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Part1 of the class diagram written in python.
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Part1 comprises the classes:
  - Project
  - Markup
  - Header
  - BimSnippet
  - DocumentReference
  - Topic
  - TopicConstraint with its subclasses
    - Topicstatus
    - TopicPriority
    - TopicType
    - TopicLabel
    - TopicStage
  - Modification
  - Comment
  - ViewpointReference
  - Uri
  • Loading branch information
podestplatz committed May 26, 2019
1 parent 1c34ad9 commit 31ef931
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Showing 6 changed files with 334 additions and 0 deletions.
128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions src/bcf/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
from uuid import UUID
from datetime import datetime, date
from uri import Uri
from typing import List # used for custom type annotations
from modification import Modification
from topic import Topic, TopicConstraint

class Header:
def __init__(self,
ifcProjectId: UUID = None,
ifcSpacialStructureElement: UUID = None,
external: bool = True,
filename: str = "",
time: datetime = None,
reference: Uri = None):

""" Initialization function for Header """

self.ifcProjectId = ifcProjectId
self.ifcSpacialStructureElement = ifcSpacialStructureElement
self.external = external
self.filename = filename
self.time = time
self.reference = reference

class DocumentReference:
def __init__(self,
id: UUID = None,
external: bool = False,
reference: Uri = None,
description: str = ""):

""" Initialization function for DocumentReference """ = id
self.external = external
self.reference = reference
self.description = description

class SnippetType(TopicConstraint):

This is not in the semantical sense a subclass of TopicConstraint, it
rather uses the facilities it offers. I should then rename
TopicConstraint in the future to not confuse the readers at this point

def __init__(self):

values = TopicConstraint.parseConstraints("SnippetType")
super(TopicStatus, self).__init__(values[0], values)

class BimSnippet:
def __init__(self,
type: SnippetType = None,
external: bool = True,
reference: Uri = None,
schema: Uri = None):

""" Initialization function for BimSnippet """

self.type = type
self.external = external
self.reference = reference
self.schema = schema

class ViewpointReference:

""" Base class for Viewpoint. """

def __init__(self,
file: Uri = None,
snapshot: Uri = None,
index: int = 0):

""" Initialisation function of ViewpointReference """

self.file = file
self.snapshot = snapshot
self.index = index

class Comment:

""" Class holding all data about a comment """

def __init__(self,
creation: Modification,
comment: str,
viewpoint: ViewpointReference = None,
lastModification: Modification = None):

""" Initialisation function of Comment """

self.creation = creation
self.comment = comment
self.viewpoint = viewpoint
self.lastModification = lastModification

class Markup:

""" Every topic folder has exactly one markup.bcf file. This forms the
starting point for the ui to get the data """

def __init__(self,
header: Header = None,
topic: List[Topic] = list(),
bimSnippet: BimSnippet = None,
docRefs: List[DocumentReference] = list(),
relatedTopic: UUID = None,
comments: List[Comment] = list(),
viewpoints: List[ViewpointReference] = list(),
snapshots: List[Uri] = list()):

""" Initialization function for Markup """

self.header = header
self.topic = topic
self.bimSnippet = bimSnippet
self.docRefs = docRefs
self.relatedTopic = relatedTopic
self.comments = comments
self.viewpoints = viewpoints
self.snapshots = snapshots

18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/bcf/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
from datetime import datetime

class Modification:

This class is used by Topic and Comment to for one denote the author
and date of the last change and the creator and the creation date of an
object of one of the respective classes

def __init__(self,
author: str,
date: datetime):

""" Initialisation function for Modification """ = author = date
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/bcf/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
from uri import Uri
from uuid import UUID
from markup import Markup

class Project:
def __init__(self,
uuid: UUID = None,
name: str = "",
extSchemaSrc: Uri = None): = uuid = name
self.extSchemaSrc = extSchemaSrc
self.topicList = list()
168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions src/bcf/
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
from typing import List
from enum import Enum
from uuid import UUID
from modification import Modification
from uri import Uri
from datetime import date

class TopicConstraint:

Base class for
- TopicStatus
- TopicPriority
- TopicType
- TopicStage
- TopicLabel
This class is not supposed to be instantiated directly. The __init__
function of every subclass is supposed to parse the contents of the XML
Schema Definition (XSD) file
Schemas/extension.xsd) and instantiate this base class with a list of valid
values. Every time the value is to be updated it is checked against the
list of valid values, which shall not be writable to the outside, and set
if the new value is in.

def __init__(self,
initialValue: str,
validValues: str):
self.validValues = validValues
if initialValue in validValues:
self.value = initialValue

def validValues(self):
return self.validValues

def validValues(self, values: List[str]):
pass # validValues shall not be writable to the outside

def value(self):
return self.value

def value(self, newValue: str):

""" Only sets if newValue is valid """

if newValue in self.__validValues:
self.value = newValue

def parseConstraints(self, elementName):

""" Returns a list of the values specified in extensions.xsd for the
element with the name `elementName`"""

#TODO: write that function

return [None]

class TopicStatus(TopicConstraint):

def __init__(self):

First gets the valid values from extensions.xsd by calling the
static method parseConstraints and then initializing the base class

values = TopicConstraint.parseConstraints("TopicStatus")
super(TopicStatus, self).__init__(values[0], values)

class TopicType(TopicConstraint):

def __init__(self):

First gets the valid values from extensions.xsd by calling the
static method parseConstraints and then initializing the base class

values = TopicConstraint.parseConstraints("TopicType")
super(TopicStatus, self).__init__(values[0], values)

class TopicLabel(TopicConstraint):

def __init__(self):

First gets the valid values from extensions.xsd by calling the
static method parseConstraints and then initializing the base class

values = TopicConstraint.parseConstraints("TopicLabel")
super(TopicStatus, self).__init__(values[0], values)

class TopicStage(TopicConstraint):

def __init__(self):

First gets the valid values from extensions.xsd by calling the
static method parseConstraints and then initializing the base class

values = TopicConstraint.parseConstraints("Stage")
super(TopicStatus, self).__init__(values[0], values)

class TopicPriority(TopicConstraint):

def __init__(self):

First gets the valid values from extensions.xsd by calling the
static method parseConstraints and then initializing the base class

values = TopicConstraint.parseConstraints("Priority")
super(TopicStatus, self).__init__(values[0], values)

class Topic:

""" Topic contains all metadata about one ... topic """

def __init__(self,
id: UUID,
title: str,
creation: Modification,
type: TopicType = None,
status: TopicStatus = None,
refs: List[Uri] = list(),
priority: TopicPriority = None,
index: int = 0,
labels: List[str] = list(),
lastModification: Modification = None,
dueDate: date = None,
assignee: str = "",
description: str = "",
stage: TopicStage = None):

""" Initialisation function of Topic """ = id
self.title = title
self.creation = creation
self.type = type
self.status = status
self.refs = refs
self.priority = priority
self.index = index
self.labels = labels
self.lastModification = lastModification
self.dueDate = dueDate
self.assignee = assignee
self.description = description
self.stage = stage

7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/bcf/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Wrapper class for a URI, maybe will get replaced by the uri module in the
class Uri:
def __init__(self, uri: str):
self.uri = uri
Empty file added src/bcf/
Empty file.

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