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Terraform module to create a directory


Manual testing:

# Replace "xxx" with an actual AWS profile, then execute the integration tests.
export AWS_PROFILE=xxx 
make terraform/pytest PYTEST_ARGS="-v --nomock"

For automated testing, PYTEST_ARGS is optional and no profile is needed:

make mockstack/up
make terraform/pytest PYTEST_ARGS="-v"
make mockstack/clean


Name Version
terraform >= 0.12


Name Version
aws n/a


Name Type
aws_subnet.this data source


Name Description Type Default Required
name The fully qualified name for the directory, such as string n/a yes
password The password for the directory administrator or connector user string n/a yes
subnet_ids Subnet IDs for the directory servers/connectors (2 subnets in 2 different AZs) list(string) n/a yes
alias The alias for the directory, unique amongst all aliases in AWS (required for enable_sso) string null no
connect_settings Connector related information about the directory (required for ADConnector)
# The username corresponding to the password provided.
customer_username = string
# The DNS IP addresses of the domain to connect to.
customer_dns_ips = list(string)
null no
description A textual description for the directory string null no
edition (Required for the MicrosoftAD type only) The MicrosoftAD edition (Standard or Enterprise). string null no
enable_sso Whether to enable single-sign on for the directory (requires alias) bool false no
short_name The short name of the directory, such as CORP string null no
size (Required for SimpleAD and ADConnector) The size of the directory (Small or Large) string null no
tags A mapping of tags to assign to the resource map(string) {} no
type Either SimpleAD, ADConnector or MicrosoftAD string "SimpleAD" no


Name Description
access_url The access URL for the directory
dns_ip_addresses A list of IP addresses of the DNS servers for the directory or connector
id The ID of the directory
security_group_id The ID of the security group created by the directory