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# RL anonymity

An experimental effort to use reinforcement learning techniques for data anonymization.

## Conceptual overview

The term data anonymization refers to techiniques that can be applied on a given dataset, D, such that after the latter has been submitted to such techniques, it makes it difficult for a third party to identify or infer the existence of specific individuals in D. Anonymization techniques, typically result into some sort of distortion of the original dataset. This means that in order to maintain some utility of the transformed dataset, the transofrmations applied should be constrained in some sense. In the end, it can be argued, that data anonymization is an optimization problem meaning striking the right balance between data utility and privacy.

Reinforcement learning is a learning framework based on accumulated experience. In this paradigm, an agent is learning by iteracting with an environment without (to a large extent) any supervision. The following image describes, schematically, the reinforcement learning framework .

![RL paradigm](images/agent_environment_interface.png "Reinforcement learning paradigm")

The agent chooses an action, `a_t`, to perform out of predefined set of actions `A`. The chosen action is executed by the environment instance and returns to the agent a reward signal, `r_t`, as well as the new state, `s_t`, that the enviroment is in. The framework has successfully been used to many recent advances in control, robotics, games and elsewhere.

Let's assume that we have in our disposal two numbers a minimum distortion, `MIN_DIST` that should be applied to the dataset for achieving privacy and a maximum distortion, `MAX_DIST`, that should be applied to the dataset in order to maintain some utility. Let's assume also that any overall dataset distortion in `[MIN_DIST, MAX_DIST]` is acceptable in order to cast the dataset as preserving privacy and preserving dataset utility. We can then train a reinforcement learning agent to distort the dataset such that the aforementioned objective is achieved.

Overall, this is shown in the image below.

![RL anonymity paradigm](images/general_concept.png "Reinforcement learning anonymity schematics")

The images below show the overall running distortion average and running reward average achieved by using the <a href="">Q-learning</a> algorithm and various policies.

Q-learning with epsilon-greedy policy and constant epsilon ![RL anonymity paradigm](images/q_learn_epsilon_greedy_avg_run_distortion.png "Epsilon-greedy constant epsilon ") ![RL anonymity paradigm](images/q_learn_epsilon_greedy_avg_run_reward.png "Reinforcement learning anonymity schematics")

Q-learning with epsilon-greedy policy and decaying epsilon per episode ![RL anonymity paradigm](images/q_learn_epsilon_greedy_decay_avg_run_distortion.png "Reinforcement learning anonymity schematics") ![RL anonymity paradigm](images/q_learn_epsilon_greedy_decay_avg_run_reward.png "Reinforcement learning anonymity schematics")

Q-learning with epsilon-greedy policy with decaying epsilon at constant rate ![RL anonymity paradigm](images/q_learn_epsilon_greedy_decay_rate_avg_run_distortion.png "Reinforcement learning anonymity schematics") ![RL anonymity paradigm](images/q_learn_epsilon_greedy_decay_rate_avg_run_reward.png "Reinforcement learning anonymity schematics")

Q-learning with softmax policy running average distorion ![RL anonymity paradigm](images/q_learn_softmax_avg_run_distortion.png "Reinforcement learning anonymity schematics") ![RL anonymity paradigm](images/q_learn_softmax_avg_run_reward.png "Reinforcement learning anonymity schematics")

## Dependencies

  • NumPy

## Examples

  • <a href="src/examples/"> Qlearning agent on a three columns dataset</a>
  • <a href="src/examples/"> n-step semi-gradient SARSA on a three columns dataset</a>

## Documentation

## References