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AWS IoT Gateway for GreenGuardian, a uni project for the HdM IoT course.


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GreenGuardian Gateway


AWS IoT Gateway for GreenGuardian, a uni project for the HdM IoT course.

hydrun CI Docker CI Go Version Go Reference Matrix Binary Downloads


The GreenGuardian Gateway connects your sensors and actuators to the GreenGuardian Cloud Backend.

It enables you too ...

  • Map sensors and actuators: By connecting hubs with sensors and actuators to a central gateway, you can model a real-world topology of rooms and plants using the network.
  • Export moisture and temperature data: The gateway forwards the periodically measured moisture and temperature data from the hub to the cloud, allowing it to be processed there.
  • Remotely control the sensors: When the GreenGuardian Cloud Backend decides to take action and turn on a sprinkler or fan, the gateway forwards this request to the correct hub, which then forwards it to the correct actuator.



You can get the OCI images like so:

$ podman pull
$ podman pull


Static binaries are available on GitHub releases.

On Linux, you can install them like so:

$ curl -L -o /tmp/green-guardian-gateway "$(uname -m)"
$ curl -L -o /tmp/green-guardian-hub "$(uname -m)"
$ sudo install /tmp/green-guardian-gateway /usr/local/bin
$ sudo install /tmp/green-guardian-hub /usr/local/bin

On Windows, the following should work (using PowerShell as administrator):

PS> Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile \Windows\System32\green-guardian-gateway.exe
PS> Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile \Windows\System32\green-guardian-hub.exe

You can find binaries for more architectures on GitHub releases.


Command Line Arguments


$ green-guardian-gateway --help
Usage of green-guardian-gateway:
  -aws-ca string
        AWS mTLS CA (default "/home/pojntfx/Projects/green-guardian-gateway/crypto/ca.pem")
  -aws-cert string
        AWS mTLS certificate (default "/home/pojntfx/Projects/green-guardian-gateway/crypto/cert.pem")
  -aws-key string
        AWS mTLS secret key (default "/home/pojntfx/Projects/green-guardian-gateway/crypto/key.pem")
  -endpoint string
        AWS MQTT endpoint to connect to (default "ssl://")
  -laddr string
        Listen address (default ":1337")
  -thing-name string
        Thing name (for topic to publish too; invalid thing names are denied using the ) (default "DEVICE-Device_1")
        Whether to enable verbose logging


$ green-guardian-hub --help
Usage of green-guardian-hub:
  -baud int
        Baudrate to use to communicate with sensors and actuators (default 115200)
  -default-moisture int
        The default expected moisture (default 30)
  -default-temperature int
        The default expected temperature (default 25)
  -fans string
        JSON description in the format { roomID: devicePath } (default "{\"1\": \"/dev/ttyACM0\"}")
  -measure-interval duration
        Amount of time after which a new measurement is taken (default 1s)
  -measure-timeout duration
        Amount of time after which it is assumed that a measurement has failed (default 1s)
  -mock int
        If set to >1, mock temperature and moisture using buttons, sending the default value +- the value of this flag
  -moisture-sensors string
        JSON description in the format { roomID: devicePath } (default "{\"1\": \"/dev/ttyACM0\"}")
  -raddr string
        Remote address (default "localhost:1337")
  -sprinklers string
        JSON description in the format { plantID: devicePath } (default "{\"1\": \"/dev/ttyACM0\"}")
  -temperature-sensors string
        JSON description in the format { roomID: devicePath } (default "{\"1\": \"/dev/ttyACM0\"}")
        Whether to enable verbose logging

Environment Variables

You can set some flags using environment variables. For more info, see the docker-compose file.



To contribute, please use the GitHub flow and follow our Code of Conduct.

To build and start a development version of the GreenGuardian Gateway locally, run the following:

$ git clone
$ cd green-guardian-gateway
$ make depend
$ make && sudo make install
$ green-guardian-gateway # Adjust flags for your own AWS configuration
# In another terminal
$ sudo green-guardian-hub # Adjust flags for your own USB configuration

For more information, esp. on how to set up your AWS infrastructure, see docs/

Have any questions or need help? Chat with us on Matrix!


GreenGuardian Gateway (c) 2023 Felicitas Pojtinger and contributors

SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0