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Learning Cairo while following the official tutorial

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Hello Cairo

Learning Cairo while following the official tutorial.


  1. git clone <url>
  2. nix-shell
  3. poetry shell

Optional: Update the cairo.cairoFormatPath property in the .vscode/settings.json file. Run which cairo-format within a Poetry shell to get the project-specific cairo-format path.

Optional: Update the python.formatting.blackPath property in the .vscode/settings.json file. Run which black within a Poetry shell to get the project-specific black path.

Useful Commands


poetry init
poetry shell

cairo-format -i name.cairo

cairo-compile --version
cairo-compile name.cairo --output name_compiled.json

cairo-run --program=name_compiled.json --print_output --print_info --relocate_prints [--layout=small] [--program_input=name.json] [--tracer]