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Release 2.18.4

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@deviantony deviantony released this 06 Jul 23:36


See Upgrading Portainer instructions.

Overview of changes

New Portainer CE 2.18.4 release

Resolved CVEs


  • Upgraded Docker Compose version to v2.17.2 for Portainer Agent #9095
  • Resolve a problem building Portainer due to an issue with v1.53.0 of golangci-lint. #9057


  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to migrate or duplicate their swarm stack #9097


  • Resolved an issue where the static IP addresses in a macvlan were unexpectedly changed #9101
  • Enhanced the user experience of the 'Skip TLS Verification' feature by adding a confirmation modal #9098
  • Resolved an issue where recreate containers fail when it has a shared and external volumes #9102

REST API Changes

  • Resolved an issue where the response from the API was inconsistent when querying all endpoints and a specific endpoint #9096