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This is the source code of the libinger library for making function calls with timeouts from Rust and C, described in our ATC '20 paper, "Lightweight Preemptible Functions." As the proverb goes, "If you don't want your function calls to linger, link with -linger."

Also present are a few supporting libraries:

  • external/libgotcha: runtime providing the libset abstraction that makes all of this possible
  • external/libtimetravel: makes it easier to safely perform unstructured jumps from Rust code
  • internal/libsignal: unsafe wrappers around C library functions (don't use at home!)


The entire contents and history of this repository are distributed under the following license:

Copyright 2020 Carnegie Mellon University

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

System requirements

Presently, x86-64 GNU/Linux is the only supported platform. The build requirements are as follows:

  • rustc ≤1.36.0, as newer versions include a breaking change to dylib symbol exports for which I have not (yet?) checked in a workaround
  • cargo (tested with 1.36.0, a.k.a. 0.37.0)
  • bindgen (tested with 0.51.1)
  • gcc (tested with 9.2.1)
  • GNU make
  • GNU binutils (tested with 2.34)
  • GNU libc (tested with 2.29)
  • libebl from elfutils (tested with 0.176)
  • git

A note on terminology

We use the term lightweight preemptible function (LPF) to refer to the timed version of a function, as invoked via the launch() wrapper function in this library. It's not quite right to say that libinger "provides preemptible functions"; rather, it provides a transformation from an ordinary function into a preemptible one.

To provide the memory isolation necessary to introduce preemption and asynchronous cancellation at sub-thread granularity without breaking existing program dependencies, the libgotcha runtime allocates a separate copy of all the program's loaded dynamic libraries for each preemptible function. While the paper refers to this isolation unit as a libset, that term was unfortunately coined late in development; as such, the source code and configuration variables refer to it as a "group" instead.

A note on design

The paper describes the libinger API, and the generated HTML documentation gives a few more usage details. Here are some of the guiding principles that inspired our interface choices:

  • We do not assume users need asynchrony. Hence, preemptible functions run on the same kernel thread as their caller. This is good for performance (and especially invocation latency), but it is also important to be aware of; for instance, it means that a preemptible function will deadlock if it attempts to acquire a lock held by its caller, or vice versa. If asynchrony is something you require, you can build it atop libinger, as we have demonstrated with our libturquoise preemptive userland thread library.
  • We assume that simply calling a function with a timeout is the common use case. As such, the launch() wrapper both constructs and begins executing the preemptible function rather than asking the user to first employ a separate constructor. The latter behavior can be achieved by passing the sentinel 0 as the timeout, then later using resume() to invoke the preemptible function.
  • We endeavor to keep argument and return value passing simple yet extensible. Because Rust supports closures, the Rust version of launch() accepts only nullary functions: those seeking to pass arguments should just capture them from the environment. Because C supports neither closures nor generics, the C version of launch() accepts a single void * argument that can serve as an inout parameter; it occupies the last position in the parameter list to permit (possible) eventual support for variable argument lists.
  • We choose defaults to favor flexibility and performance. When a preemptible function times out, libinger assumes the caller might later want to resume it from where it left off. As such, both launch() and resume() pause in this situation; this incurs some memory and time overhead to provide a separate execution stack and package the continuation object, but has much lower overall cost than asynchronous cancellation. If the program does require cancellation, it can request it explicitly by calling cancel() (C) or dropping the continuation object (Rust).
  • We provide preemption out of the box, but the flexibility to cooperatively yield. The pause() primitive allows a preemptible function to "yield" back to its caller by immediately "timing out." One can imagine building higher-level synchronization constructs atop this; for example, a custom mutex that paused instead of blocking would allow two or more preemptible functions to share state, even when some of them executed from the same kernel thread.
  • We favor a simple, language-agnostic interface. Because the interface is based on the foundational function call abstraction, it looks very similar in both C and Rust. Someday, it may look equally similar in other languages as well, and in the meantime, it ought to enjoy compatibility with languages' C foreign-function interfaces. It's relatively simple to integrate higher-level abstractions on top, such as the Rust futures wrapper available in libinger's future module.

A note on implementation

The timer signal handler in libinger refuses to pause while the next libset is set to 0 (the starting libset). Because libinger is statically linked with libgotcha, the latter enforces a transparent switch to this libset whenever a dynamic function call transfers control into the module in the process image that corresponds to This means that preemption is deferred on a given kernel thread while libinger's own code is executing on that thread.

Of course, things are not quite that simple. There are noteworthy exceptions to the rule:

  • The public libinger Rust interface includes a number of generic functions. Because the Rust compiler monomorphizes such functions for the client code that uses them, their implementations are not in! Rather, there is, roughly speaking, one or more copies of them (specialized for various type arguments) in each program module that calls them. The generic functions are therefore implemented such that they package everything that differs by type, then call into non-specialized functions such as setup_stack() and switch_stack() to do the scary stuff.
  • The resume_preemption() function is installed as a libgotcha callback hook, and is implicitly invoked at the end of each deferred-preemption library call made by a preemptible function. This happens in the preemptible function's libset rather than the starting one; this is essential because the callback's main task is to force the timer signal handler to run immediately and check for a timeout, and we don't want the libset to inhibit preemption!

Building glibc from source

Note: If you seek only to test libinger with a very small program that doesn't require many preemptible functions and has few dynamic library dependencies, and you are willing to build without debug symbols, you may be able to skip this section provided you restrict the number of libsets at runtime by exporting the $LIBGOTCHA_NUMGROUPS variable before invoking your program (e.g., $ LIBGOTCHA_NUMGROUPS=1 ./i_only_use_one_lpf_at_a_time).

Although libinger is compatible with an unmodified glibc in principle, in practice the build configuration used by most distributions is insufficient for two reasons:

  • By loading numerous copies of the application's libraries, we tend to exhaust the static storage pool provided by the dynamic linker. If your program hits this limit, it will crash at load time with an error like: yourprogram: libgotcha error: Unable to load ancillary copies of library: cannot allocate memory in static TLS block.
  • Stock glibc builds are limited to 16 linker namespaces, enough to support only 15 preemptible functions at any given time. If your program hits this limit, it will crash at runtime with an error like: launch(): too many active timed functions.

Unfortunately, these configuration parameters are baked into the dynamic linker at build time. What's more, changing (at least) the latter alters the size of internal structures that are shared between,,, and others, so making changes requires rebuilding all of glibc. Fortunately, provided you set the prefix properly when building glibc, the dynamic linker will know where to search (by absolute path) for the other libraries; as such, most applications that depend on need only define a custom interpreter path pointing to the file in your build directory.

Follow these steps to build your own glibc, where all paths are relative to the root of this repository:

  1. Clone the glibc source code: $ git clone git:// I'll assume you put it in ../glibc, and have checked out whatever version you want to use.
  2. Edit TLS_STATIC_SURPLUS in ../glibc/elf/dl-tls.c to raise the multiplier on DL_NNS by at least two orders of magnitude*. Our current recommendation is a multiplier of 2000.
  3. Change DL_NNS in ../glibc/sysdeps/generic/ldsodefs.h to exceed by at least one the maximum number of simultaneous preemptible functions your program will need*. The default value of 16 should be fine for use cases with low parallelism and where preemptible functions are usually allowed to run to completion before launching others; we have not tested values above 512.
  4. Make a new empty directory to use for the build and cd into it. Let's say this is located at ../rtld.
  5. Decide where you want to place your new glibc "installation." I'll be using ../rtld/usr.
  6. Still working in ../rtld, configure the build: $ ../glibc/configure --prefix=$PWD/usr --disable-werror.
  7. Start the build: $ make -j8, assuming you have 8 cores.
  8. When the build finishes successfully, run $ make install to populate the "installation" directory you chose earlier. Note that the install target appears to be finicky about running with multiple cores, so combining this step with the previous one can cause issues (at least) the first time you build glibc.
  9. Add to the ../rtld/usr/lib directory a symlink to each of the following libraries on your system: (from elfutils),, (also from elfutils),,, libstd-*.so (from Rust), and
  10. Move back into the root of this repository and tell the build system where to find your custom dynamic linker build: ln -s ../rtld/usr/lib/

* The inger-atc20-cfp tag records the revision used to run the libinger microbenchmarks for the ATC paper, and is annotated with the build customizations applied to glibc and libgotcha for that use case. Similarly, the repository containing our full-system benchmarks contains annotated tags recording the configuration used to evaluate hyper and libpng. To see the annotations, use git show. To run the benchmarks, use cargo bench.

Building libinger

The libinger library is built with Cargo, although Make is also required because of libgotcha.

  1. Follow the steps in the preceding section to build your own glibc root, or skip them at your own peril (in which case you will have to ignore the error in the following step).
  2. Working in the root of this repository, configure the build: $ ./configure.
  3. Build the library: $ cargo build --release.
  4. If you intend to use preemptible functions from C, generate the header: $ cargo run --release >libinger.h

The library will be located in target/release; this and the header are the only files required to build C programs against libinger. For Rust programs, the rlib files under target/release/deps must also be present during the build phase.

To build and view the HTML documentation for the Rust interface, simply do: $ cargo doc --open. There is no documentation for the C interface, but the header should be "self documenting," as they say.

Building programs against libinger

Note: This section describes how to build simple C and Rust programs against libinger by invoking the compiler directly. If you want to use Cargo to build a Rust crate that depends on libinger , skip to the next one.

Let's assume you want to write a small program that uses libinger, and (for simplicity) that you want to store the source file and executable in the root of this repository.

For a C program, you'll want to begin your file with #include "libinger.h" and build with some variation of this command:

$ cc -fpic -Ltarget/release -Wl,-R\$ORIGIN/target/release -Wl,-I./ -o prog prog.c -linger

For a Rust program, you should start your file with extern crate inger; and build like:

$ rustc -Ltarget/release/deps -Clink-arg=-Wl,-R\$ORIGIN/target/release -Clink-arg=-Wl,-I./

Of course, you probably want to add other flags to your compiler invocation to request things like language edition, optimization, debugging, and warnings. If you are trying to use the system dynamic linker instead of one that you built from source, omit the [-Clink-arg=]-Wl,-I./ switch, cross your fingers, and eat a bowl of lucky charms to minimize the probability that your program runs out of static storage during initialization.

In the case of both languages, the resulting executable is distributable, and will continue to work as long as it is run from a directory containing both and target/release/ Note however, that the dynamic linker pointed to by the former symlink is hard to distribute without an installer because its default library search path is based on the (absolute) prefix path used when configuring the build.

Building crates against libinger with Cargo

Cargo can build crates that depend on libinger, but this requires some extra configuration, not least because it very aggressively prefers to build dependencies as static libraries rather than shared ones. To set things up, after configuring the build system in this repository, do the following from the root of your other Cargo tree:

$ ln -s ../path/to/libinger/.cargo

If you have a nested tree of projects that depend on libinger, it suffices to do this once at the outermost level of the directory structure (but still within a Cargo project directory!).

Now you'll just need to add an entry like this to your project's Cargo.toml:

path = "../path/to/libinger"

Debugging tips

If adding libinger to your program causes it to segfault or otherwise crash, it's possible the culprit is libgotcha's support for intercepting dynamic accesses to global variables, which makes use of heuristics. Ordinarily we notify the application of accesses we were unable to resolve by forwarding it a segmentation fault; this approach is intended to support applications and runtimes that respond to segfaults, but it can sometimes obscure the problem. See whether running your program with forwarding disabled gives a more informative libgotcha error:

$ LIBGOTCHA_ABORTSEGV= ./yourprogram

If you have produced a release build and later need to switch to a debugging one, please note that the build system does not support both types of builds simultaneously: you must perform a full clean in between by running $ ./configure. If you are using the C interface, also note that you must regenerate the header without the --release switch; otherwise, the type declaration's size will not match the implementation! Unless your application uses Cargo as a build system, you'll need to replace all instances of release with debug in the command you use to build it. If substituting a debug build of libinger causes your program to crash on initialization with an error like Unable to load ancillary copies of library, either rebuild glibc with a higher TLS_STATIC_SURPLUS or launch with a reduced number of libsets, e.g.:

$ LIBGOTCHA_NUMGROUPS=2 ./yourprogram

Both valgrind (at least Memcheck from version 3.15.0) and rr (at least version 5.3.0) are known to work, but currently libgotcha's global variable access interception appears to break both. You can work around this by switching it off, at the risk of altering the semantics of your program:

$ LIBGOTCHA_NOGLOBALS= valgrind ./yourprogram #check it for memory errors
$ LIBGOTCHA_NOGLOBALS= rr ./yourprogram #record execution for reverse debugging

Sadly, LLVM's sanitizers rely heavily on dynamic linking tricks that are incompatible with libgotcha, so they are not available at this time.

The gdb debugger works both with and without global variable access interception, although we recommend first trying without it for a much less confusing experience out of the box:

$ LIBGOTCHA_NOGLOBALS= gdb ./yourprogram

If you do need to preserve global variable semantics while debugging, you probably don't want to step into libgotcha's segfault handler unless you're trying to debug the feature itself. You can instruct gdb to ignore segmentation faults like so:

$ gdb -ex handle\ SIGSEGV\ noprint ./yourprogram