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PluraPolit Web API

Live Application

Staging can be found here:
Production can be found here:

Project Setup

  1. Install "Ruby" and "Ruby Solargraph" VSCode extensions (VSCode only)
  2. If not done before, install mailcatcher: gem install mailcatcher
  3. Then to use it just run mailcatcher
  4. Now go to localhost:1080 to see all mails, that would be sent out
  5. To seed the development environment run rails db:seed
  6. To log into the webapi in development mode, use the seeded admin with PW seedlog

API Enpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Notes Desired status code
POST /api/users/sign_in Signs in the user Should return 201

    "user": {
	"email": "",
	"password": "secret"
HTTP Method Endpoint Description Notes Desired status code
POST /api/users/ Registration for the user Should return 201

    "user": {
	"email": "",
	"password": "secret",
	"first_name": "Max",
	"last_name": "Müller",
	"age_range_id: "2"

See info about age range on bottom: Age Ranges

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Notes Desired status code
DELETE /api/users/sign_out Signs the user out Bearer token must be present in header Should return 204
POST /api/statements Creates a statement for a panel Bearer token must be present in header Should return 201

	"statement": {
		"panel_id": "1",
		"quote": "This is the statement about"

	"audio_file": {
		"file_link": "",
		"duration_seconds": "99"
HTTP Method Endpoint Description Notes Desired status code
POST /api/users/password Sends E-Mail to reset password Should return 201

	"user": {
        "email": ""
HTTP Method Endpoint Description Notes Desired status code
PATCH /api/users/password Resets the password reset token is gotten from URL (sent by email) Should return 204

	"user": {
        "password": "seedlog",
        "password_confirmation": "seedlog",
        "reset_password_token": "aZQpjuuAzN8QbczqD-_x"
HTTP Method Endpoint Description Notes Desired status code
DELETE /api/statements/:id Deletes a statement for a panel Bearer token must be present in header Should return 204
POST /api/statements/:id/comments Creates a comment for a statement Bearer token must be present in header Should return 201

    "comment": {
      "quote": "This is a great comment"
    "audio_file": {
      "file_link": "",
      "duration_seconds": "99"

OR (if it is a text comment)

    "comment": {
      "quote": "this is a quote"
    "text_record": {
      "content": "My opinion is really valuable to this issue."
HTTP Method Endpoint Description Notes Desired status code
DELETE /api/statements/:statement_id/comments/:comment_id Deletes a comment for a statement Bearer token must be present in header Should return 204
GET /api/statements/:statement_id/comments/ Get all comments for a statement Should return 200
GET /api/panels/:id Get a specific panel with all statements and # of comments and likes Should return 200
GET /api/panels/ Get all categories and panels Should return 200
GET api/regions/ Get all regions Should return 200
GET api/regions/:id Get all categories and panels for specific region Should return 200
POST /api/statements/:statement_id/likes Likes a statement Bearer token must be present in header Should return 201
DELETE /api/statements/:statement_id/likes Unlikes a statement Bearer token must be present in header Should return 204
GET /api/slugs Get all slugs with corresponding panel id Should return 200
GET /api/authenticate Check if token is still valid Bearer token must be present in header Should return 200
POST /api/feedbacks/ Sends feedback NO BEARER neccessary Should return 201
		"feedback": {
			"description": "this is lit",
			"email": ""
HTTP Method Endpoint Description Notes Desired status code
POST /api/user_audio_trackings/ Sends user audio tracking NO BEARER neccessary, user_id optional, is_intro only neccessary if it is an intro Should return 201
    "user_id": 1,
    "statement_id": 1,
    "current_position_in_seconds": 80,
    "playtime_in_seconds": 80,
    "is_intro": true
HTTP Method Endpoint Description Notes Desired status code
PUT /api/user_audio_trackings/:id Updates user audio tracking NO BEARER neccessary Should return 204
    "current_position_in_seconds": 80,
    "playtime_in_seconds": 80
HTTP Method Endpoint Description Notes Desired status code
POST /api/click_trackings/ Sends tracking info NO BEARER neccessary, user_id optional, statement_id optional Should return 201
    "click_tracking": {
      "user_id": 1,
      "statement_id": 1,
      "event": "twitter",
      "information": "addition information"

Age Ranges

ID Start Age End Age
1 NULL 15
2 16 28
3 29 44
4 45 60
5 61 NULL