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L2 to L1 Communication

StarkNet contracts can send messages to L1.

Messages can be sent via the send_message_to_l1 utility function. The arguments required by this function are the L1 contract address that should receive the message followed by the payload size and the payload.

Messages can be received on L1 by calling the consumeMessageFromL2 function on the StarkNet Core Contract which receives the L2 contract address and the payload as arguments.

Trying to send invalid messages on L2 will cause the transaction to fail. The same is true when trying to read invalid messages on L1.


The following is a StarkNet contract that sends the two numbers a and b to L1 via send_message_to_l1:

%lang starknet

from starkware.cairo.common.alloc import alloc
from starkware.starknet.common.messages import send_message_to_l1

func send_message{syscall_ptr : felt*}(l1_contract_address : felt, a : felt, b : felt):
    # The Smart Contract address on L1 we want to send the message to.
    let to_address = l1_contract_address

    # Our payload will be two numbers: `a` and `b`.
    let payload_size = 2

    # Create the payload as an array of length 2
    #   and add the two numbers to the array slots.
    let (payload : felt*) = alloc()
    assert payload[0] = a
    assert payload[1] = b

    # Use the `send_message_to_l1` functionality to send the message
    #   to the Smart Contract on L1.
    send_message_to_l1(to_address, payload_size, payload)

    return ()

Next up we can write a Solidity Smart Contract that we'll deploy on L1. This contract uses the StarkNet Core Contract to read our message sent from L2 to L1 via consumeMessageFromL2:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

// Interface definition so that we can use the StarkNet Core Contract.
interface IStarknetCore {
    function consumeMessageFromL2(
        uint256 fromAddress,
        uint256[] calldata payload
    ) external returns (bytes32);

contract L2ToL1 {
    IStarknetCore starknetCore;

    // We use this storage variable so that we can inspect
    //  the sum later on.
    uint256 public sum;

    constructor(IStarknetCore starknetCore_) {
        starknetCore = starknetCore_;

    function add(
        uint256 l2ContractAddress,
        uint256 a,
        uint256 b
    ) external {
        // Note: It might be useful to check for whitelisted L2 contracts here.

        // Our payload is two numbers: `a` and `b`.
        uint256 payloadSize = 2;

        // Create the payload as an in-memory array of length 2
        //  and add the two numbers to the array slots.
        uint256[] memory payload = new uint256[](payloadSize);
        payload[0] = a;
        payload[1] = b;

        // This call reverts if the message doesn't exist on L1.
        starknetCore.consumeMessageFromL2(l2ContractAddress, payload);

        // If we got to this point everything is ok and we can compute
        //  the sum and store it in the storage variable.
        sum = a + b;


StarkNet Core Contract - Mainnet Alpha


StarkNet Core Contract - Goerli Alpha
