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David Ordnung edited this page Mar 25, 2014 · 5 revisions

Hey, welcome to the Stamm Server Admin Wiki. Great to see that you wanna use Stamm.

Just read the next pages and learn how to use Stamm.

Setup levels

Stamm supports currently up to 100 levels.

There are two kind of levels: Public and private ones.

Public levels are achievable by every client with points, private levels are only for clients with specific admin flags.

A public level has the following structure:

// You need this name for the feature level settings, it must be unique
	// This is the name of your level. The Players see this name!
	"name"		"<levelname>"

	// This defines, how much points a player need to get this level
	"points"	"<points>"

And private level has the following structure:

// You need this name for the feature level settings, it must be unique
	// This is the name of your level. The Players see this name!
	"name"		"<levelname>"

	// This defines the flag a player need to access this private level
	"flag"	"<adminflag>"

You can configure the levels in cfg/stamm/StammLevels.txt.

This is the default file:

		"name"      "Bronze"
		"points"    "500"
		"name"      "Silver"
		"points"    "1000"
		"name"      "Gold"
		"points"    "1500"
		"name"      "Platinum"
		"points"    "2000"
		"name"      "Diamond"
		"points"    "2500"
		"name"      "God"
		"points"    "3000"
	//  "name"      "Special"
	//  "flag"      "abt"

It simply says, that you become Bronze VIP with 500 points, Silver VIP with 1000 points, and so on.

Here is the last level (default disabled) a private one, it uses a flag string instead of points.

You can change this file, with the structures from above, as you like.

So if you only want two levels, named Urban and City at 1000 and 2000 points, than use:

		"name"      "Urban"
		"points"    "1000"

		"name"      "City"
		"points"    "2000"

And so on.

Configure the database

You can use SQLite or MySQL to save the database stuff.
If you use SQLite, than you don't have to do anything on the database file.

If you use MySQL than create a stamm_sql entry in the addons/sourcemod/config/database.cfg file:

	"driver"			"mysql"
	"host"				"YOUR MYSQL HOST"

Just edit the host, database, user and pass fields with your data.
Notice: The MySQL database must be an external database!

Set config and upload

As the last step open cfg/stamm/stamm_config.cfg and edit the settings as you like!


// Stamm Tag to use in Chat. Use this for a CSGO Server
// -
// Default: "{lightgreen}[ {green}Stamm {lightgreen}]"
stamm_tag "{lightgreen}[ {green}Stamm {lightgreen}]"

// Stamm Tag to use for CSS, DODS and TF2 with morecolors support. This will overwrite the stamm_tag cvar.
// -
// Default: "{strange}[ {mediumseagreen}Stamm {strange}]"
stamm_tag_morecolors "{strange}[ {mediumseagreen}Stamm {strange}]"

// How to get Points, 1=kills, 2=rounds, 3=time, 4=kills&rounds, 5=kills&time, 6=rounds&time, 7=kills&rounds&time
// -
// Default: "1"
stamm_vip_type "1"

// If you set points for time: How much minutes are one point?
// -
// Default: "1"
stamm_time_point "1"

// If you have more than one Server, type here your Server number in, e.g. 1. Server = 1. This will be append to the table name
// -
// Default: "1"
stamm_serverid "1"

// Your Stamm Table Name. It appends '_<serverid>' at the end!
// -
// Default: "STAMM_DB"
stamm_table_name "STAMM_DB"

// 1 = Give less Players more Points, with factor: ((max players on your server) - (current players)) / 4, 0 = disable
// -
// Default: "0"
stamm_extrapoints "0"

// Flags a player needs to access the stamm admin menu (see addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_levels.cfg for all flags)
// -
// Default: "bt"
stamm_adminflag "bt"

// Flags a player needs to get instantly highest VIP (see addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_levels.cfg for all flags), 0 = Off
// -
// Default: "0"
stamm_oflag "0"

// x = Days until a inactive player gets deleted, 0 = Off
// -
// Default: "0"
stamm_delete "0"

// x = Days until a inactive player starts losing points, 0 = Off
// -
// Default: "0"
stamm_delete_points "0"

// x = Points a player loses for being inactive
// -
// Default: "2"
stamm_delete_points_count "2"

// x = Interval in hours, after being inactive, in which a player will losing the specific points
// -
// Default: "24"
stamm_delete_points_interval "24"

// Shows every x Seconds all Players their Points (480 = 8 minutes), 0 = Off
// -
// Default: "480"
stamm_showpoints "480"

// Info Message Interval in seconds (300 = 5 minutes), 0 = Off
// -
// Default: "300"
stamm_infotime "300"

// Path to the level up sound, beginning after sound/, 0 = Off
// -
// Default: "stamm/lvlup.mp3"
stamm_lvl_up_sound "stamm/lvlup.mp3"

// Number of Players, which have to be on the Server, to count points
// -
// Default: "0"
stamm_min_player "0"

// 1 = When a Player join, he see his points, 0 = OFF
// -
// Default: "1"
stamm_join_show "1"

// 1 = All see the players points, 0 = only the player, who write it in the chat
// -
// Default: "1"
stamm_see_text "1"

// 1 = Use levelname in chat instead of term "VIP", 0 = Use term "VIP"
// -
// Default: "0"
stamm_striptag "0"

// 1 = Player sees a menu when typing stamm command, 0 = Just a chat message
// -
// Default: "0"
stamm_usemenu "0"

// 1 = Players see a notify when they get points through kill/round/time, 0 = Disable
// -
// Default: "1"
stamm_text_on_points "1"

// 1 = Auto Update Stamm and it's features (Needs the Auto Updater), 0 = Off
// -
// Default: "1"
stamm_autoupdate "1"

// (Only TF2) 1 = Show points always on HUD, 0 = Off
// -
// Default: "1"
stamm_hudtext "1"

// 1 = Log in an extra File lot of information(Enable this if you have problems!), 0=disable
// -
// Default: "0"
stamm_debug "0"

// COMMAND SETTINGS (add sm_ for a sourcemod console command, it adds automatically ! or / instead of sm_ for chat use)

// Command to see current points
// -
// Default: "sm_stamm"
stamm_texttowrite "sm_stamm"

// Command for Admin Menu
// -
// Default: "sm_sadmin"
stamm_admin_menu "sm_sadmin"

// Command to see infos about stamm
// -
// Default: "sm_sinfo"
stamm_info_cmd "sm_sinfo"

// Command to put ones features on/off
// -
// Default: "sm_schange"
stamm_change_cmd "sm_schange"

// Command for VIP Top 10
// -
// Default: "sm_slist"
stamm_viplist "sm_slist"

// Command for VIP Rank
// -
// Default: "sm_srank"
stamm_viprank "sm_srank"

Finally upload all files and restart your server.
Now you are finished with the core Stamm plugin.

Report Bugs

If you have a bug than you can report it either on the sourcemod forum or here in Github.

To fix a bug i need the sourcemod/logs folder!