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This is a convenience library/wrapper for the official GCP Pub/Sub library. You supply our wrapper with the official GCP Pub/Sub library so you control which version you want to use. This way, our library will not block you from applying e.g. the latest security updates, or pinning to a previous version. We will keep this library up-to-date to be compatible with recent versions of the official library. Currently we support @google-cloud/pubsub versions 1.4.1+ and node.js v12+.

The official Google library, while full-featured, requires focused reading to understand and boilerplate to accomplish simple tasks. It uses an OO approach where the same things can be accomplished with different classes, in slightly different ways. By contrast, gcp-pubsub-lite uses simple, easy to use, functions. For example, gcp-pubsub-lite enables simple subscription polling and sending/receiving JSON data as shown below.


# npm
npm i @google-cloud/pubsub @pluralsight/gcp-pubsub-lite

# yarn
yarn add @google-cloud/pubsub @pluralsight/gcp-pubsub-lite

Usage Example

const gcpPubSub = require("@google-cloud/pubsub");
const psLite = require("@pluralsight/gcp-pubsub-lite");

const {GCP_PROJECT_ID: gcpProjectId} = process.env;
psLite.setup(gcpPubSub, gcpProjectId);

const topicName = "topicName";
await psLite.createTopic(topicName); // idempotent

const subName = "subName";
await psLite.createSubscription(topicName, subName); // idempotent

const messageData = {test: true, count: 5, data: "foobar", pi: 3.14};
await psLite.publishJson(topicName, messageData);
let isPolling = true;

while (isPolling) {
    const envelopes = await psLite.pull(subName, 1);
    if (!envelopes.length) {
      // wait 500ms and try again
      await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));
    const [envelope] = envelopes;
    const {message, ackId} = envelope;
    const copyOfMessageData = psLite.jsonifyMessageData(message);

    console.log("message contains:", copyOfMessageData);
    await psLite.acknowledge(subName, [ackId]);
    isPolling = false;

await Promise.all([psLite.deleteSubscription(subName),



setup(gcpPubSub, projectId)

Sets up the library. This must be called before other functions in this library.


Creates a Pub/Sub Topic. Idempotent.


Deletes a Pub/Sub Topic.

createSubscription(topicName, subscriptionName, [options])Promise.<object>

Create a Pub/Sub subscription. Idempotent.


Delete a Pub/Sub subscription.

publish(topicName, message)Promise.<object>

publish a message to a topic

publishJson(topicName, message)Promise.<object>

publish a json message to a topic

pull(subscriptionName, [maxMessages], [returnImmediately])Promise.<Array.<object>>

pull messages from a topic

acknowledge(subscriptionName, ackIds)Promise

acknowledge completion of a pulled message


Whether or not a subscription exists


Takes a JSON pub/sub message and returns the data part as a native javascript value


Checks whether a topic exists


inspects this module, get what gcp project is being used


inspects this module, get internal google pub/sub publisher client


inspects this module, get internal google pub/sub subscriber client

publishMany(topicName, messages)Promise.<Array.<PublishResponse>>

Publish many messages to a topic

publishManyJson(topicName, messages)Promise.<Array.<PublishResponse>>

Publish many json messages to a topic

setup(gcpPubSub, projectId)

Sets up the library. This must be called before other functions in this library.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
gcpPubSub object Google Pub/Sub Library from require("@google-cloud/pubsub")
projectId string GCP project id

createTopic(topicName) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<object>>

Creates a Pub/Sub Topic. Idempotent.

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<Array.<object>> - returns response from Google library's topic.get(): [Topic, apiResponse], see

Param Type Description
topicName string Name of topic to create

deleteTopic(topicName) ⇒ Promise.<string>

Deletes a Pub/Sub Topic.

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<string> - returns deleted topicName

Param Type Description
topicName string Name of topic to delete

createSubscription(topicName, subscriptionName, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<object>

Create a Pub/Sub subscription. Idempotent.

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<object> - returns {success: true}

Param Type Default Description
topicName string Name of topic to which the subscription attaches. Topic must exist.
subscriptionName string Name of subscription to create
[options] object {} Options passed to GCP Lib's subscriber.createSubscription(). see

deleteSubscription(subscriptionName) ⇒ Promise

Delete a Pub/Sub subscription.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
subscriptionName string Name of subscription to delete

publish(topicName, message) ⇒ Promise.<object>

publish a message to a topic

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<object> - Pub/Sub PublishResponse object, see

Param Type Description
topicName string Name of topic to publish the message to
message PubsubMessage Message object, see buffer | object | string Message data, must be compatible with Buffer.from()

publishJson(topicName, message) ⇒ Promise.<object>

publish a json message to a topic

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<object> - Pub/Sub PublishResponse object, see

Param Type Description
topicName string Name of topic to publish the message to
message * javascript data to publish. Must be compatible with JSON.stringify()

pull(subscriptionName, [maxMessages], [returnImmediately]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<object>>

pull messages from a topic

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<Array.<object>> - receivedMessages, see:

Param Type Default Description
subscriptionName string Name of subscription
[maxMessages] number 1 Maximum number of messages to pull
[returnImmediately] boolean true Whether or not to return immediately. If false, waits about 5 seconds then the promise rejects

acknowledge(subscriptionName, ackIds) ⇒ Promise

acknowledge completion of a pulled message

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
subscriptionName string Name of subscription
ackIds Array.<string> The acknowledgment ID for the messages being acknowledged that was returned by the Pub/Sub system in the Pull response. Must not be empty.

subscriptionExists(subscriptionName) ⇒ Promise.<boolean>

Whether or not a subscription exists

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
subscriptionName string Name of subscription

jsonifyMessageData(message) ⇒ *

Takes a JSON pub/sub message and returns the data part as a native javascript value

Kind: global function
Returns: * - native javascript value

Param Type Description
message receivedMessage

topicExists(topicName) ⇒ Promise.<boolean>

Checks whether a topic exists

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
topicName string name of the topic to check

getProject() ⇒ string

inspects this module, get what gcp project is being used

Kind: global function

getPublisher() ⇒ PublisherClient

inspects this module, get internal google pub/sub publisher client

Kind: global function
Returns: PublisherClient -

getSubscriber() ⇒ SubscriberClient

inspects this module, get internal google pub/sub subscriber client

Kind: global function
Returns: SubscriberClient -

publishMany(topicName, messages) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<PublishResponse>>

Publish many messages to a topic

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<Array.<PublishResponse>> - Pub/Sub PublishResponse objects, see

Param Type Description
topicName string Name of the topic to publish to
messages Array.<PubsubMessage> Message objects to publish, see

publishManyJson(topicName, messages) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<PublishResponse>>

Publish many json messages to a topic

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<Array.<PublishResponse>> - Pub/Sub PublishResponse objects, see

Param Type Description
topicName string Name of the topic to publish to
messages Array.<object> message objects to publish. data value be compatible with JSON.stringify() see


Pull Requests are welcome.


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