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Webpack Frontline (a fork of webpack-deploy)

Collection of useful utilities for deploying (not only) webpack single-page apps to a Frontline server.

Frontline Deploys

When you use this script to deploy to a server that accepts frontline deploys.

System Design


npm install --save-dev webpack-frontline

# OR if you use yarn:

yarn add webpack-frontline --dev


Copy deploy-config-example.js and secrets-example.js into the root of your project and fit them to your needs. Also make sure you have ./node_modules/.bin in your $PATH.

Using with frontline

Build your Webpack project and run deploy-frontline.

yarn deploy-frontline -- --help to view available options.

By default, deploy-frontline will use the last git commit sha as its revision. It will also use development as its default branch-name.

** Branches **

  • --env is NOT SET, it will deploy to a branch named development.
  • --env is set, it will use its current branch name.
  • --branch is set, it will use the passed in argument as the branch.

** Revisions **

  • --rev is NOT SET, it will use the current git revision sha as its revision id.
  • --rev is set, it will use the passed in argument as its revision id.


  • deploy-frontline Frontline server upload of built index.html
  • deploy-s3 AWS S3 asset upload of build files.
  • deploy-gcloud Google Clould Storage asset upload of build files.


Why Bash with Gulp?

Gulp is great for building, Bash for running tasks.



Prettier config

  // Autoformat files on save
  "autoformat": true,

  // Only attempt to format files with extensions set there
  "extensions": ["js"],

  // Fit code within this line limit
  "printWidth": 80,

  // Number of spaces it should use per tab
  "tabWidth": 2,

  // If true, will use single instead of double quotes
  "singleQuote": true,

  // Controls the printing of trailing commas wherever possible
  "trailingComma": "all",

  // Controls the printing of spaces inside array and objects
  "bracketSpacing": true