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🚑 Improve normalisation of deprecated GPL license ids, move it to par…
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pmonks committed Aug 24, 2023
1 parent 3cc710e commit fca7874
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Showing 2 changed files with 242 additions and 135 deletions.
272 changes: 169 additions & 103 deletions src/spdx/expressions.clj
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Expand Up @@ -83,122 +83,189 @@
(s/join " | " (map #(str "#\"(?i)" (escape-re %) "\"") (exc/ids))))))
(def ^:private spdx-license-expression-parser-d (delay (insta/parser @spdx-license-expression-grammar-d :start :license-expression)))

(def ^:private normalised-spdx-ids-map-d (delay (merge (into {} (map #(vec [(s/lower-case %) %]) (lic/ids)))
(into {} (map #(vec [(s/lower-case %) %]) (exc/ids))))))
(def ^:private normalised-spdx-ids-map-d (delay (merge (into {} (map #(vec [(s/lower-case %) %]) (lic/ids)))
(into {} (map #(vec [(s/lower-case %) %]) (exc/ids))))))

(def ^:private current-gpl-family-ids #{
"AGPL-1.0-only" "AGPL-1.0-or-later" "AGPL-3.0-only" "AGPL-3.0-or-later"
"GPL-1.0-only" "GPL-1.0-or-later" "GPL-2.0-only" "GPL-2.0-or-later" "GPL-3.0-only" "GPL-3.0-or-later"
"LGPL-2.0-only" "LGPL-2.0-or-later" "LGPL-2.1-only" "LGPL-2.1-or-later" "LGPL-3.0-only" "LGPL-3.0-or-later"})

(def ^:private deprecated-simple-gpl-family-ids {
"AGPL-1.0" "AGPL-1.0-only"
; Note: AGPL-1.0+ never existed as a listed SPDX license identifier
"AGPL-3.0" "AGPL-3.0-only"
; Note: AGPL-3.0+ never existed as a listed SPDX license identifier
"GPL-1.0" "GPL-1.0-only"
"GPL-1.0+" "GPL-1.0-or-later"
"GPL-2.0" "GPL-2.0-only"
"GPL-2.0+" "GPL-2.0-or-later"
"GPL-3.0" "GPL-3.0-only"
"GPL-3.0+" "GPL-3.0-or-later"
"LGPL-2.0" "LGPL-2.0-only"
"LGPL-2.0+" "LGPL-2.0-or-later"
"LGPL-2.1" "LGPL-2.1-only"
"LGPL-2.1+" "LGPL-2.1-or-later"
"LGPL-3.0" "LGPL-3.0-only"
"LGPL-3.0+" "LGPL-3.0-or-later"})

(def ^:private deprecated-compound-gpl-family-ids {
"GPL-2.0-with-autoconf-exception" ["GPL-2.0-only" "Autoconf-exception-2.0"]
"GPL-2.0-with-bison-exception" ["GPL-2.0-only" "Bison-exception-2.2"]
"GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception" ["GPL-2.0-only" "Classpath-exception-2.0"]
"GPL-2.0-with-font-exception" ["GPL-2.0-only" "Font-exception-2.0"]
"GPL-2.0-with-GCC-exception" ["GPL-2.0-only" "GCC-exception-2.0"]
"GPL-3.0-with-autoconf-exception" ["GPL-3.0-only" "Autoconf-exception-3.0"]
"GPL-3.0-with-GCC-exception" ["GPL-3.0-only" "GCC-exception-3.1"]})

(def ^:private deprecated-gpl-family-ids (set/union (set (keys deprecated-simple-gpl-family-ids)) (set (keys deprecated-compound-gpl-family-ids))))
(def ^:private gpl-family-ids (set/union current-gpl-family-ids deprecated-gpl-family-ids))

(def ^:private not-blank? (complement s/blank?))

(defn- normalise-gpl-id
"Normalises a GPL family `license-id` to a tuple (2 element vector) containing
the non-deprecated equivalent license id in first position, and (optionally -
may be nil) a license-exception-id in second position if `license-id` was a
compound id (an id that also identifies an exception, such as
If `license-id` is not deprecated, returns it as-is (in the first position in
the tuple)."
(get deprecated-compound-gpl-family-ids
[(get deprecated-simple-gpl-family-ids

(defn- normalise-gpl-license-map
"Normalises a license map that is known to contain a GPL family `license-id`.
This involves:
1. Replacing deprecated GPL family license ids with their non-deprecated
2. Turning `:or-later?` flags into the '-or-later' variant of the `license-id`
3. Expanding 'compound' license ids (e.g. GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception)"
[{:keys [license-id or-later? license-exception-id]}]
(let [[new-license-id new-license-exception-id] (normalise-gpl-id license-id)
new-license-id (let [or-later-variant (s/replace new-license-id "-only" "-or-later")]
(if (and or-later? (lic/listed-id? or-later-variant))
; Check if we have two license exception ids after expanding the license-id (e.g. from a valid but weird expression such as "GPL-2.0-with-autoconf-exception WITH Classpath-exception-2.0")
(if (and (not-blank? license-exception-id)
(not-blank? new-license-exception-id)
(not= license-exception-id new-license-exception-id))
[{:license-id new-license-id :license-exception-id new-license-exception-id} :and {:license-id new-license-id :license-exception-id license-exception-id}]
(merge {:license-id new-license-id}
(when (not-blank? license-exception-id) {:license-exception-id license-exception-id})
(when (not-blank? new-license-exception-id) {:license-exception-id new-license-exception-id})))))

(defn- normalise-gpl-elements
"Normalises all of the GPL elements in `parse-tree`."
(keyword? parse-tree) parse-tree
(sequential? parse-tree) (some-> (seq (map normalise-gpl-elements parse-tree)) vec) ; Note: naive (stack consuming) recursion
(map? parse-tree) (if (contains? gpl-family-ids (:license-id parse-tree))
(normalise-gpl-license-map parse-tree)

(defn parse-with-info
"As for parse, but returns instaparse parse error info if parsing fails,
"As for parse, but returns an instaparse parse error info if parsing fails,
instead of nil.
See also"
[^String s]
(when-not (s/blank? s)
(let [raw-parse-result (insta/parse @spdx-license-expression-parser-d s)]
(if (insta/failure? raw-parse-result)
(let [transformed-result (insta/transform {:and (constantly :and)
:or (constantly :or)
:license-id #(hash-map :license-id (get @normalised-spdx-ids-map-d (s/lower-case (first %&)) (first %&)))
:license-exception-id #(hash-map :license-exception-id (get @normalised-spdx-ids-map-d (s/lower-case (first %&)) (first %&)))
:license-ref #(case (count %&)
1 {:license-ref (first %&)}
2 {:document-ref (first %&) :license-ref (second %&)})
:license-or-later #(merge {:or-later true} (first %&))
:with-expression #(merge (first %&) (second %&))
:nested-expression #(case (count %&)
1 (first %&) ; We do this to "collapse" redundant nesting e.g. "(((Apache-2.0)))"
(vec %&))}
(if (sequential? transformed-result)
(case (count transformed-result)
1 (first transformed-result)
(vec transformed-result))
([s] (parse-with-info s nil))
([^String s {:keys [normalise-gpl-ids?] :or {normalise-gpl-ids? true}}]
(when-not (s/blank? s)
(let [raw-parse-result (insta/parse @spdx-license-expression-parser-d s)]
(if (insta/failure? raw-parse-result)
(let [transformed-result (insta/transform {:and (constantly :and)
:or (constantly :or)
:license-id #(hash-map :license-id (get @normalised-spdx-ids-map-d (s/lower-case (first %&)) (first %&)))
:license-exception-id #(hash-map :license-exception-id (get @normalised-spdx-ids-map-d (s/lower-case (first %&)) (first %&)))
:license-ref #(case (count %&)
1 {:license-ref (first %&)}
2 {:document-ref (first %&) :license-ref (second %&)})
:license-or-later #(merge {:or-later? true} (first %&))
:with-expression #(merge (first %&) (second %&))
:nested-expression #(case (count %&)
1 (first %&) ; Collapse redundant nesting e.g. "(((Apache-2.0)))"
(vec %&))}
transformed-result (if normalise-gpl-ids? (normalise-gpl-elements transformed-result) transformed-result)]
(if (sequential? transformed-result)
(case (count transformed-result)
1 (first transformed-result)
(vec transformed-result))

(defn parse
"Attempt to parse the given string as an SPDX license expression, returning a
data structure representing the parse tree or nil if the string cannot be
"Attempt to parse `s` (a String) as an SPDX license expression, returning a
data structure representing the parse tree, or nil if it cannot be parsed.
See SPDX Specification Annex D for details on SPDX license expressions:
The optional `opts` map has these keys:
* `normalise-gpl-ids?` (boolean, default true) - controls whether
deprecated 'historical oddity' GPL family ids in the expression are
normalised to their non-deprecated replacements as part of the parsing
* The parser normalises SPDX ids to their canonical case
* The parser always normalises SPDX ids to their canonical case
e.g. aPAcHe-2.0 -> Apache-2.0
* The parser removes redundant grouping
* The parser always removes redundant grouping
e.g. (((((Apache-2.0)))))) -> Apache-2.0
* When a license is modified with the \"or later\" modifier ('+'), the two
are grouped
* When a license is modified WITH a license exception, the two are grouped
Examples (assuming default options):
-> {:license-id \"Apache-2.0\"}
-> {:license-id \"Apache-2.0\" :or-later? true}
-> {:license-id \"GPL-2.0\" :or-later true}
-> {:license-id \"GPL-2.0-or-later\"}
\"GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0\"
-> {:license-id \"GPL-2.0\"
-> {:license-id \"GPL-2.0-only\"
:license-exception-id \"Classpath-exception-2.0\"}
\"CDDL-1.1 OR (GPL-2.0+ WITH Classpath-exception-2.0)\"
-> [{:license-id \"CDDL-1.1\"}
{:license-id \"GPL-2.0\"
:or-later true
:license-exception-id \"Classpath-exception-2.0\"}]"
[^String s]
(when-let [raw-parse-result (parse-with-info s)]
(when-not (insta/failure? raw-parse-result)

(defn- build-license-id
"Builds the correct final license id for the given license id and 'or-later'
indicator. This is primarily to handle the *GPL family's 'or-later' and
'only' suffixes (which are a pita)."
([license-id or-later] (build-license-id license-id or-later true))
([license-id or-later include-or-later]
(if or-later
(let [or-later-variant (str license-id "-or-later")]
(if (and (lic/listed-id? or-later-variant)
(not (lic/deprecated-id? or-later-variant)))
(str license-id (when include-or-later "+"))))
(let [only-variant (str license-id "-only")]
(if (and (lic/listed-id? only-variant)
(not (lic/deprecated-id? only-variant)))
{:license-id \"GPL-2.0-or-later\"
:license-exception-id \"Classpath-exception-2.0\"}]
See SPDX Specification Annex D for more details on SPDX license expressions:"
([s] (parse s nil))
([s opts]
(when-let [raw-parse-result (parse-with-info s opts)]
(when-not (insta/failure? raw-parse-result)

(defn- unparse-internal
"Internal, naively recursive implementation of unparse."
"Internal implementation of unparse."
(when parse-result
(= :or parse-result) "OR"
(= :and parse-result) "AND"
(sequential? parse-result) (when (pos? (count parse-result)) (str "(" (s/join " " (map unparse-internal parse-result)) ")"))
(map? parse-result) (str (build-license-id (:license-id parse-result) (:or-later parse-result))
(sequential? parse-result) (when (pos? (count parse-result)) (str "(" (s/join " " (map unparse-internal parse-result)) ")")) ; Note: naive (stack consuming) recursion
(map? parse-result) (str (:license-id parse-result)
(when (:or-later? parse-result) "+")
(when (:license-exception-id parse-result) (str " WITH " (:license-exception-id parse-result)))
(when (:license-ref parse-result) (str (when (:document-ref parse-result) (str "DocumentRef-" (:document-ref parse-result) ":"))
"LicenseRef-" (:license-ref parse-result))))
:else nil)))
"LicenseRef-" (:license-ref parse-result)))))))

(defn unparse
"Turns a (successful) parse result back into a (normalised) SPDX expression
string. Results are undefined for invalid parse trees.
Note that the GPL family of licenses have special handling, whereby suffixes
are always added. This is because the non-suffixed GPL family license ids
have been deprecated in the SPDX license list. Examples:
* GPL-2.0 -> GPL-2.0-only
* AGPL-3.0+ -> AGPL-3.0-or-later"
"Turns a valid `parse-result` back into an SPDX expression string. Results
are undefined for invalid parse trees. Returns nil if `parse-result` is nil."
(when parse-result
(when-let [result (if (sequential? parse-result)
Expand All @@ -208,40 +275,39 @@
(s/trim result)))))

(defn normalise
"'Normalises' an SPDX expression, by running it through parse then unparse.
Returns nil if s is nil or is not a valid SPDX expression."
(some-> s
"Normalises an SPDX expression, by running it through parse then unparse.
Returns nil if `s` is nil or is not a valid SPDX expression.
`opts` are as for parse"
([s] (normalise s nil))
([s opts]
(some-> s
(parse opts)

(defn valid?
"Is the given string a valid SPDX license expression?
"Is `s` (a String) a valid SPDX license expression?
Note: if you intend to parse the given string if it's valid, it's more
efficient to call parse directly and check for a nil result."
Note: if you intend to parse `s` if it's valid, it's more efficient to call
parse directly and check for a nil result instead of calling this method
first (it avoids double parsing)."
[^String s]
(not (or (s/blank? s)
(insta/failure? (insta/parse @spdx-license-expression-parser-d s)))))

(defn extract-ids
"Extract all SPDX ids (as a set of strings) from the given parse result,
optionally including the 'or later' indicator ('+') after license ids that
have that designation in the parse tree (defaults to false).
Note: license 'families' that provide 'or-later' suffixed variants (i.e.
*GPL licenses) will always end up with either the 'or-later' or the 'only'
suffix version of an id, regardless of the value of the include-or-later
flag. This is because the 'naked' variants of these license ids (e.g.
'GPL-2.0') are deprecated in the SPDX license list, and their use is
discouraged. See
for more details."
([parse-result] (extract-ids parse-result false))
([parse-result include-or-later]
"Extract all SPDX ids (as a set of strings) from the given `parse-result`.
The optional `opts` map has these keys:
* include-or-later? (boolean, default false) - controls whether the output
includes the 'or later' indicator ('+') after license ids that have that
designation in the parse tree."
([parse-result] (extract-ids parse-result nil))
([parse-result {:keys [include-or-later?] :or {include-or-later? false} :as opts}]
(when parse-result
(sequential? parse-result) (set (mapcat #(extract-ids % include-or-later) parse-result))
(map? parse-result) (set/union (when (:license-id parse-result) #{(build-license-id (:license-id parse-result) (:or-later parse-result) include-or-later)})
(sequential? parse-result) (set (mapcat #(extract-ids % opts) parse-result)) ; Note: naive (stack consuming) recursion
(map? parse-result) (set/union (when (:license-id parse-result) #{(str (:license-id parse-result) (when (and include-or-later? (:or-later? parse-result)) "+"))})
(when (:license-exception-id parse-result) #{(:license-exception-id parse-result)})
(when (:license-ref parse-result)
#{(str (when (:document-ref parse-result) (str "DocumentRef-" (:document-ref parse-result) ":"))
Expand Down

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