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Sander50 edited this page Apr 10, 2014 · 8 revisions

This page will help you setup pluck in no time. This page currently is suitable for the 4.7.x series of pluck, however it may work for older releases too.

Download pluck

First, you have to download pluck. Please take a look at the download page for the latest version. Save it somewhere on your harddrive, and unpack it. This can be done with gzip, installed by default with most Linux-distributions. If you run Windows, you can try TUGZip or 7-Zip.


After you unpacked the archive, you have to upload all the files to your webspace. In most cases, you can upload everything to the directory public_html.

Please note that the name of the public_html directory can vary depending on your server configuration. Other common names are htdocs and www.

Run the installer

Pluck ships with a nice installer, which will help you setup pluck. Browse to your website with your favorite browser, and go to the page requirements.php. So if your domain is something like, you will have to browse to

You will see a page that tells you whether your server meets all the requirements. Please make sure all the requirements are met, and then continue with the installation.

Chmod the files

Because pluck has to save all its information in files (no database is needed), you will have to give pluck permission to edit files, and make new ones. This process is called chmodding.

The installer tells you to chmod some files and directories 777. This can often be done from within your FTP-application. You can check if all files and dirs are writable by clicking on Refresh, at the bottom of the page. If you don't know how to chmod, take a look at this page.

If you're sure every file and directory noticed is writable, click on Proceed.

General information

Then, you have to enter some general information:

  • email address: your email address is only used for sending you emails with the contact form you can include in your pages.
  • language: choose which language you want pluck to use.
  • password: choose a password. You can use this password to login to the pluck administration center.

Choose the title of your site

The installer will then ask you to choose a title for your website. This title will be displayed on every page, and it is very important you choose a title which is clear and recognizable.

Click on Proceed after you filled in your title.

Make your homepage

To finalize the installation, you will have to make a homepage. First you can enter the title of this page (something like home is a good idea). After that you can edit the contents of the homepage.

When you are done, click Proceed.


Congratulations! You've just installed pluck. The installer will give you two links: one to your website, and another link to the administration center, where you can manage your website.

Have fun with pluck!