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Genetic interaction type flowchart

Kim Rutherford edited this page Dec 1, 2022 · 1 revision
flowchart TD;
    A[Is the double<br>phenotype an inviable<br>cell population?];
    A -->|Yes| C{{The single allele <br> phenotype should be a <br> viable cell population}};
    C --> C2[Is the interacting<br>allele overexpressed?];
    C2 -->|Yes| C2.1((Dosage<br>Lethality));
    C2 -->|No| C2.2((Synthetic<br>Lethality));
    A -->|No| D[Is the single<br>phenotype an inviable<br>cell population?];
    D -->|Yes| E{{The double allele <br> phenotype should be a <br> viable cell population}};
    E --> E2[Is the interacting<br>allele overexpressed?];
    E2 -->|Yes| E2.1((Dosage<br>Rescue));
    E2 -->|No| E2.2((Synthetic<br>Rescue));
    D -->|No| F{{We have to know<br> if double is worse}};
    F --> G[Is one of the<br>phenotypes a cell<br> population growth<br>phenotype?];
    G -->|Yes| H{{The other phenotype<br> should be a population <br> growth phenotype too}};
    H -->H2[Is the interacting<br>allele overexpressed?];
    H2 -->|Yes| H2.1[double is <br>worse?];
        H2.1 -->|Yes| H2.1.1((Dosage<br>Growth<br>Defect));
        H2.1 -->|No| H2.1.2((Dosage<br>Rescue));
    H2 -->|No| H2.2[double is <br>worse?];
        H2.2 -->|Yes| H2.2.1((Synthetic<br>Growth<br>Defect));
        H2.2 -->|No| H2.2.2((Synthetic<br>Rescue));
    G -->|No| I[double is <br>worse?];
    I -->|Yes| J((Phenotypic<br>Enhancement));
    I -->|No| K((Phenotypic<br>Suppresion));