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Arduino library for driving 7-segment displays using shift registers


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by MiguelPynto

Arduino library for driving 7-segment displays using shift registers

  • Show numbers, text, and custom characters
  • Use the whole display as one, or separate by individual sections
  • Compatible with multiplexed drive and constant drive
  • Compatible with common cathode and common anode
  • Compatible with custom made and commercial display modules
  • Maximum of 8 digits (for now)
  • Concatenate multiple displays as one
  • Only 3 pins used on Arduino



  • 1x (or more) 7-segment LED display
  • 2x shift register (eg: 74HC595, TPIC6B595)
  • 2x 0.1uF ceramic capacitor
  • 8x (per display) 220 Ohm resistor


  1. Connect Arduino board to shift registers: input

  2. Connect shift registers to display(s): output


  1. Launch the Arduino IDE
  2. Open the Library Manager by going to menu: Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries
  3. Search for ShiftDisplay library by typing shiftdisplay in Filter your search
  4. Select ShiftDisplay by MiguelPynto and click install


#include <ShiftDisplay.h>

ShiftDisplay display(COMMON_CATHODE, 3);

void setup() {
	for (int i = 3; i > 0; i--) {
		// store number and show it for 400ms
		display.set(i, ALIGN_CENTER);;
		// add dot to stored number and show it for 400ms
	display.set("GO"); // store "GO"

void loop() {
	display.update(); // show stored "GO" while in loop



  • ShiftDisplay()

    • ShiftDisplay display([latchPin, clockPin, dataPin, ]displayType, displaySize[, displayDrive])
    • ShiftDisplay display([latchPin, clockPin, dataPin, ]displayType, sectionSizes[, displayDrive])
    • ShiftDisplay display([latchPin, clockPin, dataPin, ]displayType, displaySize, swappedShiftRegisters[, indexes])
    • ShiftDisplay display([latchPin, clockPin, dataPin, ]displayType, sectionSizes, swappedShiftRegisters[, indexes])

    Create a ShiftDisplay object, initialize the library using the interface pins, display properties and configurations. A display can be set as a whole, or divided by sections. Sections can be a logical separation (for example hours and minutes on a 4 digit clock display), or a physical separation (for example timer and score on a scoreboard with multiple displays).

    latchPin, clockPin, dataPin (int): number of the Arduino digital pins connected to the latch, clock and data pins of the shift registers; if is not specified, the default pins are 6 for latch, 7 for clock, and 5 for data.

    displayType (DisplayType): type of the display, can be common anode or common cathode.

    displaySize (int): quantity of digits on the display.

    sectionSizes (int[]): quantity of digits for each section, defined by each value in array; end array with a 0 or lower value.

    displayDrive (DisplayDrive): drive algorithm of the display, can be multiplexed drive or static drive; if is not specified, the default is MULTIPLEXED_DRIVE.

    swappedShiftRegisters (bool): when set to true, changes shift registers order to first being digit index controller, and second being segment controller; if is specified, displayDrive is forced to MULTIPLEXED_DRIVE.

    indexes (int[]): custom digit index order, each array position contains the index of where the digit is output from the shift register; if is not specified, the default is { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }.


  • set()

    • display.set(number[, decimalPlaces][, leadingZeros][, alignment])
    • display.set(text[, alignment])
    • display.set(customs)
    • display.set(characters, dots)

    Encode and store a value for showing next on the display. The entire previous value is cleared.

    display (ShiftDisplay): object where function is called.

    number (int | long | float | double): numeric value to set; if is too big to fit in the display, it is trimmed according to alignment.

    text (char | char[] | String): textual value to set; valid characters are 0-9 a-z A-Z -, other characters are converted to space; char array must be null-terminated; if is too big to fit in the display, it is trimmed according to alignment.

    customs (byte[]): custom characters to set, encoded in abcdefgp format, each byte is a character on the display, from left to right; array length must match display size.

    characters (char[]): characters to set, each char is a character on the display, from left to right; valid characters are 0-9 a-z A-Z -, other characters are converted to a space; array length must match display size.

    dots (bool[]): dot values to set, each bool is a dot on the display, from left to right; true to show the dot, false to hide the dot; array length must match display size.

    decimalPlaces (int): quantity of digits following the decimal point; the value is rounded according to this; if is set to 0, the decimal point will be removed; if is not specified, the default is 1 for real numbers and 0 for integer numbers.

    leadingZeros (bool): show or hide zeros on the left of value; if is not specified, the default is false.

    alignment (Alignment): alignment of the value on the display; if is not specified, the default is ALIGN_RIGHT for numbers and ALIGN_LEFT for text.

  • changeDot()

    • display.changeDot(index[, dot])

    Modify the stored value by adding or hiding a dot.

    display (ShiftDisplay): object where function is called.

    index (int): position on the display to change the dot, starting at 0 for the leftmost; if is out of bounds, function does not have any effect.

    dot (bool): true to show the dot, false to hide the dot; if is not specified, the default is true.

  • changeCharacter()

    • display.changeCharacter(index, custom)

    Modify the stored value by replacing the character (and dot) with a custom character.

    display (ShiftDisplay): object where function is called.

    index (int): position on the display to change the character, starting at 0 for the leftmost; if is out of bounds, function does not have any effect.

    custom (byte): custom character to set, encoded in abcdefgp format.

  • setAt()

    • display.setAt(section, number[, decimalPlaces][, leadingZeros][, alignment])
    • display.setAt(section, text[, alignment])
    • display.setAt(section, customs)
    • display.setAt(section, characters, dots)

    Encode and store a value for showing next on the specified section. The section previous value is cleared.

    display (ShiftDisplay): object where function is called.

    section (int): position of the section on the display to set the value, starting at 0 for the first; if is out of bounds, function does not have any effect.

    number (int | long | float | double): numeric value to set; if is too big to fit in the section, it is trimmed according to alignment.

    text (char | char[] | String): textual value to set; valid characters are 0-9 a-z A-Z -, other characters are converted to space; char array must be null-terminated; if is too big to fit in the section, it is trimmed according to alignment.

    customs (byte[]): custom characters to set, encoded in abcdefgp format, each byte is a character on the section, from left to right; array length must match section size.

    characters (char[]): characters to set, each char is a character on the section, from left to right; valid characters are 0-9 a-z A-Z -, other characters are converted to a space; array length must match section size.

    dots (bool[]): dot values to set, each bool is a dot on the section, from left to right; true to show the dot, false to hide the dot; array length must match section size.

    decimalPlaces (int): quantity of digits following the decimal point; the value is rounded according to this; if is set to 0, the decimal point will be removed; if is not specified, the default is 1 for real numbers and 0 for integer numbers.

    leadingZeros (bool): show or hide zeros on the left of value; if is not specified, the default is false.

    alignment (Alignment): alignment of the value on the section; if is not specified, the default is ALIGN_RIGHT for numbers and ALIGN_LEFT for text.

  • changeDotAt()

    • display.changeDotAt(section, index[, dot])

    Modify the stored value by adding or hiding a dot in a section.

    display (ShiftDisplay): object where function is called.

    section (int): position of the section on the display to change the dot, starting at 0 for the first; if is out of bounds, function does not have any effect.

    index (int): position on the section to change the dot, starting at 0 for the leftmost; if is out of bounds, function does not have any effect.

    dot (bool): true to show the dot, false to hide the dot; if is not specified, the default is true.

  • changeCharacterAt()

    • display.changeCharacterAt(section, index, custom)

    Modify the stored value by replacing the character (and dot) with a custom character in a section.

    display (ShiftDisplay): object where function is called.

    section (int): position of the section on the display to change the character, starting at 0 for the first; if is out of bounds, function does not have any effect.

    index (int): position on the section to change the character, starting at 0 for the leftmost; if is out of bounds, function does not have any effect.

    custom (byte): custom character to set, encoded in abcdefgp format.

  • update()

    • display.update()

    Show on the display the stored value. For multiplexed drive, this must be called in a loop; for static drive, the value is shown until update()/clear()/show() is called.

    display (ShiftDisplay): object where function is called.

  • clear()

    • display.clear()

    Hide the display content, without erasing stored value.

    display (ShiftDisplay): object where function is called.

  • show()


    Show on the display the stored value, for the given time, then clear. Blocking function.

    display (ShiftDisplay): object where function is called.

    time (long): duration in milliseconds to show the value; exact time showing will be an under approximation.






  • Common Anode & Common Cathode


  • Multiplexed Drive & Static Drive


  • abcdefgp format


  • Decoupling capacitor


  • Commercial Display Modules



  • master ()
    • NEW: added static drive
    • NEW: added clear() function
    • NEW: leading zeros in set(number) functions
    • NEW: support for commercial display modules (fix for issue #1)
    • CHANGE: every set(number) functions has the same possible args
    • CHANGE: default decimal places is now 1
    • CHANGE: renamed show() to update() and changed its behaviour
    • CHANGE: display type constants changed from int to DisplayType
    • CHANGE: renamed setDot() and setDotAt() to changeDot() and changeDotAt()
    • CHANGE: dot value is now optional in above functions
    • CHANGE: renamed setCustom() and setCustomAt() to changeCharacter() and changeCharacterAt()
    • CHANGE: deprecated show(value, time) for simplicity sake
    • CHANGE: alignment is now a type
    • DOC: removed 74HC595 references because it works with other shift registers
    • DOC: added argument types
    • DOC: added custom types
    • DOC: differentiate between numbers and text in set()
    • DOC: square brackets for optional args
    • DOC: example for sectioned display
    • FIX: compiler warnings
  • 3.6.1 (17/9/2017)
    • DOC: improved README
  • 3.6.0 (15/9/2017)
    • NEW: sectioned display feature
    • NEW: setAt() function
    • NEW: setDot() function
    • NEW: setDotAt() function
    • NEW: setCustom() function
    • NEW: setCustomAt() function
    • FIX: decimal point would not show in double value at display index 0
    • DOC: reviewed code comments
  • 3.5.0 (8/9/2017)
    • Feature: set/show characters array with dot array
    • Feature: set/show custom characters
  • 3.4.0 (6/9/2017)
    • Feature: loadDots() function
    • Change: print(time, value) updated to show(value, time)
    • Change: insertPoint() and removePoint() updated to insertDot() and removeDot()
    • Documentation: small fixes
  • 3.3.3 (30/3/2017)
    • Change: updated contact details
  • 3.3.2 (6/1/2017)
    • Change: faster show() function
    • Bugfix: better non-Arduino support (eg. attiny)
  • 3.3.1 (18/12/2016)
    • Bugfix: Countdown example
  • 3.3.0 (18/12/2016)
    • Feature: insertPoint() function
    • Feature: removePoint() function
    • Change: removed punctuation characters
  • 3.2.3 (26/11/2016)
    • Bugfix: decimal point not showing in common anode displays
  • 3.2.2 (25/11/2016)
    • Documentation: website
  • 3.2.1 (24/11/2016)
    • Documentation: explain examples
  • 3.2.0 (22/11/2016)
    • Bugfix: default alignments
    • Change: float/double function alignment without decimalPlaces obligation
  • 3.1.0 (21/11/2016)
    • Bugfix: float/double functions problems with 0.x and -0.x
    • Bugfix: common anode display initiates unclear
    • Feature: new constructor with default pins
    • Feature: punctuation characters
    • Change: small improvements
  • 3.0.1 (19/11/2016)
    • Bugfix: float/double functions not working
    • Bugfix: show/print functions exceeding time
  • 3.0.0 (17/11/2016)
    • Code rewriting: performance and behavior improvement
    • Change: function signatures
    • Feature: buffer
    • Documentation: new examples
    • Documentation: updated images
  • 2.2.0 (14/07/2015)
    • Feature: minimal print function
    • Feature: exit left/right animation
  • 2.1.0 (03/07/2015)
    • Feature: center alignment
  • 2.0.0 (23/06/2015)
    • Code refactoring
    • Full and lightweight versions
    • Feature: left and right alignment
  • 1.0.0 (26/05/2015)
    • Initial release


  • Finish README Notes section
  • Example for sectioned display
  • Example for custom characters
  • Example for commercial display module
  • Example for static drive
  • Schematics for static drive
  • Remove display max size for static drive



Arduino library for driving 7-segment displays using shift registers







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