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Kubernetes Guestbook application

New Relic Employees can find a complete workshop here (

This repository contains all information to build a Kubernetes sample application. This work is based on previous work of Drew Decker ( and Clay Smith (

This is still a simple application, but it has some more services:

  • Frontend service: Node.js app serving the UI
  • Parser service: Node.js app responsible for parsing a message and sending it to RabbitMQ
  • Worker service: Node.js app listening to RabbitMQ and pushing the message to Redis
  • Redis service: For storing the message in Redis
  • Queue service: RabbitMQ as message bus



You need a Kubernetes cluster to deploy this applicaton.

For Minikube: start minikube and make sure we can connect to Minikube's Docker daemon

minikube start
eval $(minikube docker-env) # Do this in every terminal window you are using

Create a Kubernetes secret with your New Relic license key

kubectl create secret generic guestbook-secret --from-literal=new_relic_license_key='<YOUR KEY HERE>'

Install the APM metadata injection

  • Navigate to the k8s/metadata folder: kubectl apply -f .
  • Wait until the metadata-setup job is completed: kubectl get pods
newrelic-metadata-injection-deployment-56dbf48c6-wkbnc   1/1     Running     0          17s
newrelic-metadata-setup-zw8sl                            0/1     Completed   0          18s

Install kube-state-metrics

curl -o && unzip && kubectl apply -f kube-state-metrics-release-1.4/kubernetes

Install the New Relic Kubernetes integration

  • Navigate to the k8s/newrelic/ folder: kubectl apply -f .

Deploy RabbitMQ and Redis

  • Navigate to the k8s/app/ folder:
kubectl apply -f rabbitmq.yaml
kubectl apply -f redis.yaml
  • Check with kubectl get pods and wait until these services are running

Deploy the Node.js microservices (frontend, parser, worker)

  • Navigate to the k8s/app/ folder:
kubectl apply -f frontend.yaml
kubectl apply -f parser.yaml
kubectl apply -f worker.yaml
  • Check where frontend is running: kubectl describe service frontend

-> Look for 'NodePort 31811', we need this PORT

  • kubectl cluster-info

-> Look for 'master IP:', we need this IP

Open IP:PORT in your browser


watch kubectl logs -l tier=frontend --tail=20
watch kubectl logs -l tier=parser --tail=20
watch kubectl logs -l tier=worker --tail=20
watch kubectl logs -l tier=queue --tail=20

Build the Docker images

  • If you want to make changes to any of the Docker images, navigate to the relevant folder under app/ and build the image: docker build -t nrlabs/newrelic-k8s-guestbook-frontend .


kubectl delete -f . # ATTENTION, this will delete everything from the yaml files in the current folder

Scale a deployment

kubectl scale --replicas=2 deployment/parser


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