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1d cellular automata simulation with terminal and PNG output.

Simulates 1d automata with given Wolfram style rules and codes.

Limitations (because it gets awkward to specify outside of these):

  • first order
  • odd sized neighborhoods
  • max radix (number of symbols) is in [2,36]

There are various other limitations when things get large, the easiest to run into being the rule number must fit into a u128. To fix this I need to implement:

fn parse_rule(r: String, from_radix: u32, to_radix: u32) -> Hashmap<u128, Cell>

There are a handful of different output modes:

  • Null (evaluates and then does nothing)
  • Cell (cell value to ascii digit)
  • Ascii (limited radix)
  • Unicode (limited radix)
  • AnsiGrey (greyscale ascii)
  • UnicodeAnsi (default - half height unicode + any radix)
  • PNG (writes to stdout, RGB, any radix)
  • Raw (writes cell values in binary, no newlines)


ca1d <radix> <neighborhood> <rule number> <start config string>

Note the start config string is padded to width and is given in base 36, which is ordered 0..9abc...z

$ ca1d 2 3 30 1 --output=Ascii
                                            @@  @
                                           @@ @@@@
                                          @@  @   @
                                         @@ @@@@ @@@
                                        @@  @    @  @
                                       @@ @@@@  @@@@@@
                                      @@  @   @@@     @
                                     @@ @@@@ @@  @   @@@
                                    @@  @    @ @@@@ @@  @
                                   @@ @@@@  @@ @    @ @@@@
                                  @@  @   @@@  @@  @@ @   @
                                 @@ @@@@ @@  @@@ @@@  @@ @@@
                                @@  @    @ @@@   @  @@@  @  @
                               @@ @@@@  @@ @  @ @@@@@  @@@@@@@
                              @@  @   @@@  @@@@ @    @@@      @
                             @@ @@@@ @@  @@@    @@  @@  @    @@@
                            @@  @    @ @@@  @  @@ @@@ @@@@  @@  @
                           @@ @@@@  @@ @  @@@@@@  @   @   @@@ @@@@
                          @@  @   @@@  @@@@     @@@@ @@@ @@   @   @

The default output is "UnicodeAnsi" which uses ansi colors plus unicode block elemets:

rule 30 ascii

Here is a 5 radix, 3 neighborhood rule with a random (@) starting config which pipes its PNG output to img2sixel (using mintty terminal):

5 3 random


Standard rust project, check out and run cargo build.

It is structured into a library + binary + tests, but only for ease of testing: no thought has been put into how a CA API should be.


future directions

Arbitrary "code" specification. Code -> rule display (define inverse code mapping fn).

Reversable rule style?

Performance: I have barely looked at really tuning this. There is still some low hanging fruit though.

Floating point cells? Perhaps these could work with code-specified rules.

Is it possible to get 8 distinct cells using unicode + ansi colors? I googled..

RGB colors get picked to be maximally differentiated, but what might look better would be nice gradients. This should be some simple math I just don't want to learn it just yet..

Sixel output. Rust libsixel bindings are fine I guess, but libsixel documentation sucks. Meanwwhile do: --output=PNG | img2sixel


command line 1d cellular automata






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