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A "Hello World" server in io.js sample for Bluemix.

This repo contains a complete sample of a io.js program that you can deploy on IBM's BlueMix PaaS, which is based on the Cloud Foundry open source project.

Before jumping into the code, make sure you have an IBM ID, by registering at the IBM ID registration page. You will need the IBM ID to login to BlueMix from the command line.

You will also need to install the cf command-line tool, available here:

At the time of this writing, the most recent version is cf v6.6.

install the code for the sample program

From a command/shell terminal

  • cd into the parent directory you want to install the project in
  • git clone the project into a child directory
  • cd into that child directory
  • run npm install to install dependencies

For example:

$ cd Projects
$ git clone

    ... git output here ...

$ cd bluemix-hello-iojs

$ npm install

    ... npm output here ...

run locally

After installing, run the server using

iojs server

This should print the following to the console.

bluemix-hello-iojs: server starting on http://localhost:3000

If the port the program chooses is already being used, you can specify a different port via the PORT environment variable.

To use a different port on Mac and Linux, set the PORT environment variable and restart the iojs server

PORT=3001 iojs server

On Windows, set the PORT environment variable and restart the iojs server

set PORT=3001
iojs server

Once the server is running, test it by visiting the following URL in your browser:


You should see the same content in the browser for every URL, which will be

Hello World

In the command/shell terminal, you will see the following output:

bluemix-hello-iojs: server starting on http://localhost:3000
bluemix-hello-iojs: request GET /any/url

logging into BlueMix

Now that you have your IBM ID and the cf command-line tool (see above), you can log into BlueMix and the deploy your app.

First you should tell the cf command which environment you want to operate with, with the cf api command:

cf api

You should see the following output:

Setting api endpoint to

API endpoint: (API version: 2.0.0)
Not logged in. Use 'cf login' to log in.
No org or space targeted, use 'cf target -o ORG -s SPACE'

Note that as long as you only ever interact with the BlueMix environment with the cf command (and not any other CloudFoundry environments), you won't have to run the cf api command again.

To login to BlueMix, use the following command:

cf login

You will be prompted for your IBM ID userid and password, as in the following example:

$ cf login
API endpoint:

Username> [enter your IBM ID here]

Password> [enter your IBM ID password here]

You will then be prompted to select your 'org' and 'space', just select the defaults, which should be your IBM ID userid and dev, respectively.

When complete, you should see the following:

API endpoint: (API version: 2.0.0)
User:         [your IBM ID]
Org:          [your IBM ID]
Space:        dev

deploying to BlueMix

You can deploy an application to BlueMix with the cf push command.

Before doing anything else, edit the manifest.yml file and change the host property to a value which will be unique across the domain. I use my initials, pjm.

Use the following command to have the application deployed to BlueMix:

cf push

cf push will read the default manifest file manifest.yml for some default values of options related to your application.

After running the cf push command above, you should see the following output:

Creating app bluemix-hello-iojs in org <my-IBM-id> / space dev as <my-IBM-id>...


Starting app bluemix-hello-iojs in org <my-IBM-id> / space dev as <my-IBM-id>...


1 of 1 instances running

App started

Showing health and status for app bluemix-hello-iojs in org <my-IBM-id> / space dev as <my-IBM-id>...

requested state: started
instances: 1/1
usage: 128M x 1 instances

     state     since                    cpu    memory          disk
#0   running   2014-09-18 09:17:45 PM   0.0%   40.5M of 128M   38.1M of 1G

At this point, your application is running and you can visit it on the urls

If you'd like to continue to play with the server by changing the code, use the following command when you are ready to push the new version to BlueMix:

cf push

You can stop the server at any time, by using the following command:

cf stop bluemix-hello-iojs

and then start it later, by using the following command:

cf start bluemix-hello-iojs

When you're ready to delete the server, use the following command:

cf delete bluemix-hello-iojs

For more information on the basics of pushing apps, see the Cloud Foundry docs:

files in this repository


The server written with io.js. This server was adapted from the example provided in the node.js docs, but uses the express package for the web server.

Another difference is that the port, binding host, and url are determined via the cfenv package. This will return appropriate values both when running in Cloud Foundry and when running locally.


List of file patterns that should NOT be uploaded to BlueMix.

See the Cloud Foundry doc Prepare to Deploy an Application for more information.

In this case, the contents of the file are:


This indicates the io.js modules you installed with npm install will NOT be uploaded to BlueMix. When your app is "staged" (ie, built on BlueMix during cf push), an npm install will be run there to install the required modules. By avoiding sending your io.js modules when you push your app, your app will be uploaded quicker than if you HAD sent the modules. But you can send the modules you have installed if you like; just delete the .cfignore file.


List of file patterns that should NOT be stored in git. If you aren't using git, you don't need this file. And the contents are personal preference.

See the npm google groups topic 'node_modules in git' from FAQ for discussion.


The open source license for this sample; in this case, it's licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.


This file contains information that's used when you cf push the application.

See the Cloud Foundry doc Deploying with Application Manifests for more information.


Standard package.json file for io.js packages. You will need this file for two reasons:

  • identify your io.js package dependencies during npm install
  • identify to BlueMix that this directory contains a io.js application

See the npm doc package.json for more information.

This file!


Hello World sample for Bluemix using io.js







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