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Install Portalium Application

The Portalium application can be install via composer on terminal.

Composer create-project

Composer command create-project to checkout the portalium-kickstarter application. It is recommended to run the create-project command directly from your htdocs/www folder like this:

composer create-project portalium/yii2-kickstarter --stability dev

The create-project command will create a folder (inside of your current folder) named portalium-kickstarter. (This name is changeable) If you want create-project by directory name (ex. portalium), run command like this:

composer create-project portalium/yii2-kickstarter portalium --stability dev

Also if you want to chekout the special version/branch of portalium-kickstarter application (ex. develop) by cloning the git repositories of packages inside the vendor directory, run command like this:

composer create-project portalium/yii2-kickstarter:dev-develop portalium  --prefer-source --stability dev

Init Project for Development

Preapare the database information (db hostname, db name, db username, db password). Run init file in project directory like this:

php init

If you don't want to create indexes in your tables, you can use the following command:

php init --noIndex

Select the option Development. And then configure the database settings in ../common/config/main-local.php file.

Migrate Database

After the setting database configuration, run migrate command like this:

php portalium migrate

After successfully base migration, run migrate command for all portalium modules like this:

php migration

Access App

You can open application on a single domain so / is web, /api is RESTful web service api. Example links for access to Portalium App:

web: http://localhost/portalium-kickstarter

rest-api: http://localhost/portalium-kickstarter/api


Create Index Error

Description: While setting up on Windows computers, if the container to which the database is connected suddenly shuts down during the creation of database tables and some tables are missing in the database, an error message "Settings not found" is encountered when attempting to access the site.

Solution: To resolve this issue, remove the database and reinstall it using the command

php init --noIndex


Project Kickstarter for Portalium





