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IvarStefansson committed Dec 22, 2017
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Case 1.3. Flow and transport with and without Schur complement elimination
on a case consisting of two intersecting 2D fractures.
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sps

from porepy.params import bc, tensor
from porepy.numerics.elliptic import EllipticModel, EllipticDataAssigner
from porepy.numerics.mixed_dim import condensation as SC
from porepy.fracs import meshing
from porepy.numerics.parabolic import ParabolicDataAssigner, ParabolicModel
from porepy.numerics.fv.fvutils import compute_discharges

from porepy.viz import exporter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib

from examples.papers.Hybrid_FV.utils import perform_condensation, \
compute_errors, edge_params, \
from porepy.numerics.darcy_and_transport import static_flow_IE_solver

def define_grid():
Make cartesian grids and a bucket. One horizontal and one vertical 1d
fracture in a 2d matrix domain.

f_1 = np.array([[.5, .5, .5, .5],
[.25, .75, .75, .25],
[.25, .25, .75, .75]])
f_2 = np.array([[0.2, .8, .8, 0.2],
[.5, .5, .5, .5],
[.25, .25, .75, .75]])

fracs = [f_1, f_2]
mesh_kwargs = {'physdims': np.array([1, 1, 1])}
nx = [20, 20, 20]
gb = meshing.cart_grid(fracs, np.array(nx), **mesh_kwargs)
return gb

def bc_object(g):
if g.dim < 3:
return bc.BoundaryCondition(g)
# Neumann on all but two boundaries
dirfaces = bc.face_on_side(g, ['xmin', 'xmax'])
dirfaces = np.concatenate(dirfaces)
labels = np.array(['dir'] * dirfaces.size)
return bc.BoundaryCondition(g, dirfaces, labels)

class FlowData(EllipticDataAssigner):
Assign flow problem data to a given grid.

def __init__(self, g, d):
EllipticDataAssigner.__init__(self, g, d)

def aperture(self):
a = np.power(1e-6, 3 - self.grid().dim)
return np.ones(self.grid().num_cells) * a

def permeability(self):
if np.isclose(self.grid().cell_centers[0, 0], .5):
k = 1e-6
elif self.grid().dim == 2:
k = 1e6
k = 1

return tensor.SecondOrder(3, k * np.ones(self.grid().num_cells))

def bc(self):
return bc_object(self.grid())

def bc_val(self):
bc_values = np.zeros(self.grid().num_faces)
# p_D = 1-x for highest dimension:
if self.grid().dim > 2:
bc_values[bc.face_on_side(self.grid(), 'xmin')[0]] = 1
return bc_values

class FlowModel(EllipticModel):

def __init__(self, gb, el=''):
# Initialize base class
kw = {'folder_name': global_folder_name + el}
EllipticModel.__init__(self, gb, **kw)

class BothProblems():
def __init__(self, full, reduced):
self.full = full
self.el = reduced

def solve(self, h, v):
# Update and solve full problem
p = self.full.solve()

# Obtain the reduced solution matrix and solve. First discretize
# the eliminated problem (without intersections) to obtain flux
# discretizations for backcalculation. These could in principle have
# been obtained from the full discretization.
# Then get the Schur complement eliminated lhs and rhs from the
# existing full discretization
perform_condensation(self.full, self.el, 1)
# And solve
self.el.x = sps.linalg.spsolve(self.el.lhs, self.el.rhs)
# Evaluate condition numbers
self.full.cond = SC.sparse_condition_number(self.full.lhs)
self.el.cond = SC.sparse_condition_number(self.el.lhs)
return p, self.el.x

def save(self):
Save quantities to be compared for error-evaluation.
# np.savetxt(global_folder_name + '/pressures_full.csv',
# self.full.x, delimiter=",")
# np.savetxt(global_folder_name + '/pressures_el.csv',
# self.el.x, delimiter=",")
# np.savetxt(global_folder_name + '/condition_number.csv',
# [self.full.cond])
# np.savetxt(global_folder_name + '/condition_number_el.csv',
# [self.el.cond])

class TransportData(ParabolicDataAssigner):
Assign transport problem data to given grid.

def __init__(self, g, d):
ParabolicDataAssigner.__init__(self, g, d)

def bc(self):
return bc_object(self.grid())

def initial_condition(self):
return np.ones(self.grid().num_cells)

def aperture(self):
a = np.power(1e-6, 3 - self.grid().dim)
return np.ones(self.grid().num_cells) * a

class TransportSolver(ParabolicModel):
Make a ParabolicModel for the transport problem with specified parameters.

def __init__(self, gb, el=''):
self._g = gb
kw = {'folder_name': global_folder_name + el}
ParabolicModel.__init__(self, gb, **kw)
self._solver.parameters['store_results'] = True

def grid(self):
return self._g

def space_disc(self):
return self.advective_disc()

def time_step(self):
return 0.025

def end_time(self):
return .5

def solver(self):
return static_flow_IE_solver(self)

def map_from_mrst(gb, fn):
vols = []
cc = np.array([[], [], []])
for g, d in gb:
c = g.cell_centers
v = np.multiply(g.cell_volumes, d['param'].get_aperture())
vols = np.append(vols, v)
cc = np.append(cc, c, axis=1)

cc_mrst = np.loadtxt(fn + '/cell_centers_mrst.csv', delimiter=",")
nc = cc.shape[1]
cc_map = np.zeros(nc)

for i in range(nc):
# Find porepy cell number i in mrst ordering (ismember 'rows')
cc_map[i] = np.nonzero(np.all(np.isclose(cc_mrst,
np.tile(cc[:, i], (nc, 1))), axis=1))[0][0]
return vols, cc_map.astype(int)

def mrst_variables(fn, cc_map):
p = np.loadtxt(fn + '/pressures_mrst.csv', delimiter=",")
t = np.loadtxt(fn + '/tracer_mrst.csv', delimiter=",")
tvec = np.loadtxt(fn + '/tvec_mrst.csv', delimiter=",")
return p[cc_map], t[cc_map], tvec

def save_mrst_to_paraview(gb, u, u_name, fn):
Both.full.flux_disc().split(gb, u_name, u)
exp = exporter.Exporter(gb, fn, folder=global_folder_name)

def plot_monitored_tracer(t, t_SC, tv_SD, P):
g3d = gb.grids_of_dimension(3)[0]
a, b, c = .95, .45, .55
tv_SD = np.mean(tv_SD, axis=1)

cell = np.where(np.all([g3d.cell_centers[0, :] > a,
g3d.cell_centers[1, :] > b,
g3d.cell_centers[1, :] < c,
g3d.cell_centers[2, :] > b,
g3d.cell_centers[2, :] < c], axis=0))[0]

endtime = P.end_time()
timesteps = len(t)
tv = np.zeros(timesteps)
tv_SC = np.zeros(timesteps)
for i in range(timesteps):
tv[i] = np.mean(t[i][cell])
tv_SC[i] = np.mean(t_SC[i][cell])

time = np.linspace(0, endtime, timesteps)
plt.figure(figsize=(172 / 25.4, 129 / 25.4))
matplotlib.rc('font', **{'size': 14})
matplotlib.rc('lines', linewidth=3)

plt.plot(time, tv, label='No elimination')
plt.plot(time, tv_SC, ls='--', label='Schur complement')
plt.plot(time, tv_SD, label='Star-Delta')
plt.savefig(global_folder_name + '/monitored_tracer.png')

if __name__ == "__main__":

global_folder_name = 'results'
gb = define_grid()
assign_data(gb, FlowData, 'problem')

gb_el, el_data = gb.duplicate_without_dimension(1)

problem = FlowModel(gb)
problem_el = FlowModel(gb_el, el='_el')

Both = BothProblems(problem, problem_el)
k_h = 10**4
k_v = 10**-4
p, p_el = Both.solve(k_h, k_v)
problem.flux_disc().split(gb, 'pressure', p)
problem_el.flux_disc().split(gb_el, 'pressure', p_el)

SC.compute_elimination_fluxes(gb, gb_el, el_data)

assign_data(gb, TransportData, 'transport_data')
transport_problem = TransportSolver(gb)
sol = transport_problem.solve()

ndof_el = problem_el.flux_disc().ndof(gb_el)
assign_data(gb_el, TransportData, 'transport_data')
transport_problem_el = TransportSolver(gb_el, el='_el')
sol_el = transport_problem_el.solve()

t = sol['transport']
t_el = sol_el['transport']

mrst_fn = 'MRST'
cell_volumes, dof_map = map_from_mrst(gb_el, mrst_fn)
p_mrst, t_mrst, tvec_mrst = mrst_variables(mrst_fn, dof_map)

save_mrst_to_paraview(gb_el, p_mrst, 'p_mrst', 'pressures_mrst')
save_mrst_to_paraview(gb_el, t_mrst, 't_mrst', 'tracer_mrst')
Ep_pp, Ep_mrst, Ep_glob_pp, Ep_glob_mrst = compute_errors(
gb_el, p, p_el, p_mrst)
Et_pp, Et_mrst, Et_glob_pp, Et_glob_mrst = compute_errors(
gb_el, t[-1], t_el[-1], t_mrst)
print('\nPressure errors for each subdomain ', Ep_pp, Ep_mrst,
'Global:', Ep_glob_pp, Ep_glob_mrst)
print('\nPressure errors for each subdomain ', Et_pp, Et_mrst,
'Global', Et_glob_pp, Et_glob_mrst)
plot_monitored_tracer(t, t_el, tvec_mrst, transport_problem)
print('\nCondition numbers. Eliminated ', Both.el.cond, ', non-eliminated ',
Both.full.cond, ' and ratio ', Both.full.cond / Both.el.cond)

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