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Merge pull request #225 from alacuku/alacuku-pcn-k8s-vagrant-ansible
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adding ansible playbooks for deploying the pcn-k8s component.
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frisso committed Nov 8, 2019
2 parents 6a72cb4 + 6b71464 commit 09aa416
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Showing 17 changed files with 590 additions and 0 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions tests/ansible_vagrant/.gitignore
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37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions tests/ansible_vagrant/
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# Ansible playbook
An ansible playbook to install a simple k8s cluster with a master node and two worker nodes. The CNI plugin is pcn-k8s. Vagrant is used to provide the VMs.

## Requirements
* Vagrant 2.2.5 or higher
* Ansible 2.8.5 or higher

## Usage
* `ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass master-playbook.yml`
* Connecting to a node: `ssh vagrant@k8s-master-1`.

## Configuration
All the configuration variable can be found in *kubernetes-playbooks/group_vars/all/vars.yml*. Before playing the playbook have a look at the vars.yml file and change the variables according to your needs. Please pay attention to the **Vagrant Configuration Section** and modify the variables in such a way that suits the host's network interfaces and resources such RAM and CPUs.
By default the playbook checks if ssh key named *vagrant_machines* exists in *~/.ssh*. If it does exist than is copied in the VMs and used to login during the playbook execution and by the user to access via SSH the k8s nodes. If it does not exist than a new ssh key is generated and used to configure the VMs.
If you want to change a parameter on the fly without modifying it in the file *kubernetes-playbooks/group_vars/all/vars.yml* you can pass it to the **ansible-playbook** command like this: `ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass --extra-vars '{"k8s_worker_nodes_ips": []}' master-playbook.yml`

## How does it work?
The first playbook to be executed is *bootstrap.yml* which does the following:
* Reads the variables in *kubernetes-playbooks/group_vars/all/vars.yml*
* Generates the **Vagrantfile** from the *kubernetes-playbooks/roles/bootstrap/templates/VagrantFile.j2*
* Generates the **kubernetes-playbooks/inventory.ini** from the *kubernetes-playbooks/roles/bootstrap/templates/inventory.ini.j2*
* For each IP in **k8s_worker_nodes_ips** generates a new file in *kubernetes-playbooks/host_vars* using the **k8s_worker_node_prefix** and populates it with an ip taken from the list.
* For each node to be part of the k8s-cluster it adds the hostname and IP address associated to that host in */etc/hosts* in the localhost filesystem.
* At the end it runs the vagrant program to provision the VMs.

Then *vagrant-netconfig*, *k8s-master-node* and *k8s-worker-node* playbooks are played. Their names are self-explanatory on what the do.

## Adding additional worker-nodes
If more worker-nodes are needed:
* add the ip address of the node in group_vars/all/vars.yml

## Remote user
The remote user which runs the ansible commands is defined in two places:
* ansible.cfg
* group_vars/all/vars.yml
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions tests/ansible_vagrant/kubernetes-playbooks/ansible.cfg
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inventory = inventory.ini
remote_user = vagrant
host_key_checking = False
become = False

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions tests/ansible_vagrant/kubernetes-playbooks/bootstrap.yml
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# Playbook used to configure the files before launching the vagrant environment
# Check the role for more information
- hosts: localhost
become: no
- bootstrap

82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions tests/ansible_vagrant/kubernetes-playbooks/group_vars/all/vars.yml
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#These variables are shared among all roles

- docker-ce=5:18.09.9~3-0~ubuntu-xenial
- docker-ce-cli=5:18.09.9~3-0~ubuntu-xenial

#Latest versions
- kubelet
- kubeadm
- kubectl

#Needed for apt over HTTPS
- apt-transport-https
- ca-certificates
- curl
- gnupg-agent
- software-properties-common

##path to the public key used to ssh to the machines
#pub_key_path: /home/aldo/.ssh/

#pod-network-cidr used in k8s

#user to be added to the k8s group
user: vagrant

# zone to which set the time
time_zone: Europe/Rome

#Nodes Configuration#

#Node configuration. The cluster can have only one master node and many worker nodes as needed.


#theese prefixes are used when generating the names of the nodes. Used in the host_vars files, inventory.ini and in /etc/hosts in the local system.
k8s_master_node_prefix: k8s-master-

k8s_worker_node_prefix: k8s-node-

#Vagrant file configuration#

#flavor of the operating system to be used in the VMs
image_name: "ubuntu/bionic64"
#the nic on your host to which the VM interface will be bridged.
bridge_nic: enp1s0f0

#Path to the generated SSH private key file
ssh_key_path: ~/.ssh
ssh_key_name: vagrant_machines

#path to the public key used to ssh to the machines, if this key does not exist than a new one is generated with the same name
pub_key_path: "{{ssh_key_path}}/{{ssh_key_name}}.pub"

#Amount of RAM memory for a single VM
virtual_memory_size: 4096

#Amount of Virtual CPUs for a single VM
virtual_cpus: 2

#CNI configuration#

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# Playbook used to configure a master node.
# Check the role for more information
- hosts: k8s_master_nodes
become: yes
- k8s-master

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# Playbook used to configure a worker node.
# Check the role for more information
- hosts: k8s_worker_nodes
become: yes
- k8s-worker
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# Master playbook to run a once the whole configuration.
# Check the specific playbooks and roles to have more information.
- import_playbook: bootstrap.yml
- import_playbook: vagrant-netconfig.yml
- import_playbook: k8s-master-node.yml
- import_playbook: k8s-worker-node.yml
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# tasks file for bootstrap
#This task generates the vagrant file for the VMs to be created.

- name: Template the VagrantFile.j2 configuration file to ../Vagrantfile
src: VagrantFile.j2
dest: ../Vagrantfile
delegate_to: localhost

- name: Template the inventory.ini.j2 configuration file to invetory.ini
src: inventory.ini.j2
dest: inventory.ini
delegate_to: localhost

- name: Refresh inventory to ensure that the new generated one is used
meta: refresh_inventory

- name: Find and save in a local variable all host_vars files
paths: ./host_vars
patterns: "*.yml"
register: files_to_delete

- name: Delete all the host_vars files
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: absent
with_items: "{{ files_to_delete.files }}"

- name: Creating the "host_vars" file for each k8s' master-node
path: ./host_vars/{{item}}.yml
state: touch
mode: u=rw,g=r,o=r
loop: "{{ groups.k8s_master_nodes }}"

- name: Populating the k8s-master-nodes host_vars files with the node ip
path: "./host_vars/{{ item.0 }}.yml"
line: "node_ip: {{ item.1 }}"
loop: "{{ groups.k8s_master_nodes|zip(k8s_master_nodes_ips)|list }}"

- name: Creating the "host_vars" file for each k8s' worker-node
path: ./host_vars/{{item}}.yml
state: touch
mode: u=rw,g=r,o=r
loop: "{{ groups.k8s_worker_nodes }}"

- name: Populating the k8s-worker-nodes host_vars files with the node ips
path: "./host_vars/{{ item.0 }}.yml"
line: "node_ip: {{ item.1 }}"
loop: "{{ groups.k8s_worker_nodes|zip(k8s_worker_nodes_ips)|list }}"

- name: Removing k8s-master-nodes from /etc/hosts in the localhost if they already exist
become: yes
path: /etc/hosts
regexp: ".*{{ item }}.*"
state: absent
loop: "{{ groups.k8s_master_nodes }}"

- name: Adding k8s-master-nodes from /etc/hosts in the localhost
become: yes
path: /etc/hosts
line: "{{ item.1 }} {{item.0}}"
loop: "{{ groups.k8s_master_nodes|zip(k8s_master_nodes_ips)|list }}"

- name: Removing k8s-worker-nodes from /etc/hosts in the localhost if they already exist
become: yes
path: /etc/hosts
regexp: ".*{{ item }}.*"
state: absent
loop: "{{ groups.k8s_worker_nodes }}"

- name: Adding k8s-worker-nodes to /etc/hosts in the localhost
become: yes
path: /etc/hosts
line: "{{ item.1 }} {{item.0}}"
loop: "{{ groups.k8s_worker_nodes|zip(k8s_worker_nodes_ips)|list }}"

- name: Check if the ~/.ssh directory exists, if not create it
path: "{{ ssh_key_path }}"
state: directory
mode: '0755'

- name: Checking if ssh key exists and if not generate a new one
path: "{{ ssh_key_path }}/{{ssh_key_name}}"

- name: Run "vagrant up" with the Vagrantfile as input.
command: vagrant up
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IMAGE_NAME = "{{ image_name }}"
BRIDGE_NIC = "{{ bridge_nic }}"

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.ssh.insert_key = true

config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
v.memory = {{ virtual_memory_size }}
v.cpus = {{ virtual_cpus }}
{% for node_ip in k8s_master_nodes_ips %}
config.vm.define "k8s-master" do |master| = IMAGE_NAME
# change the bridge interface to match the one on your host machine "public_network", bridge: BRIDGE_NIC, ip: "{{ node_ip }}"
master.vm.hostname = "k8s-master"
master.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
# Configures the ssh-key
ansible.playbook = "kubernetes-playbooks/vagrant-ssh-key.yml"
ansible.extra_vars = {
pub_key_path: "{{ pub_key_path }}"
{% endfor %}

{% for node_ip in k8s_worker_nodes_ips %}
config.vm.define "node-{{ loop.index }}" do |node| = IMAGE_NAME
# change the bridge interface to match the one on your host machine "public_network", bridge: BRIDGE_NIC, ip: "{{ node_ip }}"
node.vm.hostname = "node-{{ loop.index }}"
node.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
# Configures the ssh-key
ansible.playbook = "kubernetes-playbooks/vagrant-ssh-key.yml"
ansible.extra_vars = {
pub_key_path: "{{ pub_key_path }}"
{% endfor %}
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#this file is autogenerated by the bootstrap

{% for node_ip in k8s_master_nodes_ips %}
{{ k8s_master_node_prefix }}{{ loop.index }}
{% endfor %}

{% for node_ip in k8s_worker_nodes_ips %}
{{ k8s_worker_node_prefix}}{{ loop.index }}
{% endfor %}

## All nodes

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