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Kronfluence: Technical Documentation & FAQs

For a detailed description of the methodology, please refer to the paper Studying Large Language Model Generalization with Influence Functions.


Kronfluence has been tested and is compatible with the following versions of PyTorch:

  • PyTorch 2.1 or higher
  • Python 3.9 or higher

Supported Modules & Strategies

Kronfluence offers support for:

  • Computing influence functions on selected PyTorch modules. Currently, we support nn.Linear and nn.Conv2d.
  • Computing influence functions with several Hessian approximation strategies, including identity, diagonal, KFAC, and EKFAC.
  • Computing pairwise and self-influence (with and without measurement) scores.


If there are additional modules you would like to see supported, please submit an issue on our GitHub repository.

Step-by-Step Guide

See UCI Regression example for the complete workflow and interactive tutorial.

Prepare Your Model and Dataset. Before computing influence scores, you need to prepare the trained model and dataset. You can use any frameworks to train the model (e.g., Pytorch Lightning or HuggingFace Trainer).

# Get the model with the trained parameters.
model = construct_model()
# Get the training dataset.
train_dataset = prepare_train_dataset()
# Get the query dataset (e.g., validation/test dataset).
query_dataset = prepare_query_dataset()

Define a Task. To compute influence scores, you need to define a Task class. This class contains information about the trained model and how influence scores will be computed: (1) how to compute the training loss; (2) how to compute the measurable quantity (f(θ) in the paper; see Equation 5); (3) which modules to use for influence function computations; and (4) whether the model used attention mask.

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
import torch
from torch import nn
from kronfluence.task import Task

class YourTask(Task):
    def compute_train_loss(
        batch: Any,
        model: nn.Module,
        sample: bool = False,
    ) -> torch.Tensor:
        # This will be used for computing the training gradient.
        # TODO: Complete this method.

    def compute_measurement(
        batch: Any,
        model: nn.Module,
    ) -> torch.Tensor:
        # This will be used for computing the measurable quantity.
        # TODO: Complete this method.

    def tracked_modules(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
        # TODO: [Optional] Complete this method.
        return None  # Compute influence scores on all available modules.

    def get_attention_mask(self, batch: Any) -> Optional[Union[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]]:
        # TODO: [Optional] Complete this method.
        return None  # No attention mask is used.

Prepare Your Model for Influence Computations. Kronfluence wraps all supported modules within the model with TrackedModule. This wrapper will be used for computing the factors and influence scores. Once your model is ready and the task is defined, prepare your model with:

from kronfluence.analyzer import prepare_model
task = YourTask()
model = prepare_model(model=model, task=task)

If you have specified specific module names in Task.tracked_modules, TrackedModule will only be installed for these modules.

[Optional] Create a DDP and FSDP Module. After calling prepare_model, you can create DistributedDataParallel (DDP) or FullyShardedDataParallel (FSDP) module or even use torch.compile.

Set up the Analyzer and Fit Factors. Initialize the Analyzer and execute fit_all_factors to compute all factors that aim to approximate the Hessian (or Gauss-Newton Hessian). The computed factors will be stored on disk.

from kronfluence.analyzer import Analyzer
from kronfluence.utils.dataset import DataLoaderKwargs
analyzer = Analyzer(analysis_name="model_with_seed0", model=model, task=task)

# [Optional] Set up the parameters for the DataLoader.
dataloader_kwargs = DataLoaderKwargs(num_workers=4, pin_memory=True)

# Compute all factors.
analyzer.fit_all_factors(factors_name="initial_factor", dataset=train_dataset)

Compute Influence Scores. Once the factors have been computed, you can compute pairwise and self-influence scores. When computing the scores, you can specify the factor name you would like to use.

scores = analyzer.compute_pairwise_scores(

You can organize all factors and scores for the specific model with factors_name and scores_name.


What should I do if my model does not have any nn.Linear or nn.Conv2d modules? Currently, the implementation does not support influence computations for modules other than nn.Linear or nn.Conv2d. Try rewriting the model so that it uses supported modules (as done for the conv1d module in GPT-2 example). Alternatively, you can create a subclass of TrackedModule to compute influence scores for your custom module. If there are specific modules you would like to see supported, please submit an issue.

How should I write task.tracked_modules? We recommend using all supported modules for influence computations. However, if you would like to compute influence scores on subset of the modules (e.g., influence computations only on MLP layers for transformer or influence computation only on the last layer), inspect model.named_modules() to determine what modules to use. You can specify the list of module names you want to analyze.


If the embedding layer for transformers are defined with nn.Linear, you must write task.tracked_modules to avoid influence computations embedding matrices.

How should I implement Task.compute_train_loss? Implement the loss function used to train the model. Note that the function should return the summed loss (over batches and tokens).

How should I implement Task.compute_measurement? It depends on the analysis you would like to perform. Influence functions approximate the effect of downweighting/upweighting a training data point on the query's measurable quantity. You can use the loss, margin (for classification), or conditional log-likelihood (for language modeling).

I encounter TrackedModuleNotFoundError when using DDP or FSDP. Make sure to call prepare_model before wrapping your model with DDP or FSDP. Calling prepare_model on DDP modules can cause TrackedModuleNotFoundError.

My model uses supported modules, but influence scores are not computed. Kronfluence uses module hooks to compute factors and influence scores. For these to be tracked and computed, the model's forward pass should directly call the module.

import torch
from torch import nn
    self.linear = nn.Linear(8, 1, bias=True)
def forward(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    x = self.linear(x)  # This works 😊
    x = self.linear.weight @ x + self.linear.bias  # This does not work 😞

I get X error when fitting factors/computing scores. Please feel free to contact me by filing an issue or through email.

Configuring Factors with FactorArguments

import torch
from kronfluence.arguments import FactorArguments

factor_args = FactorArguments(
    strategy="ekfac",  # Choose from "identity", "diagonal", "kfac", or "ekfac".

    # Settings for covariance matrix fitting.
    # Settings for Eigendecomposition.
    # Settings for Lambda matrix fitting.

# You can pass in the arguments when fitting the factors.
analyzer.fit_all_factors(factors_name="initial_factor", dataset=train_dataset, factor_args=factor_args)

You can change:

  • strategy: Selects the Hessian approximation strategy (identity, diagonal, kfac, or ekfac).
  • use_empirical_fisher: Determines whether to use the empirical Fisher (using actual labels from batch) instead of the true Fisher (using sampled labels from model's predictions). It is recommended to be False.
  • amp_dtype: Selects the dtype for automatic mixed precision (AMP). Disables AMP if set to None.

Fitting Covariance Matrices

kfac and ekfac require computing the uncentered activation and pre-activation pseudo-gradient covariance matrices. To fit covariance matrices, you can use analyzer.fit_covariance_matrices.

# Fitting covariance matrices.
analyzer.fit_covariance_matrices(factors_name="initial_factor", dataset=train_dataset, factor_args=factor_args)
# Loading covariance matrices.
covariance_matrices = analyzer.load_covariance_matrices(factors_name="initial_factor")

This step corresponds to Equation 16 in the paper. You can tune:

  • covariance_max_examples: Controls the maximum number of data points for fitting covariance matrices. Setting it to None, Kronfluence computes covariance matrices for all data points.
  • covariance_data_partition_size: Number of data partitions to use for computing covariance matrices. For example, when covariance_data_partition_size = 2, the dataset is split into 2 chunks and covariance matrices are separately computed for each chunk. These chunked covariance matrices are later aggregated. This is useful with GPU preemption as intermediate covariance matrices will be saved in disk. It can be also helpful when launching multiple parallel jobs, where each GPU can compute covariance matrices on some partitioned data (You can specify target_data_partitions in the parameter).
  • covariance_module_partition_size: Number of module partitions to use for computing covariance matrices. For example, when covariance_module_partition_size = 2, the module is split into 2 chunks and covariance matrices are separately computed for each chunk. This is useful when the available GPU memory is limited (e.g., the total covariance matrices cannot fit into memory). However, this will do multiple iterations over the dataset and can be slow.
  • activation_covariance_dtype: dtype for computing activation covariance matrices. You can also use torch.bfloat16 or torch.float16.
  • gradient_covariance_dtype: dtype for computing pre-activation pseudo-gradient covariance matrices. You can also use torch.bfloat16 or torch.float16.

Dealing with OOMs. Here are some steps to fix Out of Memory (OOM) errors.

  1. Try reducing the per_device_batch_size when fitting covariance matrices.
  2. Try using lower precision for activation_covariance_dtype and gradient_covariance_dtype.
  3. Try setting covariance_module_partition_size > 1.

Performing Eigendecomposition

After computing the covariance matrices, kfac and ekfac require performing eigendecomposition.

# Performing Eigendecomposition.
analyzer.perform_eigendecomposition(factors_name="initial_factor", factor_args=factor_args)
# Loading Eigendecomposition results.
eigen_factors = analyzer.load_eigendecomposition(factors_name="initial_factor")

This corresponds to Equation 18 in the paper. You can tune:

  • eigendecomposition_dtype: dtype for performing eigendecomposition. You can also use torch.float32, but torch.float64 is recommended.

Fitting Lambda Matrices

ekfac and diagonal require computing the Lambda (eigenvalue) matrices for all modules.

# Fitting Lambda matrices.
analyzer.fit_lambda_matrices(factors_name="initial_factor", dataset=train_dataset, factor_args=factor_args)
# Loading Lambda matrices.
lambda_matrices = analyzer.load_lambda_matrices(factors_name="initial_factor")

This corresponds to Equation 20 in the paper. You can tune:

  • lambda_max_examples: Controls the maximum number of data points for fitting Lambda matrices.
  • lambda_data_partition_size: Number of data partitions to use for computing Lambda matrices.
  • lambda_module_partition_size: Number of module partitions to use for computing Lambda matrices.
  • cached_activation_cpu_offload: Computing the per-sample-gradient requires saving the intermediate activation in memory. You can set cached_activation_cpu_offload=True to cache these activations in CPU.
  • lambda_iterative_aggregate: Whether to compute the Lambda matrices with for-loop instead of batched matrix multiplications. This is helpful for reducing peak memory, as it avoids holding multiple copies of tensors with the same shape as the per-sample-gradient.
  • lambda_dtype: dtype for computing Lambda matrices. You can also use torch.bfloat16 or torch.float16.

Dealing with OOMs. Here are some steps to fix Out of Memory (OOM) errors.

  1. Try reducing the per_device_batch_size when fitting Lambda matrices.
  2. Try setting lambda_iterative_aggregate=True or cached_activation_cpu_offload=True.
  3. Try using lower precision for lambda_dtype.
  4. Try using lambda_module_partition_size > 1.


I get different factors each time I run the code. This is expected as we sample labels from the model's prediction when computing covariance and Lambda matrices. Using use_empirical_fisher=True could make the process more deterministic. Moreover, different hardware might compute different eigenvectors when performing eigendecomposition.

How should I select the batch size? You can use the largest possible batch size that does not result in OOM. Typically, the batch size for fitting Lambda matrices should be smaller than that used for fitting covariance matrices.

Configuring Scores with ScoreArguments

import torch
from kronfluence.arguments import ScoreArguments

score_args = ScoreArguments(

    # Configuration for query batching.
  • damping: A damping factor for the damped inverse Hessian-vector product (iHVP). Uses a heuristic based on mean eigenvalues (0.1 x mean eigenvalues) if None.

  • cached_activation_cpu_offload: Whether to offload cached activations to CPU.

  • amp_dtype: Selects the dtype for automatic mixed precision (AMP). Disables AMP if set to None.

  • data_partition_size: Number of data partitions for computing influence scores.

  • module_partition_size: Number of module partitions for computing influence scores.

  • per_module_score: Whether to return a per-module influence scores. Instead of summing over influences across all modules, this will keep track of intermediate module-wise scores.

  • query_gradient_rank: The rank for the query batching (low-rank approximation to the query gradient; see Section 3.2.2). If None, no query batching will be used.

  • query_gradient_svd_dtype: dtype for performing singular value decomposition (SVD) for query batch. You can also use torch.float64.

  • num_query_gradient_aggregations: Number of query gradients to aggregate over.

  • use_measurement_for_self_influence: Whether to use the measurement (instead of the loss) when computing self-influence scores.

  • score_dtype: dtype for computing influence scores. You can use torch.bfloat16 or torch.float16.

  • per_sample_gradient_dtype: dtype for computing per-sample-gradient. You can use torch.bfloat16 or torch.float16.

  • precondition_dtype: dtype for performing preconditioning. You can use torch.bfloat16 or torch.float16, but torch.float32 is recommended.

Computing Influence Scores

To compute pairwise influence scores (Equation 5 in the paper), you can run:

# Computing pairwise influence scores.
analyzer.compute_pairwise_scores(scores_name="pairwise", factors_name="ekfac", score_args=score_args)
# Loading pairwise influence scores.
scores = analyzer.load_pairwise_scores(scores_name="pairwise")

To compute self-influence scores (see Section 5.4 from paper), you can run:

# Computing self-influence scores.
analyzer.compute_self_scores(scores_name="self", factors_name="ekfac", score_args=score_args)
# Loading self-influence scores.
scores = analyzer.load_self_scores(scores_name="self")

Dealing with OOMs Here are some steps to fix Out of Memory (OOM) errors.

  1. Try reducing the per_device_query_batch_size or per_device_train_batch_size.
  2. Try setting cached_activation_cpu_offload=True.
  3. Try using lower precision for per_sample_gradient_dtype and score_dtype.
  4. Try setting query_gradient_rank > 1. The recommended values are 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256. Note that query batching is only supported for computing pairwise influence scores, not self-influence scores.
  5. Try setting module_partition_size > 1.


Influence scores are very large in magnitude. Ideally, influence scores need to be divided by the total number of training data points. However, the code does not normalize the scores. If you would like, you can divide the scores with the total number of data points (or tokens) used to train the model.


  1. Studying Large Language Model Generalization with Influence Functions. Roger Grosse, Juhan Bae, Cem Anil, et al. Tech Report, 2023.
  2. If Influence Functions are the Answer, Then What is the Question?. Juhan Bae, Nathan Ng, Alston Lo, Marzyeh Ghassemi, Roger Grosse. NeurIPS, 2022.
  3. TRAK: Attributing Model Behavior at Scale. Sung Min Park, Kristian Georgiev, Andrew Ilyas, Guillaume Leclerc, Aleksander Madry. ICML, 2023.
  4. Understanding Black-box Predictions via Influence Functions. Pang Wei Koh, Percy Liang. ICML, 2017.
  5. Optimizing Neural Networks with Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature. James Martens, Roger Grosse. Tech Report, 2015.
  6. Fast Approximate Natural Gradient Descent in a Kronecker-factored Eigenbasis. Thomas George, César Laurent, Xavier Bouthillier, Nicolas Ballas, Pascal Vincent. NeurIPS, 2018.