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Cubes Architecture

A Cube is a logical entity, composed by a data plane (which can include one or more eBPF programs) and a control/management plane.

In addition, a Cube may include also a slow path in case some additional data plane-related code is required to overcome some limitations of the eBPF data plane.

Types of Cubes

Polycube has two diferent kind of cubes, standard cubes and transparent cubes.

Standard cubes have forwarding capabilities, such router and bridge.

A standard cube:
  • defines a :ref:`ports <cube-ports>` concept, ports are connected to other ports or netdevs;
  • makes a forwarding decision, i.e, sending the packet to another port;
  • it follows middle-box model, is a network function with multiple ports;
          standard cube
        |              |
        | +----------+ |
port1---|-|          |-|---port3
        | |   core   | |
port2---|-|          |-|---port4
        | +----------+ |
        |              |

A transparent cube is a cube without any forwarding capability, such as a network monitor, NAT and a firewall.

A transparent cube:
  • does not define any port, but has to be attached to an existing port such as the one of a normal service (e.g., port1 on router2) or a network interface in the host (e.g., veth0);
  • cannot be connected to other services, but attached.
  • it inherits all the parameters associated to ports (e.g., MAC/IPv4 addresses, link speed, etc.) from the actual port it is attached to (e.g., port 1 on router2, or veth0);
  • it allows to have a stack of transparent services on top of a port, very similar to a stack of functions.
       transparent cube
     |    +---------+    |
     |  ->| ingress |->  |
     | /  +---------+  \ |
<--->|*                 *|<--->
     | \  +---------+  / |
     |  <-| egress  |<-  |
     |    +-------- +    |

Following is example topology composed by standard and transparent cubes.

   veth1                                                                 veth3
     |                                                                    |
     |                                                                    |
     |                                                                    |
+---------+                      +---------+           +---------+   +---------+
|         |   +-----------+------+         |   +-------+         |   |         |
| bridge1 |---| firewall0 | nat0 | router1 |---| ddos0 | router2 |---| bridge2 |---veth5
|         |   +-----------+------+         |   +-------+         |   |         |
+---------+                      +---------+           +---------+   +---------+
    |                                                                     |
    |                                                                     |
    |                                                                     |
  veth2                                                                 veth4

polycubectl ? shows available cubes installed on your system.

A shadow cube:
Only a standard cube can be Shadow type;
  • polycubectl <cubetype> add <cubename> shadow=true.

A shadow cube is associated with a Linux network namespace;

The parameters between the shadow cube and the namespace are aligned;

A port defined on a shadow cube is also visible from the network namespace:
  • the user can decide to configure the ports using Linux (e.g. ifconfig or the ip command) or polycubectl;

    for example: "polycubectl <cubename> ports <PortName> set ip=<IpAddress>" it is the same as "ip netns exec pcn-<cubename> ifconfig <PortName> <IpAddress>".

  • the developer can let Linux handle some traffic by sending it to the namespace (e.g. ARP, ICMP, but in general all those protocols able to be managed by a tool running inside the namespace);

              port1---|              |---port3
                      |  namespace   |
              port2---|              |---port4
 Linux                +--------------+
Polycube               shadow cube
                     |              |
                     | +----------+ |
             port1---|-|          |-|---port3
                     | |   core   | |
             port2---|-|          |-|---port4
                     | +----------+ |
                     |              |

Cubes structure

Cubes Instances

Cubes are created by the polycubectl <cubetype> add <cubename> command, for example:

# create a router instance called r1
polycubectl router add r1
# create a simplebridge instance br1
polycubectl simplebridge add br1

Create Ports

Cubes can send/receive traffic through ports.

NOTE: Just create a port does NOT allow to send/receive traffic.

Ports are created using polycubectl <cubename> ports add <portname> [parameter=value, [parameter1=value1, ...]].

In order to send/receive traffic, the user has to setup the peer value or use the equivalent connect primitive. More details next.

Ports are logical entities and need to be connected to (physical/virtual) network interfaces or to other ports to be fully operational.

             +----------+                                     +---------+
 port1 ------|    r1    |------- port2----------port2---------|   br1   |
(netdev)     |  (cube)  |     (cube port)     (cube port)     |  (cube) |
peer=veth1   +----------+   peer=br1:port2   peer=r1:port1    +---------+

For instance:

# create port2 on br1 (simplebridge), it doesn't require any further parameters
polycubectl br1 ports add port2

# create portX on r1 (router), it doesn't require mandatory parameters, but it is useful to assign an ip (during or after creation)
polycubectl r1 ports add port1 ip=
polycubectl r1 ports add port2 ip=
polycubectl r1 ports add port1 ip=

Connect Ports

Two primitives are available: set peer or connect.

Set peer

The peer parameter defines where the port is connected to, it is possible to connect ports to linux netdevs or to ports belonging to other cubes.

  • set peer to a netdev name in order to connect to it, (eth0, wlan0, veth1...)
  • set peer to cube_name:port_name to connect the port to the port of another cube. (e.g. br1:port1). In this case the peer on both ports have to be set in order to create the connection.

If the peer is empty it means the port is down, so packets are not received from it, and packets sent through it are dropped.

Following is an example, referred to previous picture.

#using set peer
polycubectl r1 ports port1 set peer=veth1
polycubectl r1 ports port3 set peer=eth0
polycubectl r1  ports port2 set peer=br1:port2
polycubectl br1 ports port2 set peer=r1:port2


The connect primitive provides an alternative way to connect ports.

  • connect to a netdev - Use polycubectl connect <cube1>:<port1> <netdev>
  • connect to cube_name:port_name - Use polycubectl connect <cube1>:<port1> <cube_name>:<port_name>

Following is an example, referred to previous picture.

#using connect
polycubectl connect r1:port1 veth1
polycubectl connect r1:port3 eth0
polycubectl connect r1:port2 br1:port2

Attach and Detach primitives

These primitives allow to associate transparent cubes to standard cube's ports or to netdevs on the system.

polycubectl attach firewall1 r1:port2

polycubectl attach firewall0 veth1

Span Mode

The shadow cubes have a mode called span.

The span mode when activated shows all the traffic seen by the service also to the namespace.
  • To activate the span mode the command used is "polycubectl <cubename> set span=true".

Span mode is very useful for debugging; On a shadow cube in span mode programs such as Wireshark or Tcpdump can sniff the traffic.

However, the span mode consumes many resources when it is active, so it is disabled by default and it is recommended to use it only when necessary.

N.B. Span mode duplicates traffic so that it is shown by the namespace, the cube continues to handle traffic. For this reason, for example, if we have a shadow router with active span mode we should not have Ip forwarding active on Linux, otherwise the router service forwards packets and copies them to the namespace, the namespace forwards again packets and there will be duplications.