts as the primary entry point, showcasing a collection of anime series in a responsive card layout, with immediate edit and delete options for enhanced user convenience.
  • Utilizes server-side rendering for efficient data fetching from anime-spotlight-api endpoint.

Anime Page ([id].tsx)

  • View Mode: Displays detailed information and images of an anime series, employing server-side rendering to fetch anime data efficiently.
  • Edit Mode: Provides a pre-filled form for updating anime details, using the reusable AnimeForm component, similar to the Add New Anime page.
  • Delivers interaction feedback via snackbars for user actions, including loading, successful updates or deletions, and explanations for errors.

Add New Anime (new-anime.tsx)

  • Utilizes the reusable AnimeForm component, allowing users to add new anime series entries.
  • Implements real-time validation that highlights input fields in red and provides error messages for immediate correction, ensuring accurate data entry.

Reusable Components

AnimeForm (anime-form.tsx)

  • A shared form component utilized for creating and editing anime entries throughout the application.
  • Employs Joi for thorough on-the-fly form validation and dynamic error highlighting.
  • Provides detailed error messages to assist users in correcting input mistakes.

Layout (layout.tsx)

  • Serves as the global layout wrapper, ensuring a consistent appearance across various pages.
  • Includes a navigation bar and footer with links to main sections, enhancing user navigation.
  • Manages active state indication for navigation links, reflecting the currently active page.

Card (card.tsx)

  • A versatile card component that succinctly presents anime information in an engaging visual layout.
  • Features interactive elements such as delete and edit options, allowing direct management of anime entries from the card itself.

State Management

The application's global state is managed using anime-context.tsx and anime-reducer.ts, which provide a centralized solution for:

  1. Managing the global UI status, including loading indicators, error messages, and informational prompts, accessible and modifiable from different components within the application.
  2. Facilitating add, update, and delete operations for anime series by interfacing with the anime-api-service.ts, ensuring coherent backend communication and state synchronization.


  • Next.js: A React framework for server-side rendering and static site generation.
  • Material-UI: A React component library for implementing Google's Material Design.
  • Joi: A powerful schema description language and validator for JavaScript objects.


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your changes.
  3. Open a pull request against the main branch when you're ready to submit your changes, and ask for a review.


This project is open source - see the License file for details.

Feedback and Support

For feedback, issues, or support, please open an issue on the GitHub repository, and I’ll get back to you promptly.


"Anime Spotlight" is a demonstration web app for anime fans, designed for easy access and management of anime information. All anime content and images are sourced from the internet, mainly from—a social platform for anime enthusiasts—and are not intended for commercial use.


Anime Spotlight: A web app for exploring and managing anime series, built with React, TypeScript, and Next.







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