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Metagenomic analysis

##Learning Objectives

  1. Reporting bioinformatics projects using Markdown
  2. Analyzing shotgun metagenme data
  3. Data munging with R
  4. Kraken, BWA analysis

##Introduction A recently published paper looked in depth at the environmental metagenome of the NYC subway:

This caused a lot of publicity:

Then follow-up apologia and discussions:

Species composition was determined using the megablast-LCA and metaphlan tools. An alternative approach is to use the rapid k-mer based Kraken software. In this exercise we will compare the results from Kraken to the published data and also look at the data from a view other angles.

##Write up results using markdown For the assignment, I would like students to complete at least 3 of the 4 sections below. Think of the instructions in each section as guidelines for an exploratory data analysis. Feel free to try different approaches/ parameters and explore results in more depth that you think are interesting.

The most important element of this assignment is not the results themselves but the write-up. Integrate all the code you used to create your results with commentary that will help users understand your choices but dont put so much extra text in that it becomes a chore to read. For each section that you complete include a succinct intro at the beginning and brief discussion of results at the end.

Make a new folder in your home area on the blnx1 server and keep results files you generate. You may wish to create a simple make file for the project if it helps to keep track of the commands that you have used.

I am asking you to use Markdown becasue this is a tool for creating blogs using sites such as Github. I am not asking that you maintain a git repo for your report but if you feel comfortable doing this then go right ahead.

I will leave it up to you how you go about creating your report. You probably want to create an Rmd file on the blnx1 Rstudio server to record the R commands you use. Remember you can also have code chunks in python and unix (bash) in Rmd files. You can create a markdown (.md) file from an Rmd on the command line like this.

Rscript -e "library(knitr); knit('my.Rmd')"

When you have finished your work on the server, I recommend moveing the .md file over to your laptop for the final editing. Create a new folder for the writeup containing your .md file. You can use Rstudio or any text editor to edit. There are also free markdown editors for Mac and Windows/Linux. The easiest way to add images is to place them in your results directory and use relative paths, e.g

###Other resources

Link to a recent project that I wrote up in this way.

##Data I have made sequence data available for 4 (out of the more than 1400) samples from the NYC project. These data were originally downloaded from NCBI and we have extracted the fastq data. Choose one of the four samples to work on:

  • P00134
  • P00497
  • P00073
  • P00070

Each project is in a folder in the directory /home/Shared/IBS574/TDR-metagenome-practical

Within each folder are two zipped fastq files - the forward and reverse reads.

(A side note: the P00134 project actually had two runs, but for simplicity I am not including here the run SRR1748707 which produced less data).

##Part I: Access the data and examine sequence quality ssh into the blnx1 server and clone the repo

 git clone ""

If you need to update the repo for the assignment, cd into this folder and use,

git pull

Create a new folder for the results of your analysis.

Make an assessment of the quality of the FASTQ data. Use the scripts you created in a previous practical to create images. Note the number and length of the reads and any other useful data you can glean.

##Part II: Kraken analysis Kraken is a software that classifies each read in a shotgun metagenome sample.

Information on Kraken can be found here:

Run this command to understand options for running this program.

kraken -h 

Run kraken using the minikraken database. and are the paths to the zipped fastq files for your project

 kraken --db /home/Shared/IBS574/TDR-metagenome-practical/minikraken_20141208 --fastq-input --gzip-compressed --classified-out ./krak_classified_reads --paired <FILE1>.fastq.gz <FILE2>.fastq.gz > ./kraken_out
 kraken-report --db /home/Shared/IBS574/TDR-metagenome-practical/minikraken_20141208 ./kraken_out > kraken_report

(The first command could take more than an hour to run so you might want to run between the class sessions.)

Take a look through the three output files you have created (krak_classified_reads, kraken.out, kraken_report) and try to understand what they are. The projects may have hits against the biodefense pathogens Bacillus anthracis and Yersinia pestis. Write a UNIX pipeline or a short ad hoc python/R script (or combination of both) that identifies the reads that map to these pathogens. Save them in a FASTA and run a BLAST search against the NCBI database. Do these reads have their best match against the biodefense pathogens, or could they come from close relatives?

(Hint: it will be helpful to find the NCBI Taxonomy ID associated with each species. This can be found in the kraken_report file. The fourth column is the taxonomic rank ('S' is for species) and the fiftth column is the NCBI Tax ID)

You can perform a BLAST search locally against the NCBI non-redundant nucleotide database using the following command (or use the NCBI web pages if you prefer)

 blastn -db /home/Shared/IBS574/BlastDB/nt  -query <YOUR QUERY FASTAFILE> -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore staxids"

Here, I have customized the output format to include the staxids field, which is the taxonmy ID of the subject match. See the blastn -help option for details.

The script knight_script.R , written by GMB student Anna Knight, can be adapted to pull out the reads that match the pathogens. If you run this script you can BLAST the files using:

 blastn -db /home/Shared/IBS574/BlastDB/nt  -query seqforpestis.fasta  -outfmt "6 stitle qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore staxids" >Blastouputoestis2
 awk '{print $1,$2}' Blastouputoestis2 | sort | uniq
 blastn -db /home/Shared/IBS574/BlastDB/nt  -query seqforanthrax.fasta  -outfmt "6 stitle qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore staxids" >Blastoutputanthrax2
 awk '{print $1,$2}' Blastoutputanthrax2 | sort | uniq

Did the reads that Kraken predicted to be Y. pstis or B. anthracis have BLAST matches only to these species? Were the two pathogens even the best hit for these reads? Discuss what the results are telling you about species prediction for metagenomics data using k-mers.

##Part III: Munging the data from supplemental data excel spreadsheet using R The word 'munge' appears to have have come into common usage in Scotland and Northern England in the 1940s-1950s, as a verb, meaning to munch up into a masticated mess.

To modern data science usage, to munge is to find ad hoc solutions to messy formatting problems.

In this case, the supplemental data for the paper contains a valuable excel spreadsheet that summarizes metadata about the 1400+ samples and the results of the species assignment using the Metaphlan tool ( This is an unwieldy data set to work with in Excel. It is better and more reproducible to bring it in to R and work with it there. Extracting useful information form Excel files is a common time-consuming task in bioinformatics.

In RStudio you can open the Excel file (which I have converted to .csv (comma-separated) with this line:

 temp.csv <- read.csv("/home/Shared/IBS574/TDR-metagenome-practical/DataTable5-metaphlan-metadata_v19.csv",stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE)

You will see that the spreadsheet contained, in effect, two tables. The first 29 columns describe the metadata for each sample (location, GPS, temperature etc). The rest of the columns describe the percent abundance of taxonomic groups dentified by Metaphlan. The first thought is that the abundances for each row should add up to 100% but instead they add up to about 800% (how can you show this?). You realize that this is becasue the percentage abundance for each taxonomic rank is shown separately and there are eight taxonomic ranks represented (see below). In order to compare across samples, we only want to focus on one rank. Lets pick a genus-level classification. A typical record looks like this:


So, 'k__' means the kingdom rank, 'c__' = class , and so on. To get the genus level information, you need to somehow pick out the columns that contain 'g__' but not 's__'.

There are numerous ways to do this, R, UNIX, python etc. Here is a way that illustrates a useful property of grep in R and also R set functions.

If you grep for the 'g__' pattern in the columns names, you get a vector of numbers. These are the columns that contain the pattern.

 [1]   35   36   37   38   42   43   44   46   47   48   49   52   53   55   56   57   58   64   65   66   71   72   73
 [24]   74   75   77   78   79   80   82   83   84   85   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99
 etc etc

You can then use the R 'setdiff' set function to list the columns that contain 'g__' but not 's__'.

 genera <- setdiff(grep("g__",colnames(temp.csv)),grep("s__",colnames(temp.csv)))

You can check by looking at the columns of the table corresponding to the numbers using R's subsetting. You can also check that the sums of the proportions add up to 100% (which they do in almost all cases - for this analysis we'll not worry about these unusual rows). Make sure you understand the commands below.


Given the above, try and answer the following questions.

  1. Are any genera called present in the Kraken analysis that were not in the metaphlan (or vice versa)? [QUITE HARD - you will need to google about pattern matching in R]
  2. What were the 20 most common bacterial genus discovered in the study (in terms of the number of samples where the genus was identified as > 0% of the microbiome)?
  3. What was the most common genus found in Brooklyn?
  4. Make a scatterplot of the proportion of the phyla Firmicutes and Bacteroides in each sample.
  5. (Optional). Install the R leaflet package and experiment with making interactive maps of locations of different species using the latitude and longitude coords

##Part IV BWA run against a commonly encountered bacterial genomes and qualitative analysis using IGV
From the previous analysis you will see that Pseudomonas stutzeri and Bacillus cereus are commonly found on the NYC subway surfaces. Here we will go back and map the metogenome data directly on to refernce genomes of these species using the BWA software tool in order to understand the pattern of sequecne reads mapping against the individual strains.

Get the fasta files of the chromosmes directly from NCBI using wget.

 wget -O Pstutz.fasta ""
 wget -O Bceresu.fasta "" 

Choose one of these species (or both if you like). Follow the path below to run the BWA mem alignment program, changing names and paths appropriately. You may want to move the analysis to a new separate directory.

First create an index for the reference fasta file. This will create the output below.

 bwa index Bcereus.fasta 
 [bwa_index] Pack FASTA... 0.04 sec
 [bwa_index] Construct BWT for the packed sequence...
 [bwa_index] 1.43 seconds elapse.
 [bwa_index] Update BWT... 0.03 sec
 [bwa_index] Pack forward-only FASTA... 0.03 sec
 [bwa_index] Construct SA from BWT and Occ... 0.60 sec
 [main] Version: 0.7.5a-r405
 [main] CMD: bwa index Bcereus.fasta
 [main] Real time: 2.140 sec; CPU: 2.130 sec

This creates some new binary files in your directory. Just like BLAST indexes , you dont need to worry about them.
Then run the metagenome fastq files against the index (here my fastq.gz files are in the directory belew so I use the '../' prefix - you may have set up your directories differently).

 bwa mem -t 1 Bcereus.fasta ../SRR1748618_1.fastq.gz ../SRR1748618_2.fastq.gz > Bcereus.sam & 

The -t option means that only a single processor is used to save resources. The ampersand (&) means that the process runs in the background. BWA will run for a while spitting out a lot of verbiage. The results are being saved in a SAM format file. If you are not familiar with SAM and BAM format files, this is a good place to start.

The output SAM format file is text. Take a look at it and think of a way to count the number of reads mapped agianst the B. cereus genome. How does it compare with the results from Kraken and Metaphlan?

Using samtools the SAM files can be converted to the binary BAM format, which is more compact and customarily used for downstream analysis.

 samtools view -bS -o Bcereus.bam Bcereus.sam

Then the BAM file is sorted (reads arranged in order of where they align to the referrence) for further downstream efficency and indexed.

 samtools sort Bcereus.bam Bcereus_sorted
 samtools index Bcereus_sorted.bam

The easist next step is to copy the .bam file, its index (.bai) and the Bcereus fasta file back to a folder on your home computer. Don't sync through git - the file is too large. If you are on a Mac or Linux machine, go to folder in your home computer where you want to save the file and use the scp command to retrieve the file. Below is the command I used (with the path to the directories I created). Windows users see Suggested SFTP tools. You will need your server pasword. Substitute with the specific path on the server. (An alternative, probably easier, is to move the files to your own computer using git push and pull commands).

 scp<PATH-TO>/Bcereus_sorted.bam ./
 scp<PATH-TO>/Bcereus_sorted.bam.bai ./
 scp<PATH-TO>/Bcereus.fasta ./

Next is to visualize the aligned reads using the Broad IGV. The most current version is 2.3.40. The free software can be downloaded from:

You will need to register your email in order to download. Open the IGV and then open the 'Genomes' tab. Click the 'Create .genomes file'. Upload the FASTA file for the genome. Then in the 'File' tab, go to 'Load from file' and upload the BAM file.

Adjust the scale on the top right hand side to view the sequecne reads. Right click on a read and choose the 'View as pairs' option. Make sure you under what the arrows and the colors on the pairs mean.

Annotation data, as GFF3 format files can be downleaded at these URLs:

Download to your computer and then load the appropriate GFF3 into the IGV. You will need to right-click on the track and select the Expanded view.

Examine the alignments and make some screen-grabs for your report. Questions to think about include:

  • Is the distribtion of aligned reads even across the genome?
  • Are there regions with unusually high or low coverage?
  • Are there any 'broken' mate-pairs and why might this be happening.
  • In general, are there a large number of SNPs between the individual reads and the genome?
  • Is there any evidence that the metagenome reads derive from more than one genetically distinct organism?