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Point Blue Deployer

Supporting deployer tasks


This will install the package globally

composer global require pointblue/deployer

This package is available from packagist -


  1. Edit the php.ini for your command line environment at /etc/php/VERSION/cli/php.ini where VERSION is something like 5.6 or 7.2.
    Find out your php cli version with php --version
  2. Find composer's global path with composer config --list --global and find the property [home]. Append /vendor to this property and use this path for the next step.
  3. Update include_path by appending the global composer's vendor path to the end of the string as :/home/user/.config/composer/vendor and save the file.
    Example: include_path = ".:/usr/share/php:/home/ubuntu/.config/composer/vendor".
  4. Create a file named .slack_webhook_url in the home folder of the user that will be running the composer script. The contents of the file should be the url of the slack webhook that will be posted to on deploy completetion. This will enable build notifications to be posted to that url. If this is not done, notifications will not be sent. The recommended permission for the file is 600 (chmod 600 .slack_webhook_url).



To use the deployer tasks, just require the tasks in your deployer.php file at the top, but after other required files.


//deployer's common tasks
require 'recipe/common.php';

//Point Blue's deployter tasks
require 'pointblue/deployer/common-tasks.php';

Next, add the hooks need for the tasks to run:

//right before release, call the point blue deployer hooks
after('deploy:clear_paths', 'deploy:pb_deployer_post_hook');


To test commands without running them on the target server, use the --pb-test option.


dep deploy:symlink_envs aws --pb-test -vvv

This will run the deploy:symlink_envs task with the aws stage settings from the servers.yml file and print the symlink commands in the console instead of running them on the server. This will let you test your configurations before deploying.

servers.yml variables

Some additional variables can be added to your hosts definition in the servers.yml file.

env_symlinks - see deploy:symlink_envs in common-tasks.php
update_autoload_classmap - see deploy:update_autoload_classmap in common-tasks.php


Notes on developing this project.

Symlink to global composer path (optional)

It's best to symlink this project from your global composer path. This way your edits can be tested right away.

This is how I used a symlink on my system:

martin@lat3351:~/.config/composer/vendor/pointblue$ ln -sf /home/martin/Workspace/devops/devenv/deployer deployer

This allows the require 'pointblue/deployer/common-tasks.php'; line in deploy.php to refer to the pointblue/deployer repo I cloned. Now my edits are under source control and can be tested lived.

Use debug tasks

You can run debug tasks from you machine to see how individual functions behave and drop break points.

  • From the command line, go to a locally cloned repo that uses common-tasks.php in it's deploy.php file
  • Run dep debug:say_hello prod where prod is any target machine you can deploy to (from your current command line)
  • You should be able to see 'hello, world!' printed in your console
  • You should also be able to set a breakpoint on this line in PHPStorm
  • Use this pattern to create more debug tasks


Please see the source code for task names and their use