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executable file
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Brief Introdution of

File metadata and controls

executable file
60 lines (33 loc) · 2.68 KB

Brief Introduction of Spark-Suite

1. Introduction

Spark-Suite is a benchmarking tool for spark. It can change configurations of Apache Spark. It can automatically submit Spark jobs automatically, and provides CVS files containing the performance data of each job. It also provides a website to make the process of getting benchmarking more easily.

2. Usage

There are three ways to use this tool:

  1. Command Line:

    You can run tool using this command:

    java -jar Spark-Suite.jar -P=[p1=v11,v12;p2=v21,v22,v23] -J=jarfile.jar

    Take the above command as an example, when you press the enter, this tool will submit jarfile.jar to spark cluster 6 times with different configurations. In other words, the Spark cluster will execute jobs with 6 different configurations. After the execution of the jobs. this tool will generate 6 CVS files containing the performance figures of each job.

  2. Restful API:

    If you like, you can send a post request to Spark-Suite to submit spark jobs and get the CVS files. The request should contain to parameters:

    1. params: This is the the config params of sparks and should look like this p1=v11,v12;p2=v21,v22,v23
    1. jar: This is the content of jar file.

    When it receives the request, the tool will submit spark jobs and after the execution the jobs, this tool will return a list of the URL of CVS files and you can download the CVS files through the URL

  3. Web:

    You can select the params in the web page and then input the values you want. After uploading the jar file which will be executed and pressing the submit button, spark jobs will be submitted. After the execution, diagrams of performance figures and CVS files will be generated.

3. Structure

This tool has two parts:

  1. Spark-Suite.jar

    This part has the following functions:

     1. Parsing and combining the input params.(Finished)
     2. Changing the configuration of Spark.(Finished)
     2. Submitting Spark jobs.
     3. Collecting the performance figures of Spark jobs and generate CVS files.(In process)
     4. Providing Restful API(In process)
  2. Web-UI

    This is not only the user interface of Spark-Suite, but also one Restful API Client of Spark-Suite.jar.

    This part has the following functions:

     1. The user can choose params, input values and upload jar file in the website (Finished initial UI and In process)
     2. Invoking the Restful API of Spark-Suite.jar to submit Spark job.
     3. Generating diagrams of the performance figures of Spark jobs and providing the download of CVS files.

##4. Demonstration

This tool will be integrated into 3 existing benchmark topologies (preferably with different characteristics, CPU intensive, Mem intensive) to demonstrate the usability of the tool.