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v0.37.0 - pnpm prune

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@zkochan zkochan released this 26 Sep 21:27
· 8401 commits to main since this release


Bug Fixes

Breaking Changes

The structure of the store.json has been changed.

Previously the dependencies property contained just a list of dependency IDs. E.g.:

  "dependencies": {
    "math": [

With this structure it was hard to link the dependencies to their IDs. The new structure uses a map which links the dependency to its ID:

  "dependencies": {
    "map": {
      "sum": "sum@1.0.0",
      "@zkochan/max": "@zkochan+max@2.1.0"

Unfortunately the stores created by older version of pnpm are not usable after this breaking change. They have to be removed before using the new version of pnpm.