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Render Portable Text with Vue.

Migrating from sanity-blocks-vue-component? Refer to the migration docs.

Note that for terseness, render functions are used for many of examples below for simple elements, but single file components or JSX can also be used just as easily.

Table of contents


npm install --save @portabletext/vue

Basic usage

<script setup>
import { PortableText } from '@portabletext/vue';

      /* array of portable text blocks */
      /* optional object of custom components to use */

Styling the output

The rendered HTML does not have any styling applied, so you will either render a parent container with a class name you can target in your CSS, or pass custom components if you want to control the direct markup and CSS of each element.

Customizing components

Default components are provided for all standard features of the Portable Text spec, with logical HTML defaults. You can pass an object of components to use, both to override the defaults and to provide components for your custom content types.

Provided components will be merged with the defaults. In other words, you only need to provide the things you want to override.

<script setup>
import { PortableText } from '@portabletext/vue';

const myPortableTextComponents = {
  types: {
    image: ({ value }) => h('img', { src: value.imageUrl }),
    callToAction: ({ value, isInline }, { slots }) =>
        ? h('a', { href: value.url }, value.text)
        : h('div', { class: 'callToAction' }, value.text),

  marks: {
    link: ({ value }, { slots }) => {
      const rel = !value.href.startsWith('/') ? 'noreferrer noopener' : undefined;
      return h('a', { href: value.href, rel }, slots.default?.());

  <PortableText :value="props.value" :components="myPortableTextComponents" />

Single file components

Single file components can be used as custom renderers, and will receive the props listed below. In most components, the value prop will be the most frequently accessed. It is recommended that you define these props in your component, or you may want to disable attribute inheritance if they are unused.

Prop Description
value Data associated with the node, e.g. the raw JSON value
index Index with respect to the block’s parent
isInline Whether or not the node is “inline”
renderNode Internal rendering function, rarely needed

Defining props with TypeScript

When using TypeScript, you can use defineProps with the PortableTextComponentProps type to prevent boilerplate prop definitions. Pass the structure of the value prop as a generic type parameter.

Example of a single file component to render some custom buttons with an index and button text from the following PortableText:

    "_type": "button",
    "_key": "abc",
    "text": "My Button"
    "_type": "button",
    "_key": "def",
    "text": "Your Button"
<script lang="ts" setup>
import type { PortableTextComponentProps } from '@portabletext/vue';

    text: string;

  <button>{{ index + 1 }}: {{ value.text }}</button>

Available components

These are the overridable/implementable keys:


An object of Vue components that renders different types of objects that might appear both as part of the input array, or as inline objects within text blocks - eg alongside text spans.

Use the isInline property to check whether or not this is an inline object or a block.

The object has the shape {typeName: VueComponent}, where typeName is the value set in individual _type attributes.

Example of rendering a custom image object:

<script setup>
import { PortableText } from '@portabletext/vue';
import urlBuilder from '@sanity/image-url';
import { getImageDimensions } from '@sanity/asset-utils';

// Barebones lazy-loaded image component
const SampleImageComponent = ({ value, isInline }) => {
  const { width, height } = getImageDimensions(value);
  return h('img', {
    src: urlBuilder()
      .width(isInline ? 100 : 800)
    alt: value.alt || ' ',
    loading: 'lazy',
    style: {
      // Display alongside text if image appears inside a block text span
      display: isInline ? 'inline-block' : 'block',
      // Avoid jumping around with aspect-ratio CSS property
      aspectRatio: width / height,

const components = {
  types: {
    image: SampleImageComponent,
    // Any other custom types you have in your content
    // Examples: mapLocation, contactForm, code, featuredProjects, latestNews, etc.

  <PortableText :value="somePortableTextInput" :components="components" />


Object of Vue components that renders different types of marks that might appear in spans. Marks can be either be simple "decorators" (eg emphasis, underline, italic) or full "annotations" which include associated data (eg links, references, descriptions).

If the mark is a decorator, the component will receive a markType prop which has the name of the decorator (eg em). If the mark is an annotation, it will receive both a markType with the associated _type property (eg link), and a value property with an object holding the data for this mark.

The component also receives any children in the default slot that should (usually) be returned in whatever parent container component makes sense for this mark (eg <a>, <em>).

// `components` object you'll pass to PortableText w/ optional TS definition
import { PortableTextComponents } from '@portabletext/vue';

const components: PortableTextComponents = {
  marks: {
    // Ex. 1: custom renderer for the em / italics decorator
    em: (_, { slots }) => h('em', { class: 'text-gray-600 font-semibold' }, slots.default?.()),

    // Ex. 2: rendering a custom `link` annotation
    link: ({ value }, { slots }) => {
      const target = (value?.href || '').startsWith('http') ? '_blank' : undefined;
        { href: value?.href, target, rel: target === '_blank' && 'noindex nofollow' },


An object of Vue components that renders portable text blocks with different style properties. The object has the shape {styleName: VueComponent}, where styleName is the value set in individual style attributes on blocks (normal being the default).

// `components` object you'll pass to PortableText
const components = {
  block: {
    // Ex. 1: customizing common block types
    h1: (_, { slots }) => h('h1', { class: 'text-2xl' }, slots.default?.()),
    blockquote: (_, { slots }) =>
      h('blockquote', { class: 'border-l-purple-500' }, slots.default?.()),

    // Ex. 2: rendering custom styles
    customHeading: (_, { slots }) =>
      h('h2', { class: 'text-lg text-primary text-purple-700' }, slots.default?.()),

The block object can also be set to a single Vue component, which would handle block styles of any type.


Object of Vue components used to render lists of different types (bullet vs number, for instance, which by default is <ul> and <ol>, respectively).

Note that there is no actual "list" node type in the Portable Text specification, but a series of list item blocks with the same level and listItem properties will be grouped into a virtual one inside of this library.

const components = {
  list: {
    // Ex. 1: customizing common list types
    bullet: (_, { slots }) => h('ul', { class: 'mt-xl' }, slots.default?.()),
    number: (_, { slots }) => h('ol', { class: 'mt-lg' }, slots.default?.()),

    // Ex. 2: rendering custom lists
    checkmarks: (_, { slots }) => h('ol', { class: 'm-auto text-lg' }, slots.default?.()),

The list property can also be set to a single Vue component, which would handle lists of any type.


Object of Vue components used to render different list item styles. The object has the shape {listItemType: VueComponent}, where listItemType is the value set in individual listItem attributes on blocks.

const components = {
  listItem: {
    // Ex. 1: customizing common list types
    bullet: (_, { slots }) =>
      h('li', { style: { listStyleType: 'disclosure-closed' } }, slots.default?.()),

    // Ex. 2: rendering custom list items
    checkmarks: (_, { slots }) => h('li', ['✅', slots.default?.()]),

The listItem property can also be set to a single Vue component, which would handle list items of any type.


Component to use for rendering "hard breaks", eg \n inside of text spans.

Will by default render a <br />. Pass false to render as-is (\n)


Vue component used when encountering a mark type there is no registered component for in the components.marks prop.


Vue component used when encountering an object type there is no registered component for in the components.types prop.


Vue component used when encountering a block style there is no registered component for in the components.block prop. Only used if components.block is an object.


Vue component used when encountering a list style there is no registered component for in the components.list prop. Only used if components.list is an object.


Vue component used when encountering a list item style there is no registered component for in the components.listItem prop. Only used if components.listItem is an object.

Disabling warnings / handling unknown types

When the library encounters a block, mark, list or list item with a type that is not known (eg it has no corresponding component in the components property), it will by default print a console warning.

To disable this behavior, you can either pass false to the onMissingComponent property, or give it a custom function you want to use to report the error. For instance:

<script setup>
import { PortableText } from '@portabletext/vue';

const onMissingComponent = (message, options) => {, {
    // eg `someUnknownType`
    type: options.type,
    // 'block' | 'mark' | 'blockStyle' | 'listStyle' | 'listItemStyle'
    nodeType: options.nodeType,

      /* array of portable text blocks */
  <!-- or, pass the function: -->
      /* array of portable text blocks */

Rendering Plain Text

This module also exports a function (toPlainText()) that will render one or more Portable Text blocks as plain text. This is helpful in cases where formatted text is not supported, or you need to process the raw text value.

For instance, to render a meta description for a page:

import { toPlainText } from '@portabletext/vue';

// Imported from @unhead/vue
  meta: [{ name: 'description', value: toPlainText(myPortableTextData) }],

Or to generate element IDs for headers, in order for them to be linkable:

import { PortableText, toPlainText, PortableTextComponents } from '@portabletext/vue';
import slugify from 'slugify';

const LinkableHeader = ({ value }, { slots }) => {
  // `value` is the single Portable Text block of this header
  const slug = slugify(toPlainText(value));
  return h('h2', { id: slug }, slots.default?.());

const components: PortableTextComponents = {
  block: {
    h2: LinkableHeader,

Typing Portable Text

Portable Text data can be typed using the @portabletext/types package.

Basic usage

Use PortableTextBlock without generics for loosely typed defaults.

import { PortableTextBlock } from '@portabletext/types';

interface MySanityDocument {
  portableTextField: (PortableTextBlock | SomeBlockType)[];

Narrow types, marks, inline-blocks and lists

PortableTextBlock supports generics, and has the following signature:

interface PortableTextBlock<
  M extends PortableTextMarkDefinition = PortableTextMarkDefinition,
  C extends TypedObject = ArbitraryTypedObject | PortableTextSpan,
  S extends string = PortableTextBlockStyle,
  L extends string = PortableTextListItemType,
> {}

Create your own, narrowed Portable text type:

import {
} from '@portabletext/types';

interface FirstMark extends PortableTextMarkDefinition {
  _type: 'firstMark';
  // ...other fields

interface SecondMark extends PortableTextMarkDefinition {
  _type: 'secondMark';
  // ...other fields

type CustomMarks = FirstMark | SecondMark;


interface MyInlineBlock {
  _type: 'myInlineBlock';
  // ...other fields

type InlineBlocks = PortableTextSpan | MyInlineBlock;


type TextStyles = 'normal' | 'h1' | 'myCustomStyle';


type ListStyles = 'bullet' | 'myCustomList';


// Putting it all together by specifying generics
// all of these are valid:
// type CustomPortableTextBlock = PortableTextBlock<CustomMarks>
// type CustomPortableTextBlock = PortableTextBlock<CustomMarks, InlineBlocks>
// type CustomPortableTextBlock = PortableTextBlock<CustomMarks, InlineBlocks, TextStyles>
type CustomPortableTextBlock = PortableTextBlock<CustomMarks, InlineBlocks, TextStyles, ListStyles>;

// Other BLOCKS that can appear inbetween text

interface MyCustomBlock {
  _type: 'myCustomBlock';
  // ...other fields

type PortableTextFieldType = CustomPortableTextBlock | MyCustomBlock;

// Using it in your document type
interface MyDocumentType {
  portableTextField: PortableTextFieldType[];


This repository is adapted from @portabletext/react which provided the vast majority of node rendering logic.
