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Releases: polterguy/magic

Choosing your HTTP verbs for each table +++

15 Sep 07:02
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This is a significant release, implementing many changes and bug fixes. Among the more important one from your point of view, is probably the ability to select which HTTP VERB (CRUD operation) you'd like your particular database to have - But there are many more "invisible" changes, that somehow improves the system.

Authentication and authorisation template +++ bug fixes

07 Sep 11:37
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In this release, I have an authentication and authorisation template, using blowfish cryptographically secured hashing to store your passwords. I'll later document how to use it at the documentation website, in addition to creating YouTube video demonstrating how to turn it on.

First stable release

05 Sep 07:21
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I think ...

Minor changes

05 Sep 07:08
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Minor changes Pre-release

Adding sample CRM SQL script

Autocompletion ++

04 Sep 13:05
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Autocompletion ++ Pre-release

This release contains autocompletion for the Hyperlambda editor, plus some other minor modifications and improvements.

Custom SQLs, joins, etc ...

03 Sep 20:23
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The header says most of it ...

Micro SQL management studio implementation

01 Sep 16:54
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In addition to support for (almost) all MySQL types.

Version 4.0 BETA - CRUD generator

01 Sep 09:47
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This release contains a CRUD generator, that allows you to "automagically" create CRUD Web APIs, by simply clicking a button. The stuff is in BETA, but you can see me demonstrate it here.

Removed Ninject ++

12 May 20:01
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HTTP client addition

12 May 07:57
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This release contains an HTTP client that allows you to invoke HTTP REST endpoints with a single line of C#. You can find the HTTP client in "modules/magic.http", and you can consume it through dependency injection by simply adding an IHttpClient instance to (for instance) your controllers, at which point an HttpClient will be automatically injected into your CTOR invocations.

The HTTP client features some intelligent use of C# generics, which automatically transforms between your DTOs and JSON for you.

You can see some basic usage examples here.