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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Polopoly Fileserver

The Fileserver is a Java webapp that provides a simple RESTful API to store and retrieve files. The files are persisted in the underlying file system and available via http.

This server was developed by PS and have been implemented and improved in many projects(List of projects that use it). The project is part of the PS TOOLS umbrella and initially was know as Image server.

The tool is commonly used together with the Polopoly HttpImageManager to avoid to store the images as content, persisted in the DB.

The project and the tool is not supported by Atex and is maintained in a collaborative way. Please feel free to fork this project.

Getting started.

You will need Java and Maven installed. Checkout the code and run

mvn install

This will build the application and run the integration test.

A fileserver.war file will be generated under target/

The maven project is configure to use the Jetty web container pluging and can easily used running

mvn jetty:run

The server is configure to listen the port 8082

How to install.

Deploy the fileserver.war in your preferred web container. Our recommendation is Apache Tomcat.


The server contains a very simple configuration based in two modes. Production(Default), and Test. Each mode provides a set of default values that can be overridden via system properties. The test mode is used by the integation test.

An specific mode can be congured the system propertie the default mode is production:

fileserver.ExecutionMode = production | test

Production default values located at: src/main/resources/


Test default values located at: src/main/resources/


Know issues:

  1. Mimetypes

The server uses an implementation of javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap that uses the mime.types format. Depending of your environment you might need to add mime.type file. More about this mime.types format can be found here:

The RESTfull API

  1. To upload a file:

Perform a http post indicating the Content-Type

curl -H "Content-Type:image/jpeg" -v --data-binary @src/test/fixtures/images/test_image.jpg http://localhost:8082/fileserver/file/test_image.jpg

The response will contained the attributes:

Location: http://localhost:8082/fileserver/file/34/filename/test_image.jpg
Metadata: http://localhost:8082/fileserver/metadata/34/filename/test_image.jpg.metadata
  1. Getting the file:

Perform a http get with the Location attribute as url.

curl http://localhost:8082/fileserver/file/34/filename/test_image.jpg -o copy-of-test_image.jpg
  1. Getting the file metadata:

    curl http://localhost:8082/fileserver/metadata/34/filename/test_image.jpg.metadata

Server response:
