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Alex’s CIFAR-10 tutorial in Mocha

This example is converted from Caffe's CIFAR-10 tutorials, which was originally built based on details from Alex Krizhevsky’s cuda-convnet. In this example, we will demonstrate how to translate a network definition in Caffe to Mocha, and train the network to roughly reproduce the test error rate of 18% (without data augmentation) as reported in Alex Krizhevsky's website.

The CIFAR-10 dataset is a labeled subset of the 80 Million Tiny Images dataset, containing 60,000 32x32 color images in 10 categories. They are split into 50,000 training images and 10,000 test images. The number of samples are the same as in :doc:`the MNIST example </tutorial/mnist>`. However, the images here are a bit larger and have 3 channels. As we will see soon, the network is also larger, with one extra convolution and pooling and two local response normalization layers. It is recommended to read :doc:`the MNIST tutorial </tutorial/mnist>` first, as we will not repeat all details here.

Caffe's Tutorial and Code

Caffe's tutorial for CIFAR-10 can be found on their website. The code can be located in examples/cifar10 under Caffe's source tree. The code folder contains several different definitions of networks and solvers. The filenames should be self-explanatory. The quick files corresponds to a smaller network without local response normalization layers. These networks are documented in Caffe's tutorial, according to which they obtain around 75% test accuracy.

We will be using the full models, which gives us around 81% test accuracy. Caffe's definition of the full model can be found in the file cifar10_full_train_test.prototxt. The training script is, which trains in 3 different stages with solvers defined in

  1. cifar10_full_solver.prototxt
  2. cifar10_full_solver_lr1.prototxt
  3. cifar10_full_solver_lr2.prototxt

respectively. This looks complicated. But if you compare the files, you will find that the three stages are basically using the same solver configurations except with a ten-fold learning rate decrease after each stage.

Preparing the Data

Looking at the data layer of Caffe's network definition, it uses a LevelDB database as a data source. The LevelDB database is converted from the original binary files downloaded from the CIFAR-10 dataset's website. Mocha does not support the LevelDB database, so we will do the same thing: download the original binary files and convert them into a Mocha-recognizable data format, in our case a HDF5 dataset. We have provided a Julia script convert.jl [1]. You can call directly, which will automatically download the binary files, convert them to HDF5 and prepare text index files that point to the HDF5 datasets.

Notice in Caffe's data layer, a transform_param is specified with a mean_file. We could use Mocha's :doc:`data transformers </user-guide/data-transformer>` to do the same thing. But since we need to compute the data mean during data conversion, for simplicity, we also perform mean subtraction when converting data to the HDF5 format. See convert.jl for details. Please refer to the :doc:`user's guide </user-guide/layers/data-layer>` for more details about the HDF5 data format that Mocha expects.

After converting the data, you should be ready to load the data in Mocha with :class:`HDF5DataLayer`. We define two layers for training data and test data separately, using the same batch size as in Caffe's model definition:

data_tr_layer = HDF5DataLayer(name="data-train", source="data/train.txt", batch_size=100)
data_tt_layer = HDF5DataLayer(name="data-test", source="data/test.txt", batch_size=100)

In order to share the definition of common computation layers, Caffe uses the same file to define both the training and test networks, and uses phases to include and exclude layers that are used only in the training or testing phase. Mocha does not do this as the layers defined in Julia code are just Julia objects. We will simply construct training and test nets with a different subsets of those Julia layer objects.

[1]All the CIFAR-10 example related code in Mocha can be found in the examples/cifar10 directory under the source tree.

Computation and Loss Layers

Translating the computation layers should be straightforward. For example, the conv1 layer is defined in Caffe as

layers {
  name: "conv1"
  bottom: "data"
  top: "conv1"
  blobs_lr: 1
  blobs_lr: 2
  convolution_param {
    num_output: 32
    pad: 2
    kernel_size: 5
    stride: 1
    weight_filler {
      type: "gaussian"
      std: 0.0001
    bias_filler {
      type: "constant"

This translates to Mocha as:

conv1_layer = ConvolutionLayer(name="conv1", n_filter=32, kernel=(5,5), pad=(2,2),
    stride=(1,1), filter_init=GaussianInitializer(std=0.0001),
    bottoms=[:data], tops=[:conv1])


  • The pad, kernel_size and stride parameters in Caffe means the same pad for both the width and height dimension unless specified explicitly. In Mocha, we always explicitly use a 2-tuple to specify the parameters for the two dimensions.
  • A filler in Caffe corresponds to an :doc:`initializer </user-guide/initializer>` in Mocha.
  • Mocha has a constant initializer (initialize to 0) for the bias by default, so we do not need to specify it explicitly.

The rest of the translated Mocha computation layers are listed here:

pool1_layer = PoolingLayer(name="pool1", kernel=(3,3), stride=(2,2), neuron=Neurons.ReLU(),
    bottoms=[:conv1], tops=[:pool1])
norm1_layer = LRNLayer(name="norm1", kernel=3, scale=5e-5, power=0.75, mode=LRNMode.WithinChannel(),
    bottoms=[:pool1], tops=[:norm1])
conv2_layer = ConvolutionLayer(name="conv2", n_filter=32, kernel=(5,5), pad=(2,2),
    stride=(1,1), filter_init=GaussianInitializer(std=0.01),
    bottoms=[:norm1], tops=[:conv2], neuron=Neurons.ReLU())
pool2_layer = PoolingLayer(name="pool2", kernel=(3,3), stride=(2,2), pooling=Pooling.Mean(),
    bottoms=[:conv2], tops=[:pool2])
norm2_layer = LRNLayer(name="norm2", kernel=3, scale=5e-5, power=0.75, mode=LRNMode.WithinChannel(),
    bottoms=[:pool2], tops=[:norm2])
conv3_layer = ConvolutionLayer(name="conv3", n_filter=64, kernel=(5,5), pad=(2,2),
    stride=(1,1), filter_init=GaussianInitializer(std=0.01),
    bottoms=[:norm2], tops=[:conv3], neuron=Neurons.ReLU())
pool3_layer = PoolingLayer(name="pool3", kernel=(3,3), stride=(2,2), pooling=Pooling.Mean(),
    bottoms=[:conv3], tops=[:pool3])
ip1_layer   = InnerProductLayer(name="ip1", output_dim=10, weight_init=GaussianInitializer(std=0.01),
    weight_regu=L2Regu(250), bottoms=[:pool3], tops=[:ip1])

You might have already noticed that Mocha does not have a ReLU layer. Instead, ReLU, like Sigmoid, are treated as :doc:`neurons or activation functions </user-guide/neuron>` attached to layers.

Constructing the Network

In order to train the network, we need to define a loss layer. We also define an accuracy layer to be used in the test network for us to see how our network performs on the test dataset during training. Translating directly from Caffe's definitions:

loss_layer  = SoftmaxLossLayer(name="softmax", bottoms=[:ip1, :label])
acc_layer   = AccuracyLayer(name="accuracy", bottoms=[:ip1, :label])

Next we collect the layers, and define a Mocha :class:`Net` on the :class:`DefaultBackend`. It is a typealias for :class:`GPUBackend` if CUDA is available and properly set up (see :doc:`/user-guide/backend`), or uses :class:`CPUBackend` as a backup even though it will be much slower.

common_layers = [conv1_layer, pool1_layer, norm1_layer, conv2_layer, pool2_layer, norm2_layer,
                 conv3_layer, pool3_layer, ip1_layer]

backend = DefaultBackend()

net = Net("CIFAR10-train", backend, [data_tr_layer, common_layers..., loss_layer])

Configuring the Solver

The configuration for Caffe's solver looks like this

# reduce learning rate after 120 epochs (60000 iters) by factor 0f 10
# then another factor of 10 after 10 more epochs (5000 iters)

# The train/test net protocol buffer definition
net: "examples/cifar10/cifar10_full_train_test.prototxt"
# test_iter specifies how many forward passes the test should carry out.
# In the case of CIFAR10, we have test batch size 100 and 100 test iterations,
# covering the full 10,000 testing images.
test_iter: 100
# Carry out testing every 1000 training iterations.
test_interval: 1000
# The base learning rate, momentum and the weight decay of the network.
base_lr: 0.001
momentum: 0.9
weight_decay: 0.004
# The learning rate policy
lr_policy: "fixed"
# Display every 200 iterations
display: 200
# The maximum number of iterations
max_iter: 60000
# snapshot intermediate results
snapshot: 10000
snapshot_prefix: "examples/cifar10/cifar10_full"
# solver mode: CPU or GPU
solver_mode: GPU

First of all, the learning rate is dropped by a factor of 10 twice [3]. Caffe implements this by having three solver configurations with different learning rates for each stage. We could do the same thing for Mocha, but Mocha has a staged learning policy that makes this easier:

lr_policy = LRPolicy.Staged(
  (60000, LRPolicy.Fixed(0.001)),
  (5000, LRPolicy.Fixed(0.0001)),
  (5000, LRPolicy.Fixed(0.00001)),
method = SGD()
solver_params = make_solver_parameters(method, max_iter=70000,
    regu_coef=0.004, momentum=0.9, lr_policy=lr_policy,
solver = Solver(method, solver_params)

The other parameters like regularization coefficient and momentum are directly translated from Caffe's solver configuration. Progress reporting and automatic snapshots can equivalently be done in Mocha as coffee breaks for the solver:

# report training progress every 200 iterations
add_coffee_break(solver, TrainingSummary(), every_n_iter=200)

# save snapshots every 5000 iterations
add_coffee_break(solver, Snapshot("snapshots"), every_n_iter=5000)

# show performance on test data every 1000 iterations
test_net = Net("CIFAR10-test", backend, [data_tt_layer, common_layers..., acc_layer])
add_coffee_break(solver, ValidationPerformance(test_net), every_n_iter=1000)
[3]Looking at the Caffe solver configuration, I happily realized that I am not the only person in the world who sometimes mis-type o as 0. :P


Now we can start training by calling solve(solver, net). Depending on different :doc:`backends </user-guide/backend>`, the training speed can vary. Here are some sample training logs from my own test. Note this is not a controlled comparison, just to get a rough feeling.

Pure Julia on CPU

The training is quite slow on a pure Julia backend. It takes about 15 minutes to run every 200 iterations.

20-Nov 06:58:26:INFO:root:004600 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.07695698
20-Nov 07:13:25:INFO:root:004800 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.06556938
20-Nov 07:28:26:INFO:root:005000 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.15177973
20-Nov 07:30:35:INFO:root:
20-Nov 07:30:35:INFO:root:## Performance on Validation Set
20-Nov 07:30:35:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
20-Nov 07:30:35:INFO:root:  Accuracy (avg over 10000) = 62.8200%
20-Nov 07:30:35:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
20-Nov 07:30:35:INFO:root:
20-Nov 07:45:33:INFO:root:005200 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.93760641
20-Nov 08:00:30:INFO:root:005400 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.95650533
20-Nov 08:15:29:INFO:root:005600 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.03291103
20-Nov 08:30:21:INFO:root:005800 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.01833960
20-Nov 08:45:17:INFO:root:006000 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.10167430
20-Nov 08:47:27:INFO:root:
20-Nov 08:47:27:INFO:root:## Performance on Validation Set
20-Nov 08:47:27:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
20-Nov 08:47:27:INFO:root:  Accuracy (avg over 10000) = 64.7100%
20-Nov 08:47:27:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
20-Nov 08:47:27:INFO:root:
20-Nov 09:02:24:INFO:root:006200 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.88323826

CPU with Native Extension

We enabled Mocha's native extension, but disabled OpenMP by setting the OMP number of threads to 1:


According to the log, it takes roughly 160 seconds to finish every 200 iterations.

20-Nov 09:29:10:INFO:root:000800 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.46420457
20-Nov 09:31:48:INFO:root:001000 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.63248945
20-Nov 09:32:22:INFO:root:
20-Nov 09:32:22:INFO:root:## Performance on Validation Set
20-Nov 09:32:22:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
20-Nov 09:32:22:INFO:root:  Accuracy (avg over 10000) = 44.4300%
20-Nov 09:32:22:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
20-Nov 09:32:22:INFO:root:
20-Nov 09:35:00:INFO:root:001200 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.33312901
20-Nov 09:37:38:INFO:root:001400 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.40529397
20-Nov 09:40:16:INFO:root:001600 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.26366557
20-Nov 09:42:54:INFO:root:001800 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.29758151
20-Nov 09:45:32:INFO:root:002000 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.40923050
20-Nov 09:46:06:INFO:root:
20-Nov 09:46:06:INFO:root:## Performance on Validation Set
20-Nov 09:46:06:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
20-Nov 09:46:06:INFO:root:  Accuracy (avg over 10000) = 51.0400%
20-Nov 09:46:06:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
20-Nov 09:46:06:INFO:root:
20-Nov 09:48:44:INFO:root:002200 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.24579735
20-Nov 09:51:22:INFO:root:002400 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.22985339

We also tried to use multi-thread computing:


By using 16 cores to compute, I got very slight improvement (which may well due to external factors as I did not control the comparison environment at all), with roughly 150 seconds every 200 iterations. I did not try multi-thread computing with less or more threads.

20-Nov 10:29:34:INFO:root:002400 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.25820349
20-Nov 10:32:04:INFO:root:002600 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.22480259
20-Nov 10:34:32:INFO:root:002800 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.25739809
20-Nov 10:37:02:INFO:root:003000 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.32196600
20-Nov 10:37:36:INFO:root:
20-Nov 10:37:36:INFO:root:## Performance on Validation Set
20-Nov 10:37:36:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
20-Nov 10:37:36:INFO:root:  Accuracy (avg over 10000) = 56.4300%
20-Nov 10:37:36:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
20-Nov 10:37:36:INFO:root:
20-Nov 10:40:06:INFO:root:003200 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.17503929
20-Nov 10:42:40:INFO:root:003400 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.13562913
20-Nov 10:45:09:INFO:root:003600 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.17141657
20-Nov 10:47:40:INFO:root:003800 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.20520208
20-Nov 10:50:12:INFO:root:004000 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.24686298
20-Nov 10:50:47:INFO:root:
20-Nov 10:50:47:INFO:root:## Performance on Validation Set
20-Nov 10:50:47:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
20-Nov 10:50:47:INFO:root:  Accuracy (avg over 10000) = 59.4500%
20-Nov 10:50:47:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
20-Nov 10:50:47:INFO:root:
20-Nov 10:53:16:INFO:root:004200 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.11022978
20-Nov 10:55:49:INFO:root:004400 :: TRAIN obj-val = 1.04538457

CUDA with cuDNN

It takes only 5~6 seconds to finish every 200 iterations on the GPUBackend.

22-Nov 15:04:47:INFO:root:048600 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.53777266
22-Nov 15:04:52:INFO:root:048800 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.60837102
22-Nov 15:04:58:INFO:root:049000 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.79333639
22-Nov 15:04:59:INFO:root:
22-Nov 15:04:59:INFO:root:## Performance on Validation Set
22-Nov 15:04:59:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
22-Nov 15:04:59:INFO:root:  Accuracy (avg over 10000) = 76.5900%
22-Nov 15:04:59:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
22-Nov 15:04:59:INFO:root:
22-Nov 15:05:04:INFO:root:049200 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.62640750
22-Nov 15:05:10:INFO:root:049400 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.57287318
22-Nov 15:05:15:INFO:root:049600 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.53166425
22-Nov 15:05:21:INFO:root:049800 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.60679358
22-Nov 15:05:26:INFO:root:050000 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.79003465
22-Nov 15:05:26:INFO:root:Saving snapshot to snapshot-050000.jld...
22-Nov 15:05:26:DEBUG:root:Saving parameters for layer conv1
22-Nov 15:05:26:DEBUG:root:Saving parameters for layer conv2
22-Nov 15:05:26:DEBUG:root:Saving parameters for layer conv3
22-Nov 15:05:26:DEBUG:root:Saving parameters for layer ip1
22-Nov 15:05:27:INFO:root:
22-Nov 15:05:27:INFO:root:## Performance on Validation Set
22-Nov 15:05:27:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
22-Nov 15:05:27:INFO:root:  Accuracy (avg over 10000) = 76.5200%
22-Nov 15:05:27:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
22-Nov 15:05:27:INFO:root:
22-Nov 15:05:33:INFO:root:050200 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.61519235
22-Nov 15:05:38:INFO:root:050400 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.57314044