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Releases: pnwairfire/AirMonitorIngest


16 May 20:53
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0.4.8 Pre-release

AirMonitorIngest 0.4.8

Added support for AirNow instrumentType parameter. This allows us to specify
whether we want include "sensors" as part of a data request. This parameter
can now be specified in:

  • airnow_getData()
  • airnow_getDataCustom()
  • airnow_getData()

Default behavior is to include sensors in the data request which is the same
behavior as in all previous versions of the package.


26 Dec 22:21
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0.4.7 Pre-release

AirMonitorIngest 0.4.7

Moved the following functions to the monitoring-data-ingest-v2 code base.

  • wrcc_downloadData()
  • wrcc_getCurrentUnitIDs()

AirMonitorIngest 0.4.6

Moved the following functions to the monitoring-data-ingest-v2 code base.

  • airsis_downloadData()
  • airsis_getCurrentUnitIDs()


23 Jun 22:49
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0.4.5 Pre-release

AirMonitorIngest 0.4.5

  • Added skip = 1 to readr::read_delim() to skip the header line when
    ingesting AirNow metadata.
  • Removed unused dependency on MazamaSpatialUtils.


20 Sep 19:33
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0.4.4 Pre-release

AirMonitorIngest 0.4.4

  • Refactored addClustering() into addClustering() and clusterByDistance()
    and added additional adjacency checks to improve results when an entire year's
    worth of data is used.


07 Sep 20:59
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0.4.3 Pre-release

AirMonitorIngest 0.4.3

Moved the following functions to the monitoring-data-ingest-v2 code base.
These functions are changing more often than anticipated.

  • wrcc_EBAMQualityControl()
  • wrcc_ESAMQualityControl()
  • wrcc_createMetaAndData()
  • wrcc_identifyDataFormat()
  • wrcc_parseData()
  • wrcc_qualityControl()
  • wrcc_updateKnownLocations()


24 Jun 22:19
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0.4.2 Pre-release

AirMonitorIngest 0.4.2

  • Removed airnow_updateKnownLocations(), airnow_updateUnknownLocations(),
    airnow_update(), airnow_createData() and airnow_createMeta(). These
    functions are changing more often than anticipated and have been moved to the
    monitoring-data-ingest-v2 code base.

AirMonitorIngest 0.4.1

  • Guarantee that clusterLon and clusterLat returned from addClustering()
    are pure numerics without any names.
  • Rename wrcc_identifyMonitorType() to wrcc_identifyDataFormat().
  • Increased default distanceThreshold to 500m in airnow_updateKnownLocations().

AirMonitorIngest 0.4.0

Version 0.4 uses a new sites metadata file from AirNow,, which has a different
set of fields. This data can be merged with the old file but requires some
changes in downstream data processing scripts.

  • Changes to airnow_getSites(), airnow_updateKnownLocations() and
    airnow_updateUnknownLocations() to accommodate the new metadata.

AirMonitorIngest 0.3.13

  • Corrected column headers in wrcc_identifyMonitorType().
  • Completed "Working with WRCC data" article.

AirMonitorIngest 0.3.12

  • Add first vignettes and an article for Amber Ortega.

AirMonitorIngest 0.3.11

  • Final fix for ~_updateKnownLocations()


04 Feb 20:56
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0.3.10 Pre-release

AirMonitorIngest 0.3.10

  • Ensure distinct records when updating known locations tables in
    airsis_updateKnownLocations() and wrcc_updateKnownLocations().

AirMonitorIngest 0.3.9

  • Added wrcc_getUnitIDs(). Removed wrcc_getCurrentUnitIDs().

AirMonitorIngest 0.3.8

  • Added airnow_getDataCustom().

AirMonitorIngest 0.3.7

  • Added airnow_getHourlyData().

AirMonitorIngest 0.3.6

  • Renamed wrcc_getDailyUnitIDs() to wrcc_getCurrrentUnitIDs() and added
    explicit date information.
  • Fixed use of MazamaCoreUtils::setIfNull().

AirMonitorIngest 0.3.5

  • Fixed bug with duplicated meta$deviceDeploymentID when two clusters were
    < 1000 meters apart.

AirMonitorIngest 0.3.3

Adding airsis_~() functions:

  • airsis_getCurrentUnitIDs()
  • airsis_downloadData()
  • airsis_parseAndQCData()
  • airsis_codeDir/airsis_identifyDataFormat()
  • airsis_codeDir/parse_BAM.1020()
  • airsis_codeDir/airsis_QC_BAM.1020()
  • airsis_codeDir/airsis_updateKnownLocations()

AirMonitorIngest 0.3.2

  • Now depending on AirMonitor 0.0.6.

AirMonitorIngest 0.3.1

  • Added wrcc_getDailyUnitIDs().

AirMonitorIngest 0.3.0

Version 0.3 focuses on data ingest from WRCC and AIRSIS.

Initial functions include:

  • wrcc_downloadData()
  • wrcc_identifyMonitorType()
  • wrcc_parseData()
  • wrcc_qualityControl()
  • wrcc_EBAMQualityControl()
  • wrcc_ESAMQualityControl()
  • wrcc_updateKnownLocations()
  • wrcc_createMetaAndData()
  • addClustering()

AirMonitorIngest 0.2.7

Updates for AirMonitor 0.0.4.

  • Fixed a bug in airnow_createMeta() that occurs only when new locations
    appear in the incoming raw data.
  • Now exporting %>%.

AirMonitorIngest 0.2.6

  • Fixed a bug in airnow_createMeta().
  • Fixed a bug in airnow_createData() that kept records with no data.
  • Removed expectation in airnow_createData() that all monitors in meta
    will be represted in the incoming data.

AirMonitorIngest 0.2.5

  • Removed ~APIKey() functionality. Now importing this from
    MazamaCoreUtils 0.4.10.

AirMonitorIngest 0.2.4

  • Harmonized argument names and order in epa_aqs_~() and airnow_~() function

AirMonitorIngest 0.2.3

Added functions to create AirNow 'data' and 'meta' objects:

  • airnow_update()
  • airnow_updateKnownLocations()
  • airnow_updateUnknownLocations()
  • airnow_createMeta()
  • airnow_createData()

AirMonitorIngest 0.2.2

  • Renamed airnow_api_~() functions to just airnow_~().
  • Renamed pollutant to parameterName in airnow_getData~() for harmony with
    epa_aqs_~() functions.

AirMonitorIngest 0.2.1

  • Updated airnow_api_getDataSubset() to request more variables.
  • Removed includeSiteMeta argument from airnow_api_getData~(). Now we always get it.

AirMonitorIngest 0.2.0

Version 0.2 focuses on data ingest from AirNow using the AirNow API.

Initial functions include:

  • airnow_getSites()
  • airnow_api_getData()
  • airnow_api_getDataSubset()
  • airnow_openWebPages()
  • get/setAPIKey()

AirMonitorIngest 0.1.3

  • Support for EPA AQS 81102 -- PM10.

AirMonitorIngest 0.1.1

  • Importing AirMonitor.
  • Updates to support AirMonitor::coreMetadataNames.
  • Support for EPA AQS 88101 -- PM2.5 FRM/FEM.
  • Support for EPA AQS 88402 -- PM2.5 non-FRM/FEM.
  • Support for EPA AQS 42101 -- CO.
  • Support for EPA AQS 44201 -- OZONE.

AirMonitorIngest 0.1.0

Version 0.1 focuses on data ingest functions for EPA AQS data. Functions fall
into the following categories:

Learn more about EPA AQS data

  • epa_aqs_openWebPages()

Get tables of information

  • epa_aqs_getCodes()
  • epa_aqs_getFormatDescriptionTables()
  • epa_aqs_getMonitors()
  • epa_aqs_getSites()

Harmonize EPA AQS measurements

  • epa_aqs_createData()
  • epa_aqs_createLocalArchive()
  • epa_aqs_createMeta()
  • epa_aqs_downloadHourlyData()
  • epa_aqs_parseHourlyData()

AirMonitorIngest 0.0.1

  • Initial setup.