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codecov Upload Python Package

Http client base pydantic, with requests, aiohttp and httpx.

How to install

only support requests:

pip install pydantic-client

support aiohttp and requests:

pip install "pydantic-client[aiohttp]"

support httpx(async) and requests:

pip install "pydantic-client[httpx]"

support all:

pip install "pydantic-client[all]"

How to use

from pydantic import BaseModel

from pydantic_client import delete, get, post, put
from pydantic_client.clients.requests import RequestsClient

class Book(BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int

class R(RequestsClient):

    def get_book(self, book_id: int, query: str) -> Book:

    @post("/books", form_body=True)
    def create_book_form(self, book: Book) -> Book:
        """ will post the form with book"""

    def change_book(self, book_id: int, book: Book) -> Book:
        """will put the json body"""

    def change_book(self, book_id: int) -> Book:

my_client = R("http://localhost/v1")
get_book: Book = my_client.get_book(1)

The Group

from pydantic_client import Group
from pydantic_client.clients.requests import RequestsClient

group = Group("/book")
person_group = Group("/person")

class GroupClient(RequestsClient):
    def __init__(self):

    def get(self, book_id: int) -> Book:  # type: ignore

    def get_person(self, person_id: int) -> Person:  # type: ignore

client = GroupClient()
book = client.get(1)
person = client.get_person(1)

change log

v0.1.14: add global or request level headers

# global level headers
my_client = R("http://localhost/v1", headers={"Authorization": "xxxxxxx"})

# request level headers, and its priority is higher than global. 

# header should be xxxxxxx
# header should be zzzzz
my_client.get(1, request_headers={"Authorization": "zzzzz"})
# header should be yyyyy, request_headers={"Authorization": "yyyyy"})