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PoolTogether API Monorepo

PoolTogether API Monorepo uses CloudFlare workers to build a minimal global API for use by PoolTogether integrators.


NOTE: Not all Prize Pools are supported. Only a select set of PoolTogether managed Prize Pools are available through the API.

NOTE: Workers in the same DNS Zones cannot make requests to each other. So we break apart the workers into different zones if need be.

v3 - Data

  • GET /pools/:chainId/:poolAddress
  • GET /pools/:chainId
  • GET /pods/:chainId/:podAddress
  • GET /pods/:chainId

v3 - Contract addresses

  • GET /v3/addresses/prize-pools/:chainId
  • GET /v3/addresses/prize-pools/:chainId/:prizePoolAddress

v4 - Contract addresses

  • GET /v4/addresses/prize-pools/:chainId
  • GET /v4/addresses/prize-pools/:chainId/:prizePoolAddress
  • GET /v4/addresses/prize-distributors/:chainId
  • GET /v4/addresses/prize-distributors/:chainId/:prizeDistributorAddress


  • GET /gas/:chainId
  • GET /gas/update

  • GET /:yieldSource
  • GET /update

  • GET /:chainId/:prizeDistributorAddress/prizes/:usersAddress/:drawId

v3 Prize Pools

  • GET {:network}

v3 Pod Addresses

  • GET {:network}

v3 Prize Pool Addresses

  • GET {:network}

v4 Prize Pool Addresses

  • GET {:network}

v4 Prize Distributor Addresses

  • GET {:network}


Architecture overview

Architecture overview

A common pattern we use is to have an "updater" worker that runs on a set interval to refresh data frequently for a KV. This is paired with a function or two in entrypoint which expose the data from the KV.

NOTE: Workers on the same zones cannot make requests to each other.



  1. yarn global add @cloudflare/wrangler and then log in wrangler login

Setup Existing Workers

To run a worker locally from workers, you will need to:

  1. run: cp wrangler.toml.example wrangler.toml and fill out account_id & other related variables inside wrangler.toml
  2. run: yarn

Creating A New Worker

To create a new worker you can generate a new one using (CloudFlares templates)[] or copy pasta an existing PT Worker. (contract-address-updater) and (tsunami-prizes) are more modern examples.

  1. run: cp wrangler.toml.example wrangler.toml and fill out account_id & other related variables inside wrangler.toml
  2. run: yarn

Development (pool-updater)

  1. In packages/api-runner run: yarn build
  2. In packages/api-runner run: yalc push
  3. In packages/api-pool-updater run: yalc link "@pooltogether/api-runner"
  4. In packages/api-pool-updater run: yarn dev mainnet
  5. In packages/api-entrypoint run: yarn dev --port 8888
  • to refresh the cache
  • to fetch all pools on mainnet

Updated values will be reflected in the development KV on Cloudflare.

Development (entrypoint)

  1. In packages/api-entrypoint run: yarn dev-prod
  2. API is available at

Development [api-runner](./packages/api-runner/ Workflow

  1. In packages/api-runner run: yarn build
  2. In packages/api-runner run: yalc push
  3. In packages/X run: yalc link "@pooltogether/api-runner"
  4. In packages/X run: yarn dev mainnet
  5. In packages/api-entrypoint run: yarn dev --port 8888
  • to refresh the cache
  • to fetch all pools on mainnet

Development (api-runner)

It's handy to be able to run it in the node REPL, as the Cloudflare worker environment is Rust emulating JS which proves difficult for debugging.

It's set up to be identical to the other libraries we create and use, being built independently with Rollup and then consumed by the pool updater.

  1. To run in dev mode, cd packages/api-entrypoint and run: yarn start
  2. To publish to production, cd packages/api-entrypoint and run wrangler publish
  3. To test the functionality:
  • cd packages/api-runner
  • yarn build
  • node
  • const { pool, pools } = require( './dist/index')
  • pool({ url: '' })
