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adding gradient check for arbitrary model through finite difference method
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pluskid committed Mar 16, 2015
2 parents 0440099 + b6fccd5 commit 7afbfd4
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Showing 5 changed files with 321 additions and 89 deletions.
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions examples/test-gradients.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@

use_cuda = false

using Mocha


# Prepare Random Data
N = 5 # works with arbitrary minibatch size as long as
# N == batch_size in MemoryDataLayer so it cycles through
# and gets the same data during forward()
M = 10
P = 4

X = rand(M, N)
W = rand(M, P)
B = rand(P, 1)

Y = (W'*X .+ B)
Y = Y + 0.01*randn(size(Y))

# Define network
backend = CPUBackend()

data_layer = MemoryDataLayer(batch_size=N, data=Array[X,Y])

w1 = InnerProductLayer(neuron=Neurons.Sigmoid(), name="ip1",output_dim=20, tops=[:a], bottoms=[:data])
w2 = InnerProductLayer(neuron=Neurons.Identity(), name="ip2",output_dim=4, tops=[:b], bottoms=[:a])
loss_layer = SquareLossLayer(name="loss", bottoms=[:b, :label] )

net = Net("TEST", backend, [w1,w2, loss_layer, data_layer])

# epsilon: milage may vary 1e-4 - 1e-8
# digit: compare this many digits to check for 'identity'
# visualize: prints out correct and failed positions of gradients
# return value: false if any gradients fails, true if all passes
test_gradients(net, epsilon=1e-8, digit=6, visual=true )


2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Mocha.jl
Expand Up @@ -77,4 +77,6 @@ if Config.use_cuda


end # module
234 changes: 234 additions & 0 deletions src/utils/gradient-checking.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
# steven varga 2015 march, Toronto
# licence: MIT Licence

# pretty print result layer by layer
export test_gradients

function show(model::Net, e )
#show( model )
println("gradient check with finite difference method")
println("passed: '.' failed: 'x' ")
pos = 1
for l = 1:length(model.layers)
if Mocha.has_param(model.layers[l])
println( model.layers[l] )
println( "---------------------------------------------------" )
w = model.states[l]
b = model.states[l]
W = reshape( e[pos:(pos+length(w)-1)], size(w) );
pos += length(w); println("weights:");show( W ); println("\n bias:")
B = reshape( e[pos:(pos+length(b)-1)], size(b) );
pos += length(b); show( B' ); println()

# model paramter unrolling into a vector
# suboptimal;
# optimal implemantation constructs model params in a cont.
# space, where unrolling becomes trivial
# it left as an exercise for the reader
function unroll_parameters( model::Net )
theta = Array(Float64) # initial state is one length ??? weird
for l = 1:length(model.layers)
if Mocha.has_param(model.layers[l])

for m in model.states[l].parameters
θ =
size = length(θ)
theta = [ theta, reshape(θ, size, 1)]
# note the begining, work around the first element
# is fluke
return theta[2:end]

function unroll_gradients( model::Net )
theta = Array(Float64) # initial state is one length ??? weird
for l = 1:length(model.layers)
if Mocha.has_param(model.layers[l])
for m in model.states[l].parameters
θ =
size = length(θ)
theta = [ theta, reshape(θ, size, 1)]
# note the begining, work around as the first element
# is fluke
return theta[2:end]

# updates model paramaters by copying
function update_θ!(model,θᵢ)
pos = 1
for l = 1:length(model.layers)
if Mocha.has_param(model.layers[l])

for m in model.states[l].parameters
θ =
len = length(θ)
Base.copy!(θ, reshape( θᵢ[pos:(pos+len-1)], size(θ) ))
pos += len


# (J,θ,▽) =
function hypothesis_and_gradient( model::Net )
θ = unroll_parameters(model)
# set_model_params!(model,θ)
# use closure to embedd params
function J( θᵢ )
update_θ!(model,θᵢ) # update model params
forward( model ) # compute cost
return model.states[end].loss # which is stored in the last node or model state

function grad!(θᵢ,∇ᵢ)
update_θ!(model,θᵢ) # update model parameters
backward(model) # compute gradients
= unroll_gradients(model) # retrieve them from model state
Base.copy!(∇ᵢ,∇) # and update them

return (J,θ,grad!)

# J cost function
# g! computes and updates the gradient of the model given θ model params
function compute_finite_difference( J::Function, g!::Function, θ::Vector{Float64}; ε = 1e-6, digit=8 )

∇ᵋ = similar(θ); # gradient/slope with 2ε wiggle room
= similar(θ); # gradient/slope at midpoint
# compute C cost and ∇ gradient at mid point
C = J(θ); g!(θ,∇);

## define the two sided derivative
θ⁺ = similar(θ); θ⁻ = similar(θ);

# iterate through cost function and calculate slope
for i=1:length(θ)
Base.copy!(θ⁺,θ); θ⁺[i] = θ⁺[i] + ε;
Base.copy!(θ⁻,θ); θ⁻[i] = θ⁻[i] - ε;
∇ᵋ[i] = ( J(θ⁺) - J(θ⁻) ) / 2ε
return (∇ᵋ,∇)

# ############################################################
# gradient check with two sided finite difference method
# based on prof. Andrew Ng, Machine learning, Coursera
# -- this part could use more work, as an example if gradient fails
# indicate the positon in the layer itself; to aid debugging. Since author
# ported this code from his implentation, further fitting is needed

function gradient_check(model::Net, epsilon::Float64, digit::Int64, visual::Bool)
# create objective that computes grad( θ ), and cost( θ )
(J,θ, grad) = hypothesis_and_gradient( model::Net )
∇ᵋ,∇ = compute_finite_difference( J,grad, θ )

# do actual comparison with `digit` numerical percision
# ∇⁺ = round(∇⁺, 4); ∇ = round(∇,4)
idx = round( abs(∇ᵋ - ∇), digit) .!= 0
if visual
δ = Array(Char,length(idx)); fill!(δ,'.')
δ[idx] = 'x'
show(model, δ)
#show(model,round(∇ᵋ,digit) ); show(model,round(∇,digit))
# return false if fail at any point
# TODO: check if correct
sum( round( abs(∇ᵋ - ∇), digit) ) < epsilon

# exported method
# make sure to set datalayer so the total size is same as batch_size
# one line of data+label is sufficient; but works with minibatches as well
# your milage may vary; function of epsilon ~ 1e-6 - 1e-10
# signifacant digit 6 - 8 higher is better gradient
# if your fanout is big theninitial weights may be set small
# when gradient fails reduce fan-out and test again; your
# gradients may be ok
function test_gradients(net::Net; epsilon=1e-6, digit=6, visual=true )
return typeof(net.backend) == Mocha.CPUBackend ?
gradient_check( net, epsilon, digit, visual ) :false

#= test driver; used code from existing example
detach and remove leading closing comment
use_cuda = false
using Mocha
# Prepare Random Data
N = 5 # works with arbitrary minibatch size as long as
# N == batch_size in MemoryDataLayer so it cycles through
# and gets the same data during forward()
M = 10
P = 4
X = rand(M, N)
W = rand(M, P)
B = rand(P, 1)
Y = (W'*X .+ B)
Y = Y + 0.01*randn(size(Y))
# Define network
backend = CPUBackend()
data_layer = MemoryDataLayer(batch_size=N, data=Array[X,Y])
w1 = InnerProductLayer(neuron=Neurons.Sigmoid(), name="ip1",output_dim=20, tops=[:a], bottoms=[:data])
w2 = InnerProductLayer(neuron=Neurons.Identity(), name="ip2",output_dim=4, tops=[:b], bottoms=[:a])
loss_layer = SquareLossLayer(name="loss", bottoms=[:b, :label] )
net = Net("TEST", backend, [w1,w2, loss_layer, data_layer])
# epsilon: milage may vary 1e-4 - 1e-8
# digit: compare this many digits to check for 'identity'
# visualize: prints out correct and failed positions of gradients
test_gradients(net, epsilon=1e-8, digit=6, visual=true )
66 changes: 0 additions & 66 deletions test/net/gradient-checking.jl

This file was deleted.

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