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Merge pull request #4 from polymorpher/ih
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An example of a shortened ONE Wallet contract with equivalent functionalities
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polymorpher committed Aug 8, 2021
2 parents 8089a18 + 29463b2 commit 2dffb8a
Showing 1 changed file with 196 additions and 0 deletions.
196 changes: 196 additions & 0 deletions code/contracts/ONEWallet2.sol
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@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract ONEWallet2 {
bytes32 root; // Note: @ivan brought up a good point in reducing this to 16-bytes so hash of two consecutive nodes can be done in a single word (to save gas and reduce blockchain clutter). Let's not worry about that for now and re-evalaute this later.
uint8 height; // including the root. e.g. for a tree with 4 leaves, the height is 3.
uint8 interval; // otp interval in seconds, default is 30
uint32 t0; // starting time block (effectiveTime (in ms) / interval)
uint32 lifespan; // in number of blocks (e.g. 1 block per [interval] seconds)

address payable lastResortAddress; // where money will be sent during a recovery process (or when the wallet is beyond its lifespan)
bytes32 recoveryHash; // hash of the secret stored at the client, which can be used to recover the walletif the user loses the authenticator
uint8 constant MAX_REVEAL_DELAY = 2; // in OTP intervals (i.e., 2 * interval seconds)

// Management of daily spendings
uint dailyLimit; // uint128 is sufficient, but uint256 is more efficient since EVM works with 32-byte words.
mapping(uint => uint) dailySpendings; // day => amount ; this mapping can have maximally a single value at the time -- except the execution time of the reveal(). However, in contrast to 2-var approach for daily spending, it is still valid and in the case of inactivity it refers to the last day of transfer
uint32 lastExecutedTransfer; // in days since epoch; Since the transfer is the only operation that changes dailySpendings, we need to record the day of the recent transfer for cleanup of daily spendings.

uint32 lastRevealedOTPIdx; // stores the index of the valid OTP that was revealed as the last one within reveal() -- this is to avoid reply attacks within the same OTP interval by not allowing commits <= than this number or repeating reveal with stolen arguments from incompleed reveal().

uint32 lastCleanUpOfCommitsIdx; // the OTP idx of the last OTP interval when clean up of malicious or accidental commits was made


struct Commit {
bytes32 hash; // h(eOTP || operType || ...params)
uint timestamp; // OTP must be valid in this time; not in the time of reveal

// below are operation-specific parameters bound to operType
OperType operType;
address payable addr;
uint amount;
mapping(uint32 => Commit[]) public commits; // idx of OTP valid during a commitment => commitment data

event UnknownTransferError(address dest);
event UnknownOperationType(OperType otype);

constructor(bytes32 root_, bytes32 recoveryHash_, uint8 height_, uint8 interval_, uint32 t0_, uint32 lifespan_, address payable lastResortAddress_, uint256 dailyLimit_){
root = root_; // Merkle root for OTPs
recoveryHash = recoveryHash_;
height = height_;
interval = interval_;
t0 = t0_;
lifespan_ = lifespan_;
lastResortAddress = lastResortAddress_;
dailyLimit = dailyLimit_;
// lastRevealedOTPIdx = 0; // implicit
// lastExecutedTransfer = 0; // implicit
// lastCleanUpOfCommitsIdx = 0; // implicit

receive() external payable {} // TODO: handle various cases within some base class

* This is a general commit and should work with all kinds of operations.
* Operations are distinguished by otype, and they are accompanied by operation-specific parameters (that have operation specific interpretation).
* Note: It is important that the operations are submitted along the commit hash due to security property:
* - the design is inspired by 3-stage protocol for replacing root hash in SmartOTPs; however, here we merge stages 1 and 2 into a single (since 3 stages would be impractical).
* - we are making the 1st valid entry in the list of commits for current OTP interval => we commit to the commit hash and its operation parameters at the single step (in contrast to SmartOTPs doing it in 2 steps).
* - a valid OTP + proof in reveal() can lead only to exection of the valid operation (1st one in the list).
* - if here would be submitted only hash of commit, it can be front-runned by the attacker (as also pointed-out by Aaron)
* Note: the current design shows the detials of the operation that will be executed in maximally ~60 seconds, which might be seen as a premature leakage of
* transaction details. However, for the standard wallet use cases (e.g., presented here) this should not be an issue.
* Note that there can be multiple commits submitted in the current interval, while only the first matching one will be executed in reveal().
function commit(bytes32 hash, OperType otype, address payable addr, uint amount) external {
uint32 submittedOTPIdx = uint32(block.timestamp) / interval - t0;
require(submittedOTPIdx > lastRevealedOTPIdx, "The OTP of the current interval was already revealed. It is not possible to submit commits in the current OTP interval anymore. Wait for the next interval.");
Commit memory nc = Commit(hash, block.timestamp, otype, addr, amount);

* This is a general reveal for all types of operation. Arguments contain all possible parameters as the union (only the relevant args for a particular operation are used).
* It cannot revert with not yet invalidated OTP, since the attacker can steal it + its proof and misuse it for the malicious commit() and reveal() within the same OTP interval.
function reveal(bytes32[] calldata neighbors, uint32 otpIdx, bytes32 eotp) external returns (bool) {

// 1) Check time constrains of reveal
uint32 currentIdx = uint32(block.timestamp) / interval - t0; // check whether idx of OTP is timely
require(currentIdx - otpIdx <= MAX_REVEAL_DELAY, "Reveal is out of max allowed delay."); // here is OK to revert, coz if revert fails, submitted eotp + proof are invalidated due to late time and cannot be misused anymore.

// 2) scan all the commits made within otpIdx interval and execute the first matching one
for (uint i = 0; i < commits[otpIdx].length; i++) {

Commit storage c = commits[otpIdx][i];
bytes32 hashedArgs = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(eotp, c.operType, c.addr, c.amount));

if(hashedArgs == commits[otpIdx][i].hash){

// 3) verify the provided OTP in a specific way, according to the operation type
if(c.operType != OperType.RECOVERY){
_verifyMerkleProof(neighbors, otpIdx, eotp);
} else {
require(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(eotp)) == recoveryHash, "Provided secret for recovery is incorrect."); // here is also OK to revert since invalid secret (in eotp) was submitted

// 4) execute the operation according to its type; never revert since a valid OTP + proof are already submitted in args.
if(c.operType == OperType.TRANSFER){

if(!_executeTransfer(c.addr, c.amount)){
lastRevealedOTPIdx = otpIdx; // do not allow to call reveal with this eotp again
return false; // if daily limit is not met or there was an error with send() (implemented by call)
_cleanUpDailySpendings(); // clean up only after a successful transfer

} else if(c.operType == OperType.SET_LAST_RESORT_ADDR){
if(lastResortAddress == address(0x0) && c.addr != address(0x0)) // alow setting up last resort address only if it was 0x0 before
lastResortAddress = c.addr;
} else if(c.operType == OperType.RECOVERY){ // we do not care about params in Commits
_drain(); // IH: I do not find any reason for this operation to be executed using OTP (it is enought to verify time expired timeout)
} else {
emit UnknownOperationType(c.operType);

delete commits[otpIdx];
lastRevealedOTPIdx = otpIdx; // it is not possible to execute any operations using the otpIdx anymore (handled in commit)
return true;
return false;

//////////////////////// Public Aux Functions //////////////////////////

* It serves for the deletion of accidentaly submitted commits by the user or malicious commits submitted by the attackers, which contribute to the total storage allocation.
* Currently, this method can be called by anybody since it does touch only the garbage.
* Also, in theory, someone may earn gas if there are too many entries submitted by the attacker (who payed for it).
function cleanUpCommits() external {
for (uint32 i = lastCleanUpOfCommitsIdx; i <= lastRevealedOTPIdx; i++){ // IH: in theory, this might lead to out-of-gas exception for settings of TOTP with very long validity but currently I'd not be affraid. Moreover, we are getting the gas back for successfull deletions.
delete commits[i]; // NOTE: IH: it makes no difference whether it was initialized or not, so we can delete any position.
lastCleanUpOfCommitsIdx = lastRevealedOTPIdx; // shift commit clean-up checkpoint

function getCurrentSpending() external view returns (uint){
return dailySpendings[block.timestamp / 1 days];

function retire() external returns (bool){
require(uint32(block.timestamp / interval) - t0 > lifespan, "Too early to retire");
return _drain();

//////////////////////// Internal Functions //////////////////////////

* It cleans up the previous value of daily spending from the map (this ensures that map has always only a single value -- except the execution time of the reveal())
* Can be called only after successfully executed transfer within reveal().
function _cleanUpDailySpendings() internal {
uint32 curDay = uint32(block.timestamp / 1 days);
if(curDay > lastExecutedTransfer ){
delete dailySpendings[lastExecutedTransfer];
lastExecutedTransfer = curDay; // shift the clean-up checkpoint

function _verifyMerkleProof(bytes32[] calldata neighbors, uint32 index, bytes32 eotp) internal view
require(neighbors.length == height - 1, "Not enough neighbors provided");
bytes32 h = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(eotp));
for (uint8 i = 0; i < height - 1; i++) {
if ((index & 0x01) == 0x01) {
h = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(neighbors[i], h));
} else {
h = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(h, neighbors[i]));
index >>= 1;
require(root == h, "Proof is incorrect");

function _executeTransfer(address payable dest, uint amount) internal returns(bool) {
if(dailySpendings[block.timestamp / 1 days] + amount > dailyLimit)
return false; // Daily limit exceeded.

(bool res, ) ={value : amount}("");
return false; // Unknown transfer error.

dailySpendings[block.timestamp / 1 days] += amount;
return true;

function _drain() internal returns (bool) {
(bool res, ) ={value : address(this).balance}("");
return res;

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