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WGAN-GP low-level API example #157

merged 16 commits into from
Feb 14, 2021
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions examples/WGAN-GP/
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## Using Elegy low-level API to train WGAN-GP on the CelebA dataset

### Usage
``` --dataset=path/to/celeb_a/*.png --output_dir=<./output/path> [flags]

--dataset: Search path to the dataset images e.g: path/to/*.png
--output_dir: Directory to save model checkpoints and tensorboard log data

--batch_size: Input batch size (default: '64')
--epochs: Number of epochs to train (default: '100')

### Examples of generated images:

After 10 epochs: ![Example of generated images after 10 epochs](images/epoch-0009.png)

After 50 epochs: ![Example of generated images after 10 epochs](images/epoch-0049.png)

After 100 epochs: ![Example of generated images after 10 epochs](images/epoch-0099.png)

[1] Arjovsky, Martin, Soumith Chintala, and Léon Bottou. "Wasserstein generative adversarial networks." International conference on machine learning. PMLR, 2017.

[2] Gulrajani, Ishaan, et al. "Improved training of wasserstein gans." arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.00028 (2017).

[3] Liu, Ziwei, et al. "Large-scale celebfaces attributes (celeba) dataset." Retrieved August 15.2018 (2018): 11.
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import os, glob, pickle
import numpy as np
from absl import flags, app
import PIL.Image

import elegy
from model import WGAN_GP


help="Directory to save model checkpoints and example generated images",
flags.DEFINE_integer("epochs", default=100, help="Number of epochs to train")
flags.DEFINE_integer("batch_size", default=64, help="Input batch size")

"dataset", default=None, help="Search path to the dataset images e.g: path/to/*.png"


class Dataset(
def __init__(self, path):
self.files = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(path))
if len(self.files) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(f'Could not find any files in path "{path}"')
print(f"Found {len(self.files)} files")

def __len__(self):
return len(self.files)

def __getitem__(self, i):
f = self.files[i]
img = np.array(, 64))) / np.float32(255)
img = np.fliplr(img) if np.random.random() < 0.5 else img
return img

class SaveImagesCallback(elegy.callbacks.Callback):
def __init__(self, model, path):
self.model = model
self.path = path

def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, *args, **kwargs):
x = self.model.predict(np.random.normal(size=[8, 128]))
x = np.concatenate(list(x * 255), axis=1).astype(np.uint8)
img = PIL.Image.fromarray(x), f"epoch-{epoch:04d}.png"))

def main(argv):
assert (
len(argv) == 1
), "Please specify arguments via flags. Use --help for instructions"

assert not os.path.exists(
), "Output directory already exists. Delete manually or specify a new one."

ds = Dataset(FLAGS.dataset)
loader =
ds, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, n_workers=os.cpu_count(), worker_type="process"

wgan = WGAN_GP()
wgan.init(np.zeros([8, 128]))
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@cgarciae cgarciae Feb 10, 2021

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I've been thinking a lot about initialization lately, I am wondering if we would benefit from having a mandatory Model.init that you must call at the beginning onces or continue with our progressive initialization strategy (e.g. if you call predict only pred_step is initialized since you don't have the labels to initialize the metrics, but if you then call fit the rest of the model (metrics + optimizer) is initialized).

I think having an explicit init is more clean and its less confusing but would require an additional mandatory call from the user as in this case. I'll open an issue with an RFC around this topic.
SaveImagesCallback(wgan, FLAGS.output_dir),

if __name__ == "__main__":
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import jax, jax.numpy as jnp
import elegy
import optax

# the generator architecture adapted from DCGAN
class Generator(elegy.Module):
def call(self, z):
assert len(z.shape) == 2
x = elegy.nn.Reshape([1, 1, z.shape[-1]])(z)
for i, c in enumerate([1024, 512, 256, 128]):
padding = "VALID" if i == 0 else "SAME"
x = elegy.nn.conv.Conv2DTranspose(
c, (4, 4), stride=(2, 2), padding=padding
x = elegy.nn.BatchNormalization(decay_rate=0.9)(x)
x = jax.nn.leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=0.2)
x = elegy.nn.conv.Conv2DTranspose(3, (4, 4), stride=(2, 2))(x)
x = jax.nn.sigmoid(x)
return x

# the discriminator architecture adapted from DCGAN
# also called 'critic' in the WGAN paper
class Discriminator(elegy.Module):
def call(self, x):
for c in [128, 256, 512, 1024]:
x = elegy.nn.conv.Conv2D(c, (4, 4), stride=(2, 2))(x)
x = jax.nn.leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=0.2)
x = elegy.nn.Flatten()(x)
x = elegy.nn.Linear(1)(x)
return x

# multiplier for gradient normalization

# gradient regularization term
def gradient_penalty(x_real, x_fake, applied_discriminator_fn, rngkey):
assert len(x_real) == len(x_fake)
alpha = jax.random.uniform(rngkey, shape=[len(x_real), 1, 1, 1])
x_hat = x_real * alpha + x_fake * (1 - alpha)
grads = jax.grad(lambda x: applied_discriminator_fn(x)[0].mean())(x_hat)
norm = jnp.sqrt((grads ** 2).sum(axis=[1, 2, 3]))
penalty = (norm - 1) ** 2
return penalty.mean() * LAMBDA_GP

class WGAN_GP(elegy.Model):
def __init__(self):
# run_eagerly=True is needed to train the generator only every 5 iterations
# as recommended in the WGAN paper
self.generator = Generator()
self.discriminator = Discriminator()
self.g_optimizer = optax.adam(2e-4, b1=0.5)
self.d_optimizer = optax.adam(2e-4, b1=0.5)

# iteration counter
self.i = 0

def init(self, x):
rng = elegy.RNGSeq(0)
gx, g_params, g_states = self.generator.init(rng=rng)(x)
dx, d_params, d_states = self.discriminator.init(rng=rng)(gx)

g_optimizer_states = self.g_optimizer.init(g_params)
d_optimizer_states = self.d_optimizer.init(d_params)

self.states = elegy.States(

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def pred_step(self, x, states):
z = x
x_fake = self.generator.apply(states.g_params, states.g_states)(z)[0]
return (x_fake, states)

def train_step(self, x, states):
# training the discriminator on every iteration
d_loss, d_params, d_states, d_opt_states, rng, gp = self.discriminator_step_jit(
x, **states
states = states.update(
d_params=d_params, d_states=d_states, d_opt_states=d_opt_states, rng=rng

self.i += 1
# training the generator only every 5 iterations as recommended in the original WGAN paper
if self.i % 5 == 0:
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g_loss, g_params, g_states, g_opt_states, rng = self.generator_step_jit(
len(x), **states
states = states.update(
g_params=g_params, g_states=g_states, g_opt_states=g_opt_states, rng=rng
g_loss = 0

return {"d_loss": d_loss, "g_loss": g_loss, "gp": gp}, states

def discriminator_step(
self, x_real, d_params, d_states, g_params, g_states, d_opt_states, rng, **_
z = jax.random.normal(, (len(x_real), 128))
x_fake = self.generator.apply(g_params, g_states)(z)[0]

def d_loss_fn(d_params, d_states, x_real, x_fake, rng):
y_real, d_params, d_states = self.discriminator.apply(d_params, d_states)(
y_fake, d_params, d_states = self.discriminator.apply(d_params, d_states)(
y_pred = jnp.concatenate([y_real, y_fake], axis=0)
y_true = jnp.concatenate(
[jnp.ones(len(x_real)), jnp.zeros(len(x_fake))], axis=0
loss = -y_real.mean() + y_fake.mean()
gp = gradient_penalty(
x_real, x_fake, self.discriminator.apply(d_params, d_states),
loss = loss + gp
return loss, (d_params, d_states, rng, gp)

(d_loss, (d_params, d_states, rng, gp)), d_grads = jax.value_and_grad(
d_loss_fn, has_aux=True
)(d_params, d_states, x_real, x_fake, rng)
d_grads, d_opt_states = self.d_optimizer.update(d_grads, d_opt_states, d_params)
d_params = optax.apply_updates(d_params, d_grads)

return d_loss, d_params, d_states, d_opt_states, rng, gp
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Consider accepting and returning states as with most *_step methods, the can make life easier for the caller of these methods.

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I had tried this too but got turned off by having to write states.update(this=this, that=that, banana=banana....etc) every time. I've now added elegy.States.safe_update() which is basically the opposite of maybe_update() and allows doing states.safe_update(**locals()). Less writing, happier me

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update_known and update_unknown might be better names for safe_update and maybe_update

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I like those names! You can introduce update_known in this PR and we can refactor to update_unknown in a future PR once we merge these 2 PRs that are active.

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Consider overriding operators | & + as shortcuts for update_unknown, update_known and update for even less writing: states & locals()

def generator_step(
self, batch_size, g_params, g_states, d_params, d_states, g_opt_states, rng, **_
z = jax.random.normal(, (batch_size, 128))

def g_loss_fn(g_params, g_states, d_params, d_states, z):
x_fake, g_params, g_states = self.generator.apply(g_params, g_states)(z)
y_fake_scores = self.discriminator.apply(d_params, d_states)(x_fake)[0]
y_fake_true = jnp.ones(len(z))
loss = -y_fake_scores.mean()
return loss, (g_params, g_states)

(g_loss, (g_params, g_states)), g_grads = jax.value_and_grad(
g_loss_fn, has_aux=True
)(g_params, g_states, d_params, d_states, z)
g_grads, g_opt_states = self.g_optimizer.update(g_grads, g_opt_states, g_params)
g_params = optax.apply_updates(g_params, g_grads)

return g_loss, g_params, g_states, g_opt_states, rng

def __getstate__(self):
# removing jitted functions to make the model pickle-able
d = super().__getstate__()
del d["generator_step_jit"]
del d["discriminator_step_jit"]
return d

def _jit_functions(self):
# adding custom jitted functions
self.discriminator_step_jit = jax.jit(self.discriminator_step)
self.generator_step_jit = jax.jit(self.generator_step, static_argnums=[0])
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set -e

for file in $(find examples -name "*.py" | grep -v | grep -v imagenet) ; do
for file in $(ls examples/*.py ) ; do
cmd="python $file --epochs 2 --steps-per-epoch 1 --batch-size 3"
echo RUNNING: $cmd
DISPLAY="" $cmd > /dev/null

#WGAN example
tmpdir=`mktemp -d`; rm -r $tmpdir
cmd="python examples/WGAN-GP/ --epochs=2 --dataset=examples/WGAN-GP/images/*.png --output_dir=$tmpdir"
echo RUNNING: $cmd
DISPLAY="" $cmd > /dev/null