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File metadata and controls

387 lines (196 loc) · 12.3 KB


This is a list of features and configs available in Joys of Efficiency (JoE).

Config description will be like:

Name("Category Tab in config menu", Type, default value, 
		[minimum or maximum value if its type is int or float]) - "discription of the config".

"Category Tab in config menu" is one of following: "Automation", "UIs", "Cheats", "Misc", "Controls", and "Not on menu".


Config Menu

You can open mod configuration menu when specified key(Default:R). You can't disable this feature because it's a core feature.


  • KeyShowMenu("Controls", SButton, default:"R") - The key to open config menu.

  • FilterBackgroundInMenu("UIs", bool, default:true) - When config menu is opened, outside of it will be darker like inventory menu.

  • ShowMousePositionWhenAssigningLocation("UIs", bool, default:true) - When assigning coordinates of window, shows mouse cursor's position.

Balanced Mode

Did you thought following utilities are a bit cheaty? This utility lets them not to be executed so often. (almost 1 executing per seconds), and automation radius will be 1 tile.  This utility affects to AutoWaterNearbyCrops, AutoPetNearbyAnimals, AutoHarvest, AutoCollectCollectibles, AutoShakeFruitedPlants, AutoDigArtifactSpot, AutoDepositIngredient, and AutoPullMachineResult.


  • BalancedMode("Automation" bool, default:true) - whether this utility is enabled.

Mine Info GUI

With this utility, you can check how many stones left, and monster kills tally counter, and whether ladder has spawned in mines. You can see those when your mouse hovered over the icons.


  • MineInfoGUI("UIs", bool, default:true) - whether this utility is enabled.

Auto Water Nearby Crops

With this utility, the crops planted on the soil will be watered automatically.
To use this, you must have at least one of Watering Can and it to have enough water within, and this costs stamina of the farmer each crops.


  • AutoWaterNearbyCrops("Automation", bool, default:true) - whether this utility is enabled. 

  • AutoWaterRadius("Automation", int, default:1) - How far tiles can be affected by this utility.

  • FindCanFromInventory("Automation", bool, default:true) - Find Can from entire inventory or just held by player.

Auto Refill Watering Can

You can refill your watering can automatically from nearby water source.


  • AutoRefillWateringCan("Automation", bool, default:true) - whether this utility is enabled. 

Gift Information Tooltip

 With this utility, you can check how much do villagers like, dislike the gift before giving it to them.


  • GiftInformation("UIs", bool, default:true) - whether this utility is enabled.

Auto Pet Nearby Animals

With this utility, you don't have to click on animals to pet, just get close to them.


  • AutoPetNearbyAnimals("Automation", bool, default:false) - whether this utility is enabled. 

  • AutoPetRadius("Automation", int, default:1) - How far tiles can be affected by this utility.

Auto Animal Door

With this utility, animal doors will open in morning if it is sunny and not winter, and close at the time day changed without click it manually.


  • AutoAnimalDoor("Automation", bool, default:true) - whether this utility is enabled.

Auto Fishing

Are you tired to deal with fishing minigame? When this utility is enabled, your computer will play the minigame instead of you. This was requested by @GastlyMister. Many thanks!


  • AutoFishing("Automation", bool, default:false) - whether this utility is enabled.

  • CPUThresholdFishing("Automation", float, default:0.2 min:0.0 max:0.5) - determines how often cpu reel up the rod.

Fishing Tweaks

This is a set of tweaks of fishing.


  • AutoReelRod("Automation", bool, default:true) - whether it automatically reels up the rod when fish nibbled.

Fishing Information GUI

This feature shows the information about the fish when playing fishing minigame.


  • FishingInfo("UIs", bool, default:true) - whether this utility enabled.

Auto Gate

Auto Gate

Are you tired of clicking fence gates? Then try this. This feature let gates open when farmer is close to them, and otherwise, close them automatically. It should work with both single-player and coop game modes. This was requested by @plaah007. Thanks alot!


  • AutoGate("Automation", bool, default:true) - whether this utility enabled.

Auto Eat

This utility let the farmer to eat something automatically when his/her health or stamina is low. These threshold ratio can be changed. This was requested by @GastlyMister. thanks!


  • AutoEat("Automation", bool, default:false) - whether this utility enabled.

  • StaminaToEatRatio("Automation", float, default:0.3 min:0.3 max:0.8) - the threshold ratio of stamina to eat something

  • HealthToEatRatio("Automation", float, default:0.3 min:0.3 max:0.8) - the threshold ratio of health to eat something

Auto Harvest

This utility let the farmer to harvest crops (and spring onions) automatically when he/she gets closed to it.


AutoHarvest("Automation", bool, default:false) - whether this utility enabled. ProtectNectarProducingFlower("Automation", bool, default:true) - this option protects flowers producing nectar not to be Auto harvested. AutoHarvestRadius("Automation", int, default:1) - How far tiles can be affected by this utility. HarvestException("Automation", List) - Crop id list not to be auto harvested. KeyToggleBlackList("Controls", SButton, default:"F2") - Add/Remove crop under cursor to/from blacklist.

Auto Destroy Dead Crops

This utility destorys dead crops automatically when he/she gets closed to it.


AutoDestroyDeadCrops("Automation", bool, default:true) - whether this utility enabled.

Auto Collect Collectibles

This utility let the farmer to collect collectibles (crystals, forages, animal products, and so on) automatically when he/she gets closed to it.


AutoCollectCollectibles("Automation", bool, default:false) - whether this utility enabled. AutoCollectRadius("Automation", int, default:1) - How far tiles can be affected by this utility.

Auto Shake Fruited Plants

This utility shakes fruited tree(pines, acorns, apples, cherries, and so on) and berry bushes automatically when the farmer gets closed to it.


AutoShakeFruitedPlamts("Automation", bool, default:true) - whether this utility enabled. AutoShakeRadius("Automation", int, default:1) - How far tiles can be affected by this utility.

Auto Dig Artifact Spot

This utility digs artifact spots nearby the farmer automatically.


AutoDigArtifactSpot("Automation", bool, default:false) - whether this utility enabled. AutoDigRadius("Automation", int, default:1) - How far tiles can be affected by this utility. FindHoeFromInventory("Automation", bool, default:true) - Find hoe from entire inventory or just held by player.

Auto Deposit Ingredient

This utility will try to deposit ingredient you held to nearby machines automatically.


AutoDepositIngredient("Automation", bool, default:false) - whether this utility enabled. MachineRadius("Automation", int, default:1) - How far tiles can be affected by this utility.

Auto Pull Machine Result

This utility will try to pull results from nearby machines and give it to the farmer automatically.


AutoPullMachineResult("Automation", bool, default:true) - whether this utility enabled. MachineRadius("Automation", int, default:1) - How far tiles can be affected by this utility. 

Auto Pet Nearby Pets

Oh, seriously you want to pet pets automatically? All right, this utility pets nearby pets automatically.


  • AutoPetNearbyPets("Automation", bool, default:false) - whether this utility is enabled.
  • AutoPetRadius("Automation", int, default:1 min:1 max:3) - How far tiles can be affected by this utility.

Fishing Probabilities Info

This utility let you know what fish could be caught (and estimated probability of catching) when you are fishing.


  • FishingProbabilitiesInfo("UIs", bool, default:false) - whether this utility is enabled. 

  • ProbBoxCoordinates("UIs", Point, default:[100,400]) - Top-left coordinates of the window.

  • MorePreciseProbabilities("UIs", bool, default:true) - Displays more plactical and precise probabiilities.

  • TrialOfExamine("UIs", int, default:10 min:1 max:10) - Trial number of computing probabilities.

Show Shipping Price

This utility shows estimated total shipping price when you opened shipping box.


  • EstimateShippingPrice("UIs", bool, default:true) - whether this utility is enabled.

  • PriceBoxCoordinates("UIs", Point, default:[100,100]) - Top-left coordinates of the window.

Unify Flower Colors

This utility unifies flower colors to reduce occupied spaces according to its species. In config file, you can change the color using "R, G, B, A" format.


  • UnifyFlowerColors("Misc", bool, default:false) - whether this utility is enabled.

  • JazzColor("Misc", Color, default:{0, 255, 255, 255}) - The color of Blue Jazz.

  • TulipColor("Misc", Color, default:{255, 0, 0, 255}) - The color of Turip.

  • PoppyColor("Misc", Color, default:{255, 69, 0, 255}) - The color of Poppy.

  • SummerSpangleColor("Misc", Color, default:{255, 215, 0, 255}) - The color of Summer Spangle.

  • FairyRoseColor("Misc", Color, default:{216, 191, 216, 255}) - The color of Fairy Rose.

  • ButtonToggleFlowerColorUnification("Controls", SButton, default: 'L') - The button to register/unregister flowers to unify their colors.

  • CustomizedFlowerColors("Misc", Dictionary<int, Color>) - Customized flower colors for unification.

Auto Loot Treasures

This utility loots all acceptable items in treasure box, not chests player placed or shipping bin. (e.g. fishing treasures, mine treasures)


  • AutoLootTreasures("Automation", bool, default:true) - whether this utility is enabled.

  • CloseTreasureWhenAllLooted("Automation", bool, default:false) - Closes the treasure chest menu when all items taken.

Collect Letter Attachments And Quests

This feature collects attached items or accepts quests when you opened mail contains those.


  • CollectLetterAttachmentsAndQuests("Automation", bool, default:false) - whether this utility is enabled.

Pause When Idle

This feature pauses game when you are not in work.

It helps you not to waste in-game time when idling.


  • PauseWhenIdle("Misc", bool, default:false) - whether this utility is enabled.

  • IdleTimeout("Misc", int, default:180 min:1 max:300) - Timeout needed to pause the game in seconds.

  • PauseNotificationX("Not on menu", int, default:100) - X position of paused notification.

  • PauseNotificationY("Not on menu", int, default:700) - Y position of paused notification.

Auto Pick Up Trash

This feature searches trash can and pick up trash without being detected.

  • AutoPickUpTrash("Automation", bool, default:false) - whether this utility is enabled.

  • ScavengingRadius("Automation", int, default:2 min:1 max:3) - How far tiles can be affected by this utility.

Auto Shearing and Milking

This feature let you shear/milk nearby mature sheep/cows automatically when you held shears/bucket.

  • AutoShearingAndMilking("Automation", bool, default:true) - whether this utility is enabled.

  • AnimalHarvestRadius("Automation", int, default:1 min:1 max:3) - How far tiles can be affected by this utility.

Farm Cleaner

This feature will clean up small rocks, twigs, and weeds in farm.

Please note that it can consume the farmer's stamina relatively easily.

You have to select appropriate tool in hotbar to use.


  • RadiusFarmCleanup("Automation", int, default:1 min:1 max:3) - How far tiles can be affected by this utility.

  • CutWeeds("Automation", bool, default:false) - Cuts weeds nearby (requires Scythe).

  • BreakRocks("Automation", bool, default:false) - Breaks small rocks nearby (requires Pickaxe).

  • ChopTwigs("Automation", bool, default:false) - Chops twigs nearby (requires Axe).