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SupSuper committed Aug 24, 2016
1 parent b099744 commit bb64d03
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 198 deletions.
199 changes: 1 addition & 198 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,198 +1 @@
# OpenApoc 'TODO' list

Note, this is not a complete list, expect items to grow and spawn sub-items as they are progressed!

~~strikethrough~~ items are completed

## Core framework
- ~~Font loader~~
- ~~Palette loader~~
- ~~Sound effects~~
- ~~Music~~
- ~~SMK Video~~
- ~~PCX file loader~~
- ~~PCK image file loader~~
- ~~'normal' PCK images~~
- ~~'shadow' PCK images~~
' ~~'strategy map' PCK images~~
- ~~Accelerated renderer~~
- ~~'Mobile' OpenGL|ES3 renderer~~

## 'GameState' serialization
- ~~Generate initial gamestate from Apoc files~~
- ~~Allow 'patching' gamestate~~
- ~~Save games~~
- Set save name
- Speedup loading of save list
- ~~Load games~~
- Saved games can 'depend' on other GameState packages (e.g. Mods)
- Save GameState minimiser (IE only save the things that 'changed')
- GameState GUI editor

## TileMap
- ~~Use for CityMap~~
- Use for TacMap
- ~~Draw vehicles/agents~~
- ~~Projectile drawing~~
- ~~Projectile hit detection~~

## CityScape
- ~~Load CityMap~~
- ~~Load building descriptions~~
- Vehicles
- ~~Flying vehicle pathfinding~~
- Ground vehicle pathfinding
- ~~Animated UFO drawing~~
- ~~'crashed' UFOs~~
- ~~Vehicle damage~~
- Vehicle AI:
- ~~AI Vehicles fire at enemies~~
- Vehicle retaliation fire
- Guided missiles
- ~~AI Vehicles move between buildings~~
- ~~AI vehicles patrol~~
- UFO AI Missions
- ~~Infiltration~~
- Subversion
- ~~Escort~~
- ~~Return to portal when done~~
- User-controllable vehicle commands:
- ~~Goto Building~~
- ~~Goto Location~~
- Attack Building
- ~~Attack Vehicle~~
- ~~Prefer shooting at 'current target'~~
- Goto crashed UFO
- Goto alien dimension portal
- ~~Different 'aggressiveness'~~
- ~~Different 'height'~~
- Building destruction
- Decide how building tiles are 'supported'
- ~~Collapse tiles when support is lost~~
- ~~Building selection~~
- Vehicle selection
- Outline selected or target vehicles
- ~~Player Vehicle status in UI~~
- Enemy vehicle status in UI
- Agent status in UI
- Organization status in UI
- Loop through buildings when clicked
- ~~Mini base view~~
- ~~Purchase new base~~
- Show message history
- Show alien dimension
- Agent/people-tube pathfinding
- Organisation relationships
- Relationship drop when under attack (separate attack mission from random hit)
- Relationship drop/boost when attacking others
- Relationship modifiers for allies
- Organisations relation recovery

## City MiniMap
- ~~Show building tiles~~
- ~~Show vehicle tiles~~
- Show weapon paths
- Show vehicle mission targets
- Show recent alien alert circles
- Highlight selected vehicle
- Highlight selected organization's buildings
- Show organization relations in colour

## BaseScape
- ~~Draw current base~~
- ~~Draw city minimap~~
- ~~Draw mini base view~~
- ~~Build new facility~~
- ~~Limit due to funds~~
- ~~Limit due to research~~
- ~~Limit due to facility size~~
- ~~Destroy Facility~~
- ~~Disallow in-use labs~~
- Disallow in-use stores
- Disallow in-use living quarters
- Disallow in-use alien containment
- ~~Research screen~~
- ~~Assign research project~~
- ~~Assign scientists~~
- ~~Research project progression & completion~~
- Show 'icon' for some topics (e.g. vehicle equipment) on selection screen
- Assign engineering project
- ~~Limit available research based on pre-requisite research~~
- Limit available research based on required items
- Limit available research based on required event (successful crashed ufo mission, entered alien dimension etc.)
- Hire new agents
- ~~Agent stats generation~~
- Create new agents at the end of each day
- Agent hire UI
- Agent living quarters limit
- ~~Vehicle equip screen~~
- Agent equip screen
- Market
- Generate initial available items
- Re-stock at the end of each week
- Restrict items not yet available
- Restrict items from hostile organizations
- Item price changes based on next week stock
- Item stock/price changes for xcom/alien items
- Inventory
- Organisation-wide storage for AI (on the market)
- Base storage for X-Com
- Stores limit
- Alien containment
- Current state tracking
- Dispose UI

## UfoPaedia
- ~~Show category selection~~
- ~~Show individual topics~~
- ~~Progress topics with buttons~~
- ~~Progress categories with buttons~~
- ~~Show category list with '(i)' button~~
- ~~Limit categories vased on required research~~
- Show stats related to topic
- ~~Organisation stats~~
- Agent equipment stats
- Vehicle equipment stats
- Vehicle stats

## Current score/summary summary
- Show stats at end of day
- Show stats on cityscape UI button press
- Show stats at end of week
- Funding calculations

## Infiltration graph
- Show currently infiltrated org %age
- Show historical infiltration graph

## Tactical game
- Read Tactical maps
- Draw Tactical maps
- Agent movement
- Agent AI
- Enemy movement
- Enemy AI
- Spawn enemies
- Spawn agents
- Spawn neutrals
- Line-of-sight & fog-of-war
- Pathfinding
- End-of-mission summary
- Alien equipment
- Alien containment
- Score
- Loss of agents
- Organisation relationship changes?
- Loss of agent equipment / ammo

## Misc Gameplay
- Agent training
- Agent health/medbay use
- Agent experience
- Alien UFO production
- Alien Overspawn missions
- Alien progression
- Organisation funds simulation
- Organisation 'attack player base when hostile'
- Organisation 'raids/illegal flyer' attacks
- Organisation 'pay-off' screen

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