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Personal Website

Personal website to display my profile, works, and external links. Simple React app (without using create-react-app), different pages handled with React Router and Netlify's own "_redirects" feature.

Please let me know if you have any feedback or notice any issues!


2022-11-03 Released v1.0

The website is online! Click here to view it.


Note: unticked boxes mean they haven't been done yet; ticked boxes mean they have been done, but not yet part of the "netlify deploy". Alterations that have been merged are transferred to the "./" file.

This roadmap broadly follows a "NOW/NEXT/LATER" format, with an additional 3-letter prefix to summarize the nature of the alteration. However, please note that this does not translate immediately to a Semantic Versioning scheme.

The items in "NOW" patch the current version for instant improvements. Mostly intended as fixes, minor retouches in style, content updates, and overall refactoring of potentially messy code.

The "NEXT" section is to plan the next minor update. This can mean adding/removing/modifying features and content, as well as changing the overall feel of the page.

While the first two appear to mirror the "MAJOR/MINOR/PATCH" model, "NEXT" breaks with this scheme: it is intended less as a "next major version" roadmap and more as a tracker for plans and ideas for future versions, MAJOR and MINOR alike. In other words, it acts as a pool of ideas and improvements to cherry-pick from, to simplify planning the next update.

Prefix reference:

  • REF: Refactor the code (improve performance, readability, or make future-proof) without altering its functionality;
  • FIX: Correct parts of the program that are behaving incorrectly;
  • MOD: Modify existing feature, altering its functionality;
  • ADD: Add new feature to the program;
  • DEL: Delete existing functionality.


Continuous development: Advent of Code 2022 solutions.

v1.2 patch 1:

  • Delete the "Passions" component, write it directly inside "About Me" page.

v1.2 patch 2:

  • Implement JS solution for the 100vh issue on mobile.

v1.2 patch 3:

  • Work on ContentCard images to have better display.


To be decided.

  • MOD: Rework grid layout to have fixed footer and header, and scrolling main container.

Full-fledged landing page.

  • ADD: "./landing": a page with greeting, scrolls down to a link carousel, and then to "download cv" link.

Full-fledged landing page.

  • ADD: "./landing": a page with greeting, scrolls down to a link carousel, and then to "download cv" link.

Background canvas.

  • MOD: Bubbles behavior. Improve scale coefficient so that it looks good on huge and tiny cards (it was originally configured to take up the whole window.)
  • ADD: Edge bubbles. New type that draws bubbles starting from one edge, and gradually disappears toward the other edge.
  • ADD: Homepage canvas customizer.


  • ADD: New color scheme for the page (themes). Consider the useContext hook. Start simple (a single toggle button).
  • ADD: Theme knob for switching color schemes.
  • ADD: Theme knob for homepage canvas customizer.

Portfolio content.

  • ADD: Make actual content pages for portfolio (not just external links).
  • ADD: ISSUU and The Odin Project cards.
  • MOD: Make the "portfolio" link on the header nav collapse and expand, revealing portfolio content pages.
  • MOD: If you have more collapsing main pages, add a "Expand All" checkbox.


  • ADD: Create a div that holds the tooltip element. Store tooltips in a json file and have elements append and remove elements on the tooltip div.


  1. Plan out the work in the Roadmap section of (Always on main branch!)
  2. Switch to the development branch (git checkout development). Work with atomic commits.
  3. When the patch is done and ready to merge, update and Commit again.
  4. Squash commits:
    • git checkout main
    • git merge --squash development
    • git commit -m "v#.# patch # (replace #'s with versions)
  5. Update the deployment branch:
    • git checkout netlify-deploy
    • git merge main

Rinse & repeat.


My own portfolio page.






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