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Pop!_OS UEFI ARM64 Image

This is a repository that contains scripts for compiling an ARM64 UEFI image for Pop!_OS.


Install dependencies

# Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install debootstrap mtools parted gnupg systemd-container eatmydata rsync git squashfs-tools
# Install dependencies, if your builder system is NOT arm64
sudo apt-get install binfmt-support qemu qemu-user-static

Build everything

cd pop-arm64
# Build the entire live image
sudo ./

The live GPT image file will be output to build/

Rebuild live image

Note: you must have ran build-generic once already, or at least the non-live scripts!

# Go to the build folder
cd pop-arm64/build
# Re-build the live parts of the image
sudo ../scripts/live/ && \
	sudo ../scripts/live/ && \
	sudo ../scripts/live/

Once again, the live GPT image file will be output to build/


The script will do exactly what it says - it will clean up the build folder, except for the cache folder, which is used by debootstrap to cache debs.

cd pop-arm64
# Clean the build folder