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Releases: polyminer1/rhminer

Version 2.3b - Remove Anti-tamper code viewed as a virus by windows

29 Apr 05:12
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Remove Anti-tamper code viewed as a virus by windows

Version 2.3 - Optimizations up to 10%

03 Apr 12:11
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*General optimizations from 5% to 10%, depending on cpu and mem speed
*Default mining cpu count is All CPU instead of 1
*Remove requirement of command line options -cpu and -cputhreads
*Network stability improved !

Version 2.2b - Removed from devfee pools

12 Feb 10:26
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*Improved pool connection
*code cleanup and minor improvements (linux and macos)

Version 2.2 - Major optimizations up to 55% faster

06 Feb 20:18
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*Added major optimizations. (55% on Platinuim, 50% on i7 and i5)
*Tested on i5, i7, Epic and Xeon
*Added version in log and submit chrono

Version 2.1c - Many fixes for linux + 2% Optimization

03 Feb 06:44
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** Linux only **
*Fixed miner stalling after 24+ hours
*Fixed miner crashing when resizing terminal
*Fixed screen -r making miner stop
*Fixed terminal randomly closing
*Fixed linux caching error that give out litle more than 2% more speed.
Validated by tclark70

Version 2.1b - Optimizations going up to 80% faster

22 Jan 14:07
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  • Optimized RandomHash2 with up to 80% more speed. (On some system rhminer 2.1 is up to 250% faster than official miner)
  • Fixed linux binaries where main thread was exiting after miner startup.
  • Linux zip files now contains rhminer as an executable and not a simple file.
  • FIxed windows packages and removed extra folders
  • Fixed linux hanging problems

RandomHash2.0 - Up to 110% Faster than official miner.

17 Jan 14:03
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RandomHash2 for CPU Only.
Tested on Windows7, Windows 10, Ubuntu 16/18, MacOS.

Version 1.5.3 - MacOS support and binaries, Reduced duplicate shares to zero, Cpu throttling option and remote api fixes

08 Jul 20:10
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  • Added MacOS support and binaries. (Tested on High Sierra and El Capitan)
  • Added internal cpu throttling option to slow down mining.
  • Fixed: Duplicate shares when pool mining.
  • Fixed: EthMan API : sent config.txt was ignored when restarting miner on Linux.

Version 1.5.2 - Critical fix. Some options where not parsed in config files.

16 May 14:13
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*Fixed Xml parsing for config file. Some options where skipped.
*Fixed config.txt example file. The verbose "v" option was commented !

Version 1.5.1 - GTX 20xx support, Cuda 10.1 and some bug fixes

14 May 19:16
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Please get Version 1.5.2, it contain more bug fixes :

  • Add support for Turing architecture (GTX 20xx) Untested.
  • Support for CUDA 10.1 with drivers 419.x(Windows) and 418.x(Linux)
  • Fixed : Cannot Disable gpu mining when using config.txt with gpu binaries.
    Now you can simply empty the value of "gpu" and "gputhreads" to disable gpu mining on gpu binaries. Ex: "gpu":"" and "gputhreads":""
  • Little performance boost on linux binaries (CPU and GPU)
  • Added missing screensaver source files
  • change line ending in many files

Old versions are available on my mega drive :